Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Well, that kind of fiendish behavior is actually kind of regular for @brutus79 and I have questioned why he was not banned for that a couple of times over the years, especially after warnings and considering a whole lot of people was banned for way less.

Maybe it's time for raising the question whether such "analogies" and "tasteless choices of subject," as he is backpedaling right now, are appropriate for a continued member here, @Millard.

This made me chuckle. You think Brutus should be banned for name calling? We are literally in a thread created because you scammed, lied, deceived, etc a member. Which later you came clean, admitted to it, apologized and offered Mands store credit and you think it’s justified to ban a member for name calling rather than what you did? Asking for a friend.
This made me chuckle. You think Brutus should be banned for name calling? We are literally in a thread created because you scammed, lied, deceived, etc a member. Which later you came clean, admitted to it, apologized and offered Mands store credit and you think it’s justified to ban a member for name calling rather than what you did? Asking for a friend.
His fat kid who didn’t get picked for kickball games energy is awfully strong.
His fat kid who didn’t get picked for kickball games energy is awfully strong.
Congrats on almost 10 years sober. That's an accomplishment. If 7 years is enough time for jano to be pardoned for scamming, I'd say 10 years is enough time for people to get over the fact that you had a drug problem. Regardless, I think everyone here can agree that badmouthing men in any stage of their recovery is pretty fuckin weak and not the kind of behaviour anyone really wants to hear in this community.
Are you back Brutus? Wow!!!! How long has it been? I have been missing for a while but I thought you were gone for goods since few years ago.
Haven't seen you around in a bit either and hope all's well with you!
This made me chuckle. You think Brutus should be banned for name calling? We are literally in a thread created because you scammed, lied, deceived, etc a member. Which later you came clean, admitted to it, apologized and offered Mands store credit and you think it’s justified to ban a member for name calling rather than what you did? Asking for a friend.
I know that, as a concern troll, you are being intentionally obtuse - at least I hope that you are, in a desperate attempt to try to spin this again.

But no, I do not think he should be banned for name calling.

I think he should finally be banned for taking pleasure in analogies and tasteless choices of subject that involve five year old kids.

It's very commendable of you to run to his defense - perhaps you enjoy those parts as well? Would you like to read more about five year old kid penises in relation to fellatio on this forum from @brutus79 and do you consider his contribution to be worth supporting?

I would never trust the guy both because of how easily he is baited into juvenile discourse
The 10:1 post ratio, general contribution and not being able to help but talk about children penises, dicks in mouth and graciously not glassing someone is really painting a picture. Oh, wait.

The pot calling the kettle black.

You really lack any sort of self-reflection whatsoever.
Valid. I joined meso about the same time I found the gym… early sobriety about 10 years ago give or take. I didn’t have much, but I did meet quite a few people here who taught me a lot. I also saw EVERY SINGLE SOURCE eventually burn people, and I saw an awful lot of people sucking up to those sources only to get burned. The. There were the new accounts where people would pipe up during debates “I got a pack from Greg’s gear in ten seconds and after one pin I doubled my bench”. I always felt this place was special compared to other boards- the wide open nature of discourse and the street corner-esque drug dealing like I spent much of my youth surrounded by was probably exhilarating to someone whose life now consisted of meetings, gym and work. Whatever it was, when I saw someone taking advantage of members, or someone trying to rebrand to do it again, and all of the apologists for them that were just simps looking for a deal on gear I really took offense. If this was my church, someone giving fake gear to some hopeful with a stocked fridge and training plan hoping to blow this cycle out of the water was basically performing abortions on the altar. It enraged me. I learned a visceral hatred for those scammers- and it just got deeper as I had them send me messages threatening to rape and murder my children, kill me, dox me- you name it. It all happened. Then I built a life around so many other things and fell out of touch with the place that was a mental crutch at times, and a place to make friends other times- and to Janos point it was fun to stomp on the pieces of shit fleecing the community day after day.

