Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

You don't understand.

Little Brutus hated me and didn't hesitate to lie about me long before this incident with mands. It's all here, on this forum.

Many years ago he and his friends actually meant something on the internet, if nowhere else, and they derived their feelings of power of being able to gang up on anybody on this forum.

They could hide behind the veil of harm reduction, but really, it was only about feeding their weak and feeble egos. With an actively participating, widely available testing service that didn't work with "just the vets" or any other way they could curate, their perceived value vaned and they really did not like that. Thus the vicious shit flinging. Look at how much they are going out of their way specifically for me and tell me it's anything else.

It's laughable when you see somebody who never provided an useful service in their life to complain about someone who actually does that and dares to take money for work. I'm sure these holier than thou characters are spending their days doing charitable work for free.

They complain about nobody seeing my lab or the pictures being taken at a different facility and then when one of the dozens (!) people who actually visited the lab posts about it, it's a proof of corruption.

etc etc

You've put it well. They are not men and do not deserve to be called such, they are just monkeys flinging shit in hope something sticks and their words will mean something again.
The entire Mands situation aside, this all started because you provide a service to the community instead of exclusively to the vets? Or by "curate" you mean they were upset because they had no control over what you were doing? Was it jealousy or what?
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I've read through the history of the scandal being discussed. I came to the conclusion that in that instance Jano did scam and got caught. I've also come to the conclusion that he learned from that situation and is running a legitimate honest business now. People are people and people fuck up sometimes but people can also learn from their mistakes and change course. We are dealing with a market where lying and scamming is more common than another business ventures though so there's definitely a possibility of further BS in the future. That's why we all have to keep our eyes peeled and constantly pay attention to the players in this who are gaining financially as one day they may be honest and legit and the next day could totally burn you.

I can understand people who have no interest in Jano because of that situation but I also understand people who realize this happened but now trust his business. I think the evidence is pretty clear what happened but I still use him and think he's by far the best option right now. I'm not naive enough to think that he's good to go forever though. That remains to be seen and nobody has a crystal ball. Sometimes good people do terrible shit and sometimes terrible people do great things.
That seems fair. He deserves to be forgiven for past mistakes if he's learned from them. I'll just say from my short exchange with jano, it's obvious to me why people are out to get him. I didn't even accuse him of anything and he came at me with the same condescending attitude he had in his "Well well well.." email he sent to the OP 7 years ago. In my opinion, this jano guy is his own worst enemy. I'm sure he doesn't wonder why people who have known him for years hate him or why people who've spoken to him for 5 minutes hate him. The truth is he's done this all to himself because he quite possibly is a piece of shit, regardless of whether or not he's still scamming people.
Agreed. Even comparing a “scam” in which no one lost money to child sex assault is disgusting in and of itself and diminishes the suffering of those who experienced such awful trauma. Doing it under the guise of “protecting the community” just manages to make it even grosser to me.
That's not what Brutus was doing and anyone with half a brain....or they have less than half a brain but they happen to remember how Brutus works....can see you've accepted defeat and have nothing left to offer so you focus on ANYTHING except the subject you were discussing.

Brutus said there are certain crimes or actions that many will not forgive once its clear they have been committed. Chomos don't ever get a pass...Snitches don't either....and in the eyes of many, scamming is another crime that won't be forgiven.

He wasn't comparing the severity of each crime to the other and you know it. You come off as a weak suck with that shit.

Now, I have been a member here since 2006. I was gone from 2008 until 2012 after I was indicted in the year long initiative, ORD, and served a 60 month federal prison term behind it. When mands(who is a friend of mine) started this thread I was serving a 7 month sentence for violating the terms of my supervised release. I had 60 months of fed probation to complete after doing the 60 inside.

Because I missed the action when it kicked off and the hooplah had died down by the time I got back, I never found out exactly how things transpired. Back in those days, controversies at meso were extremely fluid. Meso is a different kind of animal. The reason for this is the influx of new members is constant. The cast of characters is always changing.

