Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

I'm a little confused here. So you're saying that you calling janoshik a pedophile was something you made up as an analogy?
Perhaps read through it again- it was made painfully clear. I am a person who has made plenty of mistakes in my life, and one thing I have found is that most things you can make up for. That being said, there are things that you fuck up once and you are branded for life. Pedophilia for instance- touch one kid and you are a worthless pedophile for the rest of your life. No coming back from that. Snitching is another- snitch once and that’s it- better off dead as well. Scamming would be a strong third. Someone sent jano a test, he gave a result for the sample, then my friend got the pack he sent back in the mail as undeliverable. Do I think that is somehow related to or as bad as pedophilia? Not at all. I do think that both of those offenses brand you for life however, and it was that parallel that led to the analogy. The fact everyone is focusing on a tasteless choice of subject matter instead of the fact that the guy who they trust with their testing is not to be trusted (I see he actually hangs out with some sources lol) is why I stopped coming around. I spent many years trying to drive people away who always inevitably scammed the board with fake gear, but it was a complete waste of time. The scammers always have a financial interest in posting harder with multiple handles, fanboys providing reviews for gear and a long line of morons who are so desperate for a source they overlook the people who complain… so at the end of the day, who cares. You can all get fucked the way the rest of us did years ago. Makes no difference to me at this point.
Now jano is a fireman? lol dipshit.
The point is you bitching that jano makes money is a nonsensical point, lol. What lab out there, or for that matter what service out there, does work for free?

It’s cool you helped the community in the past, but your incoherent ramblings here are not helpful at all. You’re literally screaming about child genitalia over some “scam” from 7 years ago in which mands admits in this very thread that no money was lost.

Where is this great scam you’re seeing? Or for that matter what possible solutions do you have to said scam? You got some magic lab the rest of us haven’t heard of up your sleeve to use? Should we just use palumbo’s stupid regent tests? Should we just return to the good old days of Chinese made COA and blindly believe it? Are we supposed to just ignore all the people blind testing homebrew random mixes and jano getting the amounts correct because mands had an issue 7 years ago?

What solution do you have?
Perhaps read through it again- it was made painfully clear. I am a person who has made plenty of mistakes in my life, and one thing I have found is that most things you can make up for. That being said, there are things that you fuck up once and you are branded for life. Pedophilia for instance- touch one kid and you are a worthless pedophile for the rest of your life. No coming back from that. Snitching is another- snitch once and that’s it- better off dead as well. Scamming would be a strong third. Someone sent jano a test, he gave a result for the sample, then my friend got the pack he sent back in the mail as undeliverable. Do I think that is somehow related to or as bad as pedophilia? Not at all. I do think that both of those offenses brand you for life however, and it was that parallel that led to the analogy. The fact everyone is focusing on a tasteless choice of subject matter instead of the fact that the guy who they trust with their testing is not to be trusted (I see he actually hangs out with some sources lol) is why I stopped coming around. I spent many years trying to drive people away who always inevitably scammed the board with fake gear, but it was a complete waste of time. The scammers always have a financial interest in posting harder with multiple handles, fanboys providing reviews for gear and a long line of morons who are so desperate for a source they overlook the people who complain… so at the end of the day, who cares. You can all get fucked the way the rest of us did years ago. Makes no difference to me at this point.
That's bullshit. I wouldn't make up stuff like that about my worst enemy. You're scum in my book.
That's bullshit. I wouldn't make up stuff like that about my worst enemy. You're scum in my book.
Agreed. Even comparing a “scam” in which no one lost money to child sex assault is disgusting in and of itself and diminishes the suffering of those who experienced such awful trauma. Doing it under the guise of “protecting the community” just manages to make it even grosser to me.
I've read through the history of the scandal being discussed. I came to the conclusion that in that instance Jano did scam and got caught. I've also come to the conclusion that he learned from that situation and is running a legitimate honest business now. People are people and people fuck up sometimes but people can also learn from their mistakes and change course. We are dealing with a market where lying and scamming is more common than another business ventures though so there's definitely a possibility of further BS in the future. That's why we all have to keep our eyes peeled and constantly pay attention to the players in this who are gaining financially as one day they may be honest and legit and the next day could totally burn you.

I can understand people who have no interest in Jano because of that situation but I also understand people who realize this happened but now trust his business. I think the evidence is pretty clear what happened but I still use him and think he's by far the best option right now. I'm not naive enough to think that he's good to go forever though. That remains to be seen and nobody has a crystal ball. Sometimes good people do terrible shit and sometimes terrible people do great things.
I've read through the history of the scandal being discussed. I came to the conclusion that in that instance Jano did scam and got caught. I've also come to the conclusion that he learned from that situation and is running a legitimate honest business now. People are people and people fuck up sometimes but people can also learn from their mistakes and change course. We are dealing with a market where lying and scamming is more common than another business ventures though so there's definitely a possibility of further BS in the future. That's why we all have to keep our eyes peeled and constantly pay attention to the players in this who are gaining financially as one day they may be honest and legit and the next day could totally burn you.

I can understand people who have no interest in Jano because of that situation but I also understand people who realize this happened but now trust his business. I think the evidence is pretty clear what happened but I still use him and think he's by far the best option right now. I'm not naive enough to think that he's good to go forever though. That remains to be seen and nobody has a crystal ball. Sometimes good people do terrible shit and sometimes terrible people do great things.
This is the most sane take I’ve seen on this.
Agreed. Even comparing a “scam” in which no one lost money to child sex assault is disgusting in and of itself and diminishes the suffering of those who experienced such awful trauma. Doing it under the guise of “protecting the community” just manages to make it even grosser to me.
So would a scam where money was lost be closer to sexual assault, or were you just trying to downplay a tester providing fake test results?
The point is you bitching that jano makes money is a nonsensical point, lol. What lab out there, or for that matter what service out there, does work for free?

