Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Once again, what does that have to do with sending stuff that can be tested?

You promote a company that cannot perform certain tests that are crucial for harm reduction (neither can any other that is accessible/affordable by our community by the way). You've seemingly made no effort, or certainly no visible progress, in finding another laboratory that can perform the HGH tests Meso considers necessary, so are you essentially advocating for no proper HGH testing including dimer at all?
Jano doesn't respond because he will look like a fool, instead he just calls people names and moves on. Then people like you talk for him because he won't.
Has it occurred to you that because people don't respond to every one of your dozens of posts in a row during your midnight binge it might be because they have better things to do instead of talking to a self-contradictory junkie?

You know, like having a business that's not a failure for starters. :cool:
You trust him.

^^^^^I just had to see that again, lol

If you're talking about jano sinking my ship you must be kidding.

Jano doesn't have that kind of power over me.

Jano only has that power over people that give him that power.

Ya, I'm not giving money over to a scammer dude, why can't you control freaks get it through your heads?

No scammer testing even if that means I don't test.

Jano doesn't respond because he will look like a fool, instead he just calls people names and moves on. Then people like you talk for him because he won't.

Good job fella but you are being played.

You managed to miss the point entirely retard. No testing? No sales. At least not anything worthwhile. You want to play ball? Learn the little league first.
Thanks guys I appreciate all the feedback. What a mess. I think I may be just better off dealing with the annoying doctor visits and tests for my trt than deal with all this shit lol. I guess it comes with the territory though.
Sure, the setup for testing finished products and one bilionth the amount from biological fluids is pretty much the same thing.

How could lab specifically set up for one not be able to do the other?

In fact, why is there not a single superlab able to test everything, but instead hundreds of thousands of small labs focused on different stuff?

I'm mostly talking about testing the amount in suspensions. That's what's making me a bit sus.

I'm not trying to hate on you or anything. I'm just expressing my thoughts. I do this IRL also.

Either way you have you're hustle and I respect that.
I'm mostly talking about testing the amount in suspensions. That's what's making me a bit sus.

I'm not trying to hate on you or anything. I'm just expressing my thoughts. I do this IRL also.

Either way you have you're hustle and I respect that.
Suspensions are a pain in the ass, but if youhave doubts, you can always send a blind sample :)
I’ve personally sent primo, and var in for testing. Both unlabeled. They came back as labeled. I also asked if he could test hmg and he told me there is currently no reliable test for hmg. That is enough for me to trust him enough. If he wanted, he could have taken the hmg, charged me an insanely high rate and lied. He didn’t. Im glad he’s here
Just writing my experience with @janoshik , as I myself am I suspicious guy. I doubted him because some of the gear he had tested from a source felt like shit. I felt nothing, when usually I get a little up from Test P. So, having prescribed TRT composed of 3 esters (Test P, Test E, Test C) I told him I was going to send him a sample and I wanted his results. Thats It.
My prescribed TRT was labeled and ordered from the doctor as 40mg Test P, 80mg Test C, and 80mg Test E.
I sent Jano a sample, slowly, due to the mail system, but within 3 days of him receiving it I got these results...