I have to admit that @UncleBuns has me dead to rights. I just realized that I am of the belief that Jano screwed up back then. He was probably under a lot of pressure in those days. He still is today but its a different kind of pressure. He had to prove himself back then and we were not a forgiving lot or even the least bit civil to sources.

I don't pretend to know exactly how things went back then because this is the first time I've read how it went down between mands and jano. I remember jano and I got into a back and forth insulting each other. I don't remember what it was about?

Since then I've called on Jano for help busting a piece of shit scamming source on another board in its private section. To this day I am grateful to Jano for taking the time out of his always ridiculously busy days to assist me in outing the piece of shit and then running him out of the Community. I consider Jano a valuable asset to the Community. I've had his back. This is a tough one for me because Brutus is my old road dog around here. But I get it. I for one have forgiven Jano and I don't hesitate to send him samples and money to test them. I've probably sent him a dozen samples over the last few years. I have a good feel when I'm dealing with a shit source and their gear and Jano has given me the ammo I need to blow a couple of shit sources out of the Community...because that's what I do. I set the hook and don't let go until they've nowhere else to hide.

I don't post as much as i once did. I opened the Underground in 2012 and was the most visible veteran member there for the first year or 2. Its all here. These days I'm more involved in a different side of the Community. I also profit from the Community. I pretty much always have. I've gotten away with things that others can't. I like to think its because I've never done anyone dirty and have given back as much as I've taken. I enjoy my life and love this Community. Its changed a lot. Not all for the better. I suppose I'll be around until my end and then things will continue on without skipping a beat.
That's not what Brutus was doing and anyone with half a brain....or they have less than half a brain but they happen to remember how Brutus works....can see you've accepted defeat and have nothing left to offer so you focus on ANYTHING except the subject you were discussing.

Brutus said there are certain crimes or actions that many will not forgive once its clear they have been committed. Chomos don't ever get a pass...Snitches don't either....and in the eyes of many, scamming is another crime that won't be forgiven.

He wasn't comparing the severity of each crime to the other and you know it. You come off as a weak suck with that shit.

Now, I have been a member here since 2006. I was gone from 2008 until 2012 after I was indicted in the year long initiative, ORD, and served a 60 month federal prison term behind it. When mands(who is a friend of mine) started this thread I was serving a 7 month sentence for violating the terms of my supervised release. I had 60 months of fed probation to complete after doing the 60 inside.

Because I missed the action when it kicked off and the hooplah had died down by the time I got back, I never found out exactly how things transpired. Back in those days, controversies at meso were extremely fluid. Meso is a different kind of animal. The reason for this is the influx of new members is constant. The cast of characters is always changing.

I have to admit that @UncleBuns has me dead to rights. I just realized that I am of the belief that Jano screwed up back then. He was probably under a lot of pressure in those days. He still is today but its a different kind of pressure. He had to prove himself back then and we were not a forgiving lot or even the least bit civil to sources.

I don't pretend to know exactly how things went back then because this is the first time I've read how it went down between mands and jano. I remember jano and I got into a back and forth insulting each other. I don't remember what it was about?

Since then I've called on Jano for help busting a piece of shit scamming source on another board in its private section. To this day I am grateful to Jano for taking the time out of his always ridiculously busy days to assist me in outing the piece of shit and then running him out of the Community. I consider Jano a valuable asset to the Community. I've had his back. This is a tough one for me because Brutus is my old road dog around here. But I get it. I for one have forgiven Jano and I don't hesitate to send him samples and money to test them. I've probably sent him a dozen samples over the last few years. I have a good feel when I'm dealing with a shit source and their gear and Jano has given me the ammo I need to blow a couple of shit sources out of the Community...because that's what I do. I set the hook and don't let go until they've nowhere else to hide.