It’s cool you helped the community in the past, but your incoherent ramblings here are not helpful at all. You’re literally screaming about child genitalia over some “scam” from 7 years ago in which mands admits in this very thread that no money was lost.

Where is this great scam you’re seeing? Or for that matter what possible solutions do you have to said scam? You got some magic lab the rest of us haven’t heard of up your sleeve to use? Should we just use palumbo’s stupid regent tests? Should we just return to the good old days of Chinese made COA and blindly believe it? Are we supposed to just ignore all the people blind testing homebrew random mixes and jano getting the amounts correct because mands had an issue 7 years ago?

What solution do you have?
A person providing fake test results for compounds he never received - you’re right. No money was involved, so let me put jano back on the good list. Do you guys get discounts for this stuff? Go to the doctor and get prescribed. Go to an anti aging clinic. Go over the border and jam 100 Mexican vials in your prison wallet. Somehow the community made do without jano before a fly laid his larvae, but I guess he has now become an instrumental part of doing business. I’m honestly not sure how I have made it this far without him.
So would a scam where money was lost be closer to sexual assault, or were you just trying to downplay a tester providing fake test results?
I mean, honestly I’m just flat calling you out for that gross ass behavior. You appear to be doing little beyond raging for the sake of raging and paint yourself as trash doing it. But, yah, you’re straight up a pos for diminishing the suffering of children and accusing people of heinous shit like that cause you’re too dumb to come up with a better insult. Even were money lost you’re still a pos for that.

Also, way to ignore literally everything else I said to you and answer none of the questions posed (cause you clearly have no answers or solutions, just flinging shit like a monkey).
A person providing fake test results for compounds he never received - you’re right. No money was involved, so let me put jano back on the good list. Do you guys get discounts for this stuff? Go to the doctor and get prescribed. Go to an anti aging clinic. Go over the border and jam 100 Mexican vials in your prison wallet. Somehow the community made do without jano before a fly laid his larvae, but I guess he has now become an instrumental part of doing business. I’m honestly not sure how I have made it this far without him.
Ah, so no solution beyond returning to shittier days with no testing. Have at that hoss. Real “harm reduction” type shit. Holy fuck this is so dumb…
Well, that kind of fiendish behavior is actually kind of regular for @brutus79 and I have questioned why he was not banned for that a couple of times over the years, especially after warnings and considering a whole lot of people was banned for way less.

Maybe it's time for raising the question whether such "analogies" and "tasteless choices of subject," as he is backpedaling right now, are appropriate for a continued member here, @Millard.
Well, that kind of fiendish behavior is actually kind of regular for @brutus79 and I have questioned why he was not banned for that a couple of times over the years, especially after warnings and considering a whole lot of people was banned for way less.

Maybe it's time for raising the question whether such "analogies" and "tasteless choices of subject," as he is backpedaling right now, are appropriate for a continued member here, @Millard.
Holy fucking shit. A vendor is calling for a member to be banned. If you have that kind of sway, this place is in trouble.
Ah, so no solution beyond returning to shittier days with no testing. Have at that hoss. Real “harm reduction” type shit. Holy fuck this is so dumb…
You don't understand.

Little Brutus hated me and didn't hesitate to lie about me long before this incident with mands. It's all here, on this forum.

Many years ago he and his friends actually meant something on the internet, if nowhere else, and they derived their feelings of power of being able to gang up on anybody on this forum.

They could hide behind the veil of harm reduction, but really, it was only about feeding their weak and feeble egos. With an actively participating, widely available testing service that didn't work with "just the vets" or any other way they could curate, their perceived value vaned and they really did not like that. Thus the vicious shit flinging. Look at how much they are going out of their way specifically for me and tell me it's anything else.

It's laughable when you see somebody who never provided an useful service in their life to complain about someone who actually does that and dares to take money for work. I'm sure these holier than thou characters are spending their days doing charitable work for free.

They complain about nobody seeing my lab or the pictures being taken at a different facility and then when one of the dozens (!) people who actually visited the lab posts about it, it's a proof of corruption.

etc etc

You've put it well. They are not men and do not deserve to be called such, they are just monkeys flinging shit in hope something sticks and their words will mean something again.
Holy fucking shit. A vendor is calling for a member to be banned. If you have that kind of sway, this place is in trouble.
So, you do find pleasure in analogies and tasteless choices of subject that involve five year old kids and run to defend the fiend with recurrent offenses of the kind?

If so, "Holy fucking shit." indeed.
Exactly the contribution this forum needs to perpetuate harm reduction.

Have a good night.
The problem here is all your statements are accusations with no factual basis or evidence. You're basically just spouting off things you heard that may or may not have any merit to them.

If you really want to build a case for public opinion you should come with some facts. This thread is complete bullshit until that happens.

The only thing that carries some weight in my opinion was the OP's account of a weird and unlikely situation that happened between Jano and him.

So that's one odd thing in 7 years. If you wanna tear someone down you're going to have to do a better job than this. Just move on and stop running your mouth like a teenage girl.
I'm not building a case for public opinion, you illiterate little fuck. I'm not building a case for anything. I don't even have an opinion at this point. I'm making the point that this is a topic worth discussing because it affects all of us. I also wasn't talking to you at all. I was talking to someone else. Read the conversation again. Read it slowly and as many times as you need to.