Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

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Repeatedly whining and complaining about no action being taken and insulting me and the forum while failing to report specific infraction doesn't work so well.
Given I had suffered the consequence of being relieved of my member status, this thread was moved and brutus had his membership status changed twice, I did not find it unreasonable to expect that the pertained conversation has been read.
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My two cents. I've stuck up for jano in the past, though the fact remains that he did lie and fuck over mands.

Some of the guys who don't like jano have the view that you fuck up once and your done. That's a fair take imo, though I believe jano has chosen to do his business on the up and up after he was caught lying.

A lot of folks have sent him gear to be analyzed blindly, and he continues to get it correct.

There's no question that he lied and fucked mands in the past. It is a fact. Jano has admitted as much. It's a fact.

But the truth is, we really don't have better options for testing. Other than the mands incident, I can't recall another time that something like this has happened.

I can understand why some folks don't have anything nice to say, but I think that the truth remains that he is a valuable asset to this community. Nobody is perfect and we've all done shit we aren't proud of.

Y'all can choose to use him or not, but if you need gear analyzed, he's probably your best option currently.
My two cents. I've stuck up for jano in the past, though the fact remains that he did lie and fuck over mands.

Some of the guys who don't like jano have the view that you fuck up once and your done. That's a fair take imo, though I believe jano has chosen to do his business on the up and up after he was caught lying.

A lot of folks have sent him gear to be analyzed blindly, and he continues to get it correct.

There's no question that he lied and fucked mands in the past. It is a fact. Jano has admitted as much. It's a fact.

But the truth is, we really don't have better options for testing. Other than the mands incident, I can't recall another time that something like this has happened.

I can understand why some folks don't have anything nice to say, but I think that the truth remains that he is a valuable asset to this community. Nobody is perfect and we've all done shit we aren't proud of.

Y'all can choose to use him or not, but if you need gear analyzed, he's probably your best option currently.
whatever happened to Weights and Measures from ages ago? Wish we had multiple options for testing our gear
Its a complicated situation, i have given it some thought and came to the conclusion nobody is flawless so people should be judged by how many flaws they have.
One mistake done to a member many years ago should not be a life sentence in my opinion.
Its clearly not been forgotten and rightfully so but i think its time to move on.
I hope more people find the strength to forgive and no Jano’s sin is not the same as a pedo or wife raper so lets be fair here.
Who knows why he did it or if it was really the only one such occurrence but after this backlash and hate even after 7 years i hope and think he learned to not do it again.
Trust is hard to build and easy to destroy and its not in his interest to destroy it again.
Just my 2 c
Its a complicated situation, i have given it some thought and came to the conclusion nobody is flawless so people should be judged by how many flaws they have.
One mistake done to a member many years ago should not be a life sentence in my opinion.
Its clearly not been forgotten and rightfully so but i think its time to move on.
I hope more people find the strength to forgive and no Jano’s sin is not the same as a pedo or wife raper so lets be fair here.
Who knows why he did it or if it was really the only one such occurrence but after this backlash and hate even after 7 years i hope and think he learned to not do it again.
Trust is hard to build and easy to destroy and its not in his interest to destroy it again.
Just my 2 c
Agreed and thus why I felt this thread ran its course and wondered if Jano actually got to apologize to @mands for that fiasco. It's been 7 years and time to bury this.
Just wanted to bring attention to something that happened recently. I am new to the community, so I will choose to refrain from commenting about it and instead I invite older members to do so. My interest in starting this conversation lies mainly with the fact that I was planning to use QSC and Janoshik myself. As this is currently an active thread and everyone says that the only known incident is from 2016, I figured it makes sense to post about it here. Mods may choose to separate it into an independent thread.

As indicated in the QSC thread, originally Tracy tested a recent batch of Thymosin Alpha-1 with Janoshik, who reported 99.7% purity (Janoshik Analytical). A few weeks later, a customer who ordered the same peptide from QSC also sent it in for testing, also at Janoshik. This time, he reported no detectable amounts of TA1, or of any other references (Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic). After this was brought up, QSC stated that Janoshik informed them "he made a mistake" on the first test (Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic). On the latest QSC menu (https://thinksteroids.com/community/attachments/qsc-price-list-13-12-2023-pdf.272438/), TA1 is now crossed out.
"Threatening, inciting, glorifying, encouraging, imagining, implying, promoting violence or harm (including sexual violence against family members of forum users) is prohibited."

My goodness, Millard. So many former members that invested countless hours to help build Meso into a credible source of information have now become persona non grata because they dared to criticize paying sources in a way that you no longer find acceptable. And now, you're even prohibiting wrongthink. Good luck with your war against imagination, commissar. You're gonna need it.