I don't post as much as i once did. I opened the Underground in 2012 and was the most visible veteran member there for the first year or 2. Its all here. These days I'm more involved in a different side of the Community. I also profit from the Community. I pretty much always have. I've gotten away with things that others can't. I like to think its because I've never done anyone dirty and have given back as much as I've taken. I enjoy my life and love this Community. Its changed a lot. Not all for the better. I suppose I'll be around until my end and then things will continue on without skipping a beat.
Wasn’t expecting that
He wasn't comparing the severity of each crime to the other and you know it. You come off as a weak suck with that shit.
Broski, I don’t really care at all what you think on this specific point. The rest of what you said is fine, but it is straight up fucking vile to call someone a child sex predator because you’re too dumb to come up with a better insult or too dumb to make a better comparison. I’m glad you think that’s “weak shit” or whatever, but that honestly just paints you as gross too. Like, you’re defending that deranged ass behavior cause you been buds with him awhile? That’s gross flat out. I’m not too dumb to understand what Brutus was trying poorly and irrationally to say... Yet it remains fucking vile to demean the suffering of children being sexually exploited in order to make a stupid point like this. That’s what’s gross. Then Brutus having the gall to claim the community should stop using testing all together cause jano “is a scam” is even grosser pro-harm causing bs that I thought y’all were supposed to be against?
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Perhaps read through it again- it was made painfully clear. I am a person who has made plenty of mistakes in my life, and one thing I have found is that most things you can make up for. That being said, there are things that you fuck up once and you are branded for life. Pedophilia for instance- touch one kid and you are a worthless pedophile for the rest of your life. No coming back from that. Snitching is another- snitch once and that’s it- better off dead as well. Scamming would be a strong third. Someone sent jano a test, he gave a result for the sample, then my friend got the pack he sent back in the mail as undeliverable. Do I think that is somehow related to or as bad as pedophilia? Not at all. I do think that both of those offenses brand you for life however, and it was that parallel that led to the analogy. The fact everyone is focusing on a tasteless choice of subject matter instead of the fact that the guy who they trust with their testing is not to be trusted (I see he actually hangs out with some sources lol) is why I stopped coming around. I spent many years trying to drive people away who always inevitably scammed the board with fake gear, but it was a complete waste of time. The scammers always have a financial interest in posting harder with multiple handles, fanboys providing reviews for gear and a long line of morons who are so desperate for a source they overlook the people who complain… so at the end of the day, who cares. You can all get fucked the way the rest of us did years ago. Makes no difference to me at this point.
this is just fucking embarassing at this point.

your boner for 7 year old drama is pathetic.
Its like a woman holding a grudge.

Was the issue that started this thread addressed? Was it resolved?
Okay good, what about since then, any more drama? no? then get the fuck over it.

discouraging and discrediting blind testing in 2023 is cringe as fuck.

I dont have anything to do with any of this bullshit or any of this drama.
I dont know mands, i wasnt around when this issue took place.

I have however used jano about a dozen times, 100% blind every time.
burner email that isnt attached to any orders or forums, unlabeled 1ml fragrance bottles, crushed or uncapped orals to make sure they are unrecognizable by any manufacturing marks or labels.

How exactly do you fake that?
how exactly can you say hes being bribed by xyz source?

blind tests are the absolute gold standard, its impossible to get scammed or get bias results if you send things blind.
Well the initial claim might be 7 years old but it definitely highlights the kind of "fuck you" attitude jano clearly has for people.

I never once dealt with Jano until last month. Sent an email asking for a service and they told me how to pay. I felt bad because it took about 5 emails to get my payment correct from my American bank transfer. Each email was professional and helpful. I sent in my sample and had the result within 24 hours of tracking saying it was delivered to him.

I am not sticking up for anybody and just sharing my honest experience. I will without a doubt use him again due to Driada's great blind test reimbursement.
A person providing fake test results for compounds he never received - you’re right. No money was involved, so let me put jano back on the good list. Do you guys get discounts for this stuff? Go to the doctor and get prescribed. Go to an anti aging clinic. Go over the border and jam 100 Mexican vials in your prison wallet. Somehow the community made do without jano before a fly laid his larvae, but I guess he has now become an instrumental part of doing business. I’m honestly not sure how I have made it this far without him.
Times change for the better.

The days of injecting mystery oil and dirty mexican trash are over..

Only an ABSOLUTE FOOL would make the argument youre making.

"we managed fine before" is absolutely insane take.

Scamming, fake gear, underdosed shit. All the major issues with UGL gear has been entirely eliminated with intelligent use of blind testing. It has FORCED every single source to play ball, because there is always the chance that someones going to send their shit in for testing.