You shouldn’t care about this, but as you are the only one in this thread with a contrary opinion who seems able to have rational conversation without having your morals offended, I figure I would explain why, when I see someone I KNOW was deceitful in the past still preening around here like he is the savior, complete with his acolytes currying favor by disagreeing with me, I am struck with the same visceral emotions I had long ago, back when this place was everything to me as I put my life back together. Hearing he did some things for Ben goes a long way, and you make some valid points… I still think he is a piece of shit, but I wouldn’t come up behind him and start off his hospital visit with a bottle upside the head like I reserved for those I felt needed a ride in an ambulance. Like I said- I get it. He is doing some shit with blind sampling and it sounds like some people who have been around finds value in this newfound altruistic version of the deceitful wretch I found out about years ago. Great. Thank you for taking the time to put words to the “other side” and look past my barely repressed filth. It’s my love language.
I get it man, I hate shills as much as the next guy, and this place is absolutely overrun by them.

I wouldn't call jano, "altruistic" I've tested a bunch of shit and Ive never gotten any discount or anything, and I don't expect anything, Dudes running a business.

He clearly fucked up in the past and made a bad choice. The fact that that fallout is still being brought up 7 years later should be proof enough that he's lucky he's been given a second chance by most people, and that's probably his last chance. In a community with memory like an elephant, gotta pay ball if you want to stay in business.
I understand you are new so I will give some opinions. This forum is not a "team" of members who decide what is good and what is bad. It is up to you to do your own research and make your own decisions. You will find members here with very strong opinions that oppose each other. There is no collective opinion on any testing, vendor, protocol, etc. When you are new you will read things that are very accurate and things that are complete bullshit and both may be written confidently and sound convincing. It is up to you to educate yourself and figure out which information you wish to follow.

There are no leaders here and there's no vote or consensus on what's true or not true for most topics. Over time if you do your due diligence you will find which members are worth listening to and which aren't and you will make your own decisions on how to navigate towards your goals. There is also the added complication of people running businesses and making money which of course throws a monkey wrench into it all.

Is Jano legit? Is he a scammer? These are just opinions and there is a lot of reading to do and then you can formulate your own opinion about his services.

A general rule if you come to this forum and ask people to spoon feed you what you want to know you are going to likely get told to fuck off and you are setting yourself up to get scammed by people who want your money. If you have a question start using the search bar and get to reading. It just takes time to build your knowledge base and there's no way around that. Do your DD and when in doubt dig deeper and keep reading. When you are new pretty much every question you have has been answered dozens of times, you just need to put the work in to find those threads and read them.
There is NO DOUBT Mands was scammed by Jano several years back and that dubious distinction (and the absence of graphic data) makes me and many other Meso members question the credulity of Jano’s assays.
Four year biochemistry undergraduate degree, four years med school, three year residency, and more than 20 years of clinical practice.
Fucking tell him doc- and happy thanksgiving my old friend
I know that, as a concern troll, you are being intentionally obtuse - at least I hope that you are, in a desperate attempt to try to spin this again.

But no, I do not think he should be banned for name calling.

I think he should finally be banned for taking pleasure in analogies and tasteless choices of subject that involve five year old kids.

It's very commendable of you to run to his defense - perhaps you enjoy those parts as well? Would you like to read more about five year old kid penises in relation to fellatio on this forum from @brutus79 and do you consider his contribution to be worth supporting?

The 10:1 post ratio, general contribution and not being able to help but talk about children penises, dicks in mouth and graciously not glassing someone is really painting a picture. Oh, wait.

The pot calling the kettle black.

You really lack any sort of self-reflection whatsoever.
i find it telling I used an analogy once that you found so distasteful you mention the subject material explicitly in every single post since then. Freud would have a lot to say about that- and I’m not sure what ratio you are referring to, but your emaciated reactions per post should be a sign that even with all the simps you seem to have (that aren’t you of course) maybe you could say less and the world would be more content than they currently are with your chatty Cathy pulling its own string routine. Stick to blind testing and posts unposted, and always, always make sure you actually got the sample before you issue results. Million dollar advice right there.