I suppose some congratulations are in order though. You've managed to ban your most accomplished member (and certainly one of your most respected), @brutus79, because a known scammer living in a former communist shithole whined and cried that his mean words were bad for business. And you were able to do it without any pushback from members. That is a remarkable achievement on a forum that once claimed to be a bastion of free speech.

Now that Meso has become just another source board, no better or worse than all the others, I do hope selling out has been worth it. I'm sure Jano's kickbacks, in whatever form they come, have been especially helpful during these difficult economic times.
My goodness, Millard. So many former members that invested countless hours to help build Meso into a credible source of information have now become persona non grata because they dared to criticize paying sources in a way that you no longer find acceptable. And now, you're even prohibiting wrongthink. Good luck with your war against imagination, commissar. You're gonna need it.

I suppose some congratulations are in order though. You've managed to ban your most accomplished member (and certainly one of your most respected), @brutus79, because a known scammer living in a former communist shithole whined and cried that his mean words were bad for business. And you were able to do it without any pushback from members. That is a remarkable achievement on a forum that once claimed to be a bastion of free speech.

Now that Meso has become just another source board, no better or worse than all the others, I do hope selling out has been worth it. I'm sure Jano's kickbacks, in whatever form they come, have been especially helpful during these difficult economic times.
Free Brutus
Just wanted to bring attention to something that happened recently. I am new to the community, so I will choose to refrain from commenting about it and instead I invite older members to do so. My interest in starting this conversation lies mainly with the fact that I was planning to use QSC and Janoshik myself. As this is currently an active thread and everyone says that the only known incident is from 2016, I figured it makes sense to post about it here. Mods may choose to separate it into an independent thread.

As indicated in the QSC thread, originally Tracy tested a recent batch of Thymosin Alpha-1 with Janoshik, who reported 99.7% purity (Janoshik Analytical). A few weeks later, a customer who ordered the same peptide from QSC also sent it in for testing, also at Janoshik. This time, he reported no detectable amounts of TA1, or of any other references (Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic). After this was brought up, QSC stated that Janoshik informed them "he made a mistake" on the first test (Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic). On the latest QSC menu (https://thinksteroids.com/community/attachments/qsc-price-list-13-12-2023-pdf.272438/), TA1 is now crossed out.
My goodness, Millard. So many former members that invested countless hours to help build Meso into a credible source of information have now become persona non grata because they dared to criticize paying sources in a way that you no longer find acceptable. And now, you're even prohibiting wrongthink. Good luck with your war against imagination, commissar. You're gonna need it.
You're right - it is silly for anyone to think they could act as the thought police and stop people from using their imagination. I see how my phrasing was poorly worded and unintentionally suggested such. This is not my goal.

I am not going to attempt to stop people from such entertaining fantasies of sexually assaulting the wives of other forum participants or imaginations of systematically murdering the family members of other forum participants or thinking about other forum participants engaging in pedophilia with their children.

But you know what? I can stop them from sharing these types of things in written form on the MESO forum.

You're right again in that I don't find this acceptable. Furthermore, I don't think the use of such talk of physical or sexual violence is necessary for members to criticize sources nor do I think its prohibition provides any unreasonable barrier or obstacle for members to criticize sources.

I do respect your commitment to free speech. The goal of this forum isn't to become a bastion of free speech. The goal of this forum is to protect and minimize the harm that this particular community experiences with all things AAS-related. The use of physically and sexually violent dialogue is not in line with such harm reduction.

I suppose some congratulations are in order though. You've managed to ban your most accomplished member (and certainly one of your most respected), @brutus79, because a known scammer living in a former communist shithole whined and cried that his mean words were bad for business. And you were able to do it without any pushback from members. That is a remarkable achievement on a forum that once claimed to be a bastion of free speech.
One of the biggest strengths of my approach to moderating this forum has been my impartiality in applying the rules. No one gets special treatment. It is one of the core principles by which I operate this forum.

The rules apply the same to the most popular, most accomplished, and most respected as the least popular, least accomplished, and least respected.

I understand why people think I should overlook rule violations committed by the former group. After all, they may contribute infinitely more than many other forum participants. Hence, people may think it is reasonable that they deserve special treatment and special consideration when it comes to rules and penalties. These members may even feel entitled to it.

I always strive to maintain such impartiality. Most people agree with this general principle.

Yet, when it affects them or their friends adversely, they may still feel wronged. I get it.

I just ask that all members committed to the harm reduction goals of this forum, and especially those valued and prolific and influential contributors, to show respect and compliance for these minimal forum guidelines and lead by example. I don't think it is too much to ask.
Now that Meso has become just another source board, no better or worse than all the others, I do hope selling out has been worth it. I'm sure Jano's kickbacks, in whatever form they come, have been especially helpful during these difficult economic times.
That's quite a leap. And I'm disappointed that you say such a thing much less truly believe it. The unsubstantiated assertion of kickbacks from Jano has no basis in fact. There are no kickbacks in any form whatsoever.