As @biggerben69 Mentioned in his post.
On another forum there was a private section of long standing, vetted, respected sources that survived by counting on the absolute smooth brain take that you have. There were 4-5 sources, both brewers and pharma resellers and they resisted testing for all the same reasons you do.

They were trusted, they had been doing it for a decade, they have years of satisfied customers with no bad reviews.

But no testing.

in the last year or two as the testing culture made its way into that portion of that forum, 2 of those long standing, highly respected, well vetted sources that were against testing turned out to be flat out scammers.

one was cutting almost any of his brews with test prop or intentionally underdosing expensive products, the other was caught scamming fake pharma products that were testing at like 50% dosage or some shit (this is the source @biggerben69 had the issue with)

Youre a fool if you think blind testing isnt necessary, or that you "got by just fine" injecting your mystery oils and fake products judging the quality by your feels reports.
Threatening, inciting, glorifying, encouraging, promoting violence or harm (including sexual violence against family members of forum users) is prohibited.
Times change for the better.

The days of injecting mystery oil and dirty mexican trash are over..

Only an ABSOLUTE FOOL would make the argument youre making.

"we managed fine before" is absolutely insane take.

Scamming, fake gear, underdosed shit. All the major issues with UGL gear has been entirely eliminated with intelligent use of blind testing. It has FORCED every single source to play ball, because there is always the chance that someones going to send their shit in for testing.

As @biggerben69 Mentioned in his post.
On another forum there was a private section of long standing, vetted, respected sources that survived by counting on the absolute smooth brain take that you have. There were 4-5 sources, both brewers and pharma resellers and they resisted testing for all the same reasons you do.

They were trusted, they had been doing it for a decade, they have years of satisfied customers with no bad reviews.

But no testing.

in the last year or two as the testing culture made its way into that portion of that forum, 2 of those long standing, highly respected, well vetted sources that were against testing turned out to be flat out scammers.

one was cutting almost any of his brews with test prop or intentionally underdosing expensive products, the other was caught scamming fake pharma products that were testing at like 50% dosage or some shit (this is the source @biggerben69 had the issue with)

Youre a fool if you think blind testing isnt necessary, or that you "got by just fine" injecting your mystery oils and fake products judging the quality by your feels reports.
I didn’t say to not test. My one and only point is that Jano is not trustworthy. I see people saying he got caught once, and he learned his lesson. I personally see acts like that are like cockroaches- see one and there are countless ones you don’t see. Say you come home from work one day and I am face fucking your wife. Do you simply assume it’s the first time, and since you haven’t caught her since she must have learned her lesson? If so, I recommend regular std screening, and if not, why is it the person caught red handed providing test results is the savior? I also recommended being prescribed by an hcp or buying pharm gear. I stand by that as well. At the end of the day 99% of people aren’t going pro and can fix what ails them when they look in the mirror by adjusting their diet and training. Throwing a dozen compounds on shitty diet usually makes people think they have the wrong mix- which is a fucking joke. But, have at it. I’m sure Jano is your savior and has learned his lesson- keep cucking him in the thread and maybe someone will let you on their secret board so you can test those sources too. Lol
The entire Mands situation aside, this all started because you provide a service to the community instead of exclusively to the vets? Or by "curate" you mean they were upset because they had no control over what you were doing? Was it jealousy or what?
I honestly felt bad for him when I read the jealousy that post was laden with. Such a grudge for such a long time lol
I never once dealt with Jano until last month. Sent an email asking for a service and they told me how to pay. I felt bad because it took about 5 emails to get my payment correct from my American bank transfer. Each email was professional and helpful. I sent in my sample and had the result within 24 hours of tracking saying it was delivered to him.