Test Report #21023 (2).jpg

So, pretty damn accurate. Now I don't know everything or what goes on behind the scenes, but I just felt compelled to share that, as it showed to me that the man has the capabilities and knowledge to correctly analyze samples.
So those who are unsure - send a blind sample. Yea it'll cost some money but it helped me, as the numbers don't lie.
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I send Jano a pair of unmarked socks. It took a few weeks, but he emailed me back saying that a "faggot wore them." And he was right...they are a pair of @TrenTrenTren's socks lol.
Third-party testing is when a manufacturing company sends its product to an outside, unbiased lab for testing to see if it meets the standards of the company, and to ensure that what is on the label is actually inside the product. Now, that is fine in the legal market where the manufacturer obtains legal quality certificates according to their results, these certifications are constantly monitored by the companies that grant such accreditations and even so, they cheat with that, what can we expect in an illegal market… where there is no such certificate, this is done only for marketing by the dealers so it would not be smart to trust in the results test of samples sent by the source itself, he could send real samples for the test and then sell cheap garbage instead (in this way, they low the final cost and have the products at better pricing but half or more of the batch is crap). In the end, you have to make a test by yourself if you want to be sure…
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As a new person here and as this is years old. Does the community have a consensus on trustworthy testing labs? Who to go to for what? I understand this is a quasi underground and money corrupts, but even Fight Club had rules.
As a new person here and as this is years old. Does the community have a consensus on trustworthy testing labs? Who to go to for what? I understand this is a quasi underground and money corrupts, but even Fight Club had rules.
I understand you are new so I will give some opinions. This forum is not a "team" of members who decide what is good and what is bad. It is up to you to do your own research and make your own decisions. You will find members here with very strong opinions that oppose each other. There is no collective opinion on any testing, vendor, protocol, etc. When you are new you will read things that are very accurate and things that are complete bullshit and both may be written confidently and sound convincing. It is up to you to educate yourself and figure out which information you wish to follow.

There are no leaders here and there's no vote or consensus on what's true or not true for most topics. Over time if you do your due diligence you will find which members are worth listening to and which aren't and you will make your own decisions on how to navigate towards your goals. There is also the added complication of people running businesses and making money which of course throws a monkey wrench into it all.

Is Jano legit? Is he a scammer? These are just opinions and there is a lot of reading to do and then you can formulate your own opinion about his services.

A general rule if you come to this forum and ask people to spoon feed you what you want to know you are going to likely get told to fuck off and you are setting yourself up to get scammed by people who want your money. If you have a question start using the search bar and get to reading. It just takes time to build your knowledge base and there's no way around that. Do your DD and when in doubt dig deeper and keep reading. When you are new pretty much every question you have has been answered dozens of times, you just need to put the work in to find those threads and read them.
I understand you are new so I will give some opinions. This forum is not a "team" of members who decide what is good and what is bad. It is up to you to do your own research and make your own decisions. You will find members here with very strong opinions that oppose each other. There is no collective opinion on any testing, vendor, protocol, etc. When you are new you will read things that are very accurate and things that are complete bullshit and both may be written confidently and sound convincing. It is up to you to educate yourself and figure out which information you wish to follow.

There are no leaders here and there's no vote or consensus on what's true or not true for most topics. Over time if you do your due diligence you will find which members are worth listening to and which aren't and you will make your own decisions on how to navigate towards your goals. There is also the added complication of people running businesses and making money which of course throws a monkey wrench into it all.

Is Jano legit? Is he a scammer? These are just opinions and there is a lot of reading to do and then you can formulate your own opinion about his services.

A general rule if you come to this forum and ask people to spoon feed you what you want to know you are going to likely get told to fuck off and you are setting yourself up to get scammed by people who want your money. If you have a question start using the search bar and get to reading. It just takes time to build your knowledge base and there's no way around that. Do your DD and when in doubt dig deeper and keep reading. When you are new pretty much every question you have has been answered dozens of times, you just need to put the work in to find those threads and read them.
How are is the Kano issue an opinion? Someone (whom has been around for many years before Jano) sent him a sample. He sent back results on the sample. Then Mands got the sample return to sender- it was never opened. Sounds like a scamming piece of shit to me!
As a new person here and as this is years old. Does the community have a consensus on trustworthy testing labs? Who to go to for what? I understand this is a quasi underground and money corrupts, but even Fight Club had rules.
I hope you didn’t put your face in the picture on the forum that involves interstate drug trafficking lol
hey, hey, hey there.

aren't you the opiate addict that claimed the my reports are fake because you couldn't wrap your mind around the fact that the European date format is a thing?

Who is asking to be spoon fed. You either have an opinion on reputable testing labs or you don't. At 56 years old I am fully aware of my ability to read and make up my own mind. My question is do members have testing labs they do recommend. Geez what's with all the hostility. Help me or ignore me; lectures aren't needed.