I am not sticking up for anybody and just sharing my honest experience. I will without a doubt use him again due to Driada's great blind test reimbursement.
You are sharing that he accepted a pack you sent and didn’t call you a fucking idiot for not being able to figure out how to pay? Such depth and weight to your experience.
Broski, I don’t really care at all what you think on this specific point. The rest of what you said is fine, but it is straight up fucking vile to call someone a child sex predator because you’re too dumb to come up with a better insult or too dumb to make a better comparison. I’m glad you think that’s “weak shit” or whatever, but that honestly just paints you as gross too. Like, you’re defending that deranged ass behavior cause you been buds with him awhile? That’s gross flat out. I’m not too dumb to understand what Brutus was trying poorly and irrationally to say... Yet it remains fucking vile to demean the suffering of children being sexually exploited in order to make a stupid point like this. That’s what’s gross. Then Brutus having the gall to claim the community should stop using testing all together cause jano “is a scam” is even grosser pro-harm causing bs that I thought y’all were supposed to be against?
I hope that pig in the picture is someone you are close to. You really are a fucking whiner.
That's not what Brutus was doing and anyone with half a brain....or they have less than half a brain but they happen to remember how Brutus works....can see you've accepted defeat and have nothing left to offer so you focus on ANYTHING except the subject you were discussing.

Brutus said there are certain crimes or actions that many will not forgive once its clear they have been committed. Chomos don't ever get a pass...Snitches don't either....and in the eyes of many, scamming is another crime that won't be forgiven.

He wasn't comparing the severity of each crime to the other and you know it. You come off as a weak suck with that shit.

Now, I have been a member here since 2006. I was gone from 2008 until 2012 after I was indicted in the year long initiative, ORD, and served a 60 month federal prison term behind it. When mands(who is a friend of mine) started this thread I was serving a 7 month sentence for violating the terms of my supervised release. I had 60 months of fed probation to complete after doing the 60 inside.

Because I missed the action when it kicked off and the hooplah had died down by the time I got back, I never found out exactly how things transpired. Back in those days, controversies at meso were extremely fluid. Meso is a different kind of animal. The reason for this is the influx of new members is constant. The cast of characters is always changing.

I have to admit that @UncleBuns has me dead to rights. I just realized that I am of the belief that Jano screwed up back then. He was probably under a lot of pressure in those days. He still is today but its a different kind of pressure. He had to prove himself back then and we were not a forgiving lot or even the least bit civil to sources.

I don't pretend to know exactly how things went back then because this is the first time I've read how it went down between mands and jano. I remember jano and I got into a back and forth insulting each other. I don't remember what it was about?

Since then I've called on Jano for help busting a piece of shit scamming source on another board in its private section. To this day I am grateful to Jano for taking the time out of his always ridiculously busy days to assist me in outing the piece of shit and then running him out of the Community. I consider Jano a valuable asset to the Community. I've had his back. This is a tough one for me because Brutus is my old road dog around here. But I get it. I for one have forgiven Jano and I don't hesitate to send him samples and money to test them. I've probably sent him a dozen samples over the last few years. I have a good feel when I'm dealing with a shit source and their gear and Jano has given me the ammo I need to blow a couple of shit sources out of the Community...because that's what I do. I set the hook and don't let go until they've nowhere else to hide.

I don't post as much as i once did. I opened the Underground in 2012 and was the most visible veteran member there for the first year or 2. Its all here. These days I'm more involved in a different side of the Community. I also profit from the Community. I pretty much always have. I've gotten away with things that others can't. I like to think its because I've never done anyone dirty and have given back as much as I've taken. I enjoy my life and love this Community. Its changed a lot. Not all for the better. I suppose I'll be around until my end and then things will continue on without skipping a beat.
Well that makes the first time I heard anyone I trust say something nice about the douche bag. For the record I would never trust the guy both because of how easily he is baited into juvenile discourse and the one strike you’re out policy, but I can turn on my who gives a shit if he provides assistance to someone who didn’t join a month or two ago and 90% of his posts are in this thread or some other source thread sucking them off for a discount like the other half dozen idiots I am arguing with in here. I reserve the right for an I told you so down the road though. Good to see you- hope all is well.
Well that makes the first time I heard anyone I trust say something nice about the douche bag. For the record I would never trust the guy both because of how easily he is baited into juvenile discourse and the one strike you’re out policy, but I can turn on my who gives a shit if he provides assistance to someone who didn’t join a month or two ago and 90% of his posts are in this thread or some other source thread sucking them off for a discount like the other half dozen idiots I am arguing with in here. I reserve the right for an I told you so down the road though. Good to see you- hope all is well.
you can not trust whoever you want, and for the record i dont disagree with your stance on scamming.

however, taking all that into account, ignoring the value of the service being provided, and the culture that has come out of it making EVERYONE safer just makes you look like an ignorant asshole.

calling everyone who brings up a point contrary to yours idiots or shills isnt a good look.
you can not trust whoever you want, and for the record i dont disagree with your stance on scamming.

however, taking all that into account, ignoring the value of the service being provided, and the culture that has come out of it making EVERYONE safer just makes you look like an ignorant asshole.

calling everyone who brings up a point contrary to yours idiots or shills isnt a good look.
I like the insight you bring to topics like this one and hopefully this all be put to bed.
Threatening, inciting, glorifying, encouraging, imagining, implying, promoting violence or harm (including sexual violence against family members of forum users) is prohibited.
you can not trust whoever you want, and for the record i dont disagree with your stance on scamming.

however, taking all that into account, ignoring the value of the service being provided, and the culture that has come out of it making EVERYONE safer just makes you look like an ignorant asshole.

calling everyone who brings up a point contrary to yours idiots or shills isnt a good look.
Valid. I joined meso about the same time I found the gym… early sobriety about 10 years ago give or take. I didn’t have much, but I did meet quite a few people here who taught me a lot. I also saw EVERY SINGLE SOURCE eventually burn people, and I saw an awful lot of people sucking up to those sources only to get burned. The. There were the new accounts where people would pipe up during debates “I got a pack from Greg’s gear in ten seconds and after one pin I doubled my bench”. I always felt this place was special compared to other boards- the wide open nature of discourse and the street corner-esque drug dealing like I spent much of my youth surrounded by was probably exhilarating to someone whose life now consisted of meetings, gym and work. Whatever it was, when I saw someone taking advantage of members, or someone trying to rebrand to do it again, and all of the apologists for them that were just simps looking for a deal on gear I really took offense. If this was my church, someone giving fake gear to some hopeful with a stocked fridge and training plan hoping to blow this cycle out of the water was basically performing abortions on the altar. It enraged me. I learned a visceral hatred for those scammers- and it just got deeper as I had them send me messages threatening to rape and murder my children, kill me, dox me- you name it. It all happened. Then I built a life around so many other things and fell out of touch with the place that was a mental crutch at times, and a place to make friends other times- and to Janos point it was fun to stomp on the pieces of shit fleecing the community day after day.

You shouldn’t care about this, but as you are the only one in this thread with a contrary opinion who seems able to have rational conversation without having your morals offended, I figure I would explain why, when I see someone I KNOW was deceitful in the past still preening around here like he is the savior, complete with his acolytes currying favor by disagreeing with me, I am struck with the same visceral emotions I had long ago, back when this place was everything to me as I put my life back together. Hearing he did some things for Ben goes a long way, and you make some valid points… I still think he is a piece of shit, but I wouldn’t come up behind him and start off his hospital visit with a bottle upside the head like I reserved for those I felt needed a ride in an ambulance. Like I said- I get it. He is doing some shit with blind sampling and it sounds like some people who have been around finds value in this newfound altruistic version of the deceitful wretch I found out about years ago. Great. Thank you for taking the time to put words to the “other side” and look past my barely repressed filth. It’s my love language.
I don't really want to read through all the drivel/nonsense in this thread, so i'll just share my experience.

I used Jano for the first time a few weeks ago. Test no 35271. Never tested anything before with any lab.

I sent in a sample completely blind. No info on what it was, just a 1ml sample of oil. Email was different from that I used to order from the source, etc.

I got the result less than a week later. It came back to the specific test esters that it was sold as (sustanon.) The communication and help I had by email from them was very good.

Not a shill, not paid by jano, i'm not jano either. For me it was reliable and a decent business.

Tldr, didnt get scammed, jano/jakub were good.
You are the guy who blind tested chiltons sustanon in uk muscle?