It's quite the irony that you are accusing me for protecting Jano and giving him special treatment - while at the same time I am being accused of protecting his critics and giving them special treatment.

There's nothing like pissing off all parties involved. This seems to happen regularly when applying the rules with impartiality.
I am not going to attempt to stop people from such entertaining fantasies of sexually assaulting the wives of other forum participants or imaginations of systematically murdering the family members of other forum participants or thinking about other forum participants engaging in pedophilia with their children.
But you know what? I can stop them from sharing these types of things in written form on the MESO forum.

Only you didn't stop it. The reason reason you didn't stop it is because it never occurred.

What did occur is Jano posted several quotes out of context and cried publicly that you were giving special treatment to certain members. IOW, he baited you and you took it hook, line and sinker. That's not the Millard I knew.

The rules apply the same to the most popular, most accomplished, and most respected as the least popular, least accomplished, and least respected.

I understand why people think I should overlook rule violations committed by the former group. After all, they may contribute infinitely more than many other forum participants. Hence, people may think it is reasonable that they deserve special treatment and special consideration when it comes to rules and penalties. These members may even feel entitled to it.

I always strive to maintain such impartiality. Most people agree with this general principle.

Not only do they deserve it, it's owed to them. It's the members that make the forum, not the administration or the advertisers. Members give you their time without receiving any financial compensation. At the very least, you owe them your loyalty and some appreciation.

However with that being said, I'll point out once more that no rules were violated. I've appended the offending comments below in context:

I personally see acts like that are like cockroaches- see one and there are countless ones you don’t see. Say you come home from work one day and I am face fucking your wife. Do you simply assume it’s the first time, and since you haven’t caught her since she must have learned her lesson?

Hearing he did some things for Ben goes a long way, and you make some valid points… I still think he is a piece of shit, but I wouldn’t come up behind him and start off his hospital visit with a bottle upside the head like I reserved for those I felt needed a ride in an ambulance.

Wait…. You feel the facts about why you are not trustworthy are somehow not relevant because of repetition? You got caught with a five year old dick in your mouth. No matter how many times I call you a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement. I’m glad you decided to stop screwing people over and lying, but when it comes to scams I am a one strike and you are out guy.

The "wife" in question wasn't even Jano's; it was someone else's, and there was no threat made. It was an analogy.

You fucked up here, Millard. Big time. Given the fact that Brutus has been a respected member in good standing for 10 years, this needs to be rectified immediately. Anything short of full reinstatement is unacceptable and will serve as an example to all that investing the time and effort to contribute to Meso, build an account, make friends, etc. is a pointless endeavor that can all be taken away in an instant.

The goal of this forum isn't to become a bastion of free speech. The goal of this forum is to protect and minimize the harm that this particular community experiences with all things AAS-related. The use of physically and sexually violent dialogue is not in line with such harm reduction.

Is that right? But, but, but...

I share a passion for free speech with @CensoredBoardsSuck and empathize with his frustrations at being the target of criticism and disagreement. But he knows very well that this comes with the territory of an uncensored forum. It is exhausting but necessary for free-spirited debate.
That sounds about right. That's when MESO did away with moderators and committed itself to an uncensored forum where free speech can flourish. With the good comes the bad. I get it. This is what you get with MESO.

Asking MESO to go from an uncensored forum to a moderated forum makes it just like all the others. There is no shortage of options and choices when it comes to moderated - from lightly to heavily censored. MESO has chosen the road less traveled.

You've lost your way, Millard. It's a shame because this was the best forum anywhere, bar none. There was nothing else like it. Pity.
Nothing like seeing CBS crying about not being treated specially enough.

Merry Christmas to everyone on this beautiful date of 21.12.2023!
This board is more fucking disappointing every time I come back to it. I hope at least a few of you are still here when I come back next, for fuck sake.

Disclaimer: the reference to "a few of you still here" was not an implied threat and should not be taken out of context.
This board is more fucking disappointing every time I come back to it. I hope at least a few of you are still here when I come back next, for fuck sake.

Disclaimer: the reference to "a few of you still here" was not an implied threat and should not be taken out of context.
Seems a lot of new people joined up that apparently had their own agenda and I've not posted as much here as I used to myself.

Hope all's well with you!

That post by @CensoredBoardsSuck was quite bold no doubt, and Millard's response would be a good read.
Anything short of full reinstatement is unacceptable and will serve as an example to all that investing the time and effort to contribute to Meso, build an account, make friends, etc. is a pointless endeavor that can all be taken away in an instant.
Yet that comes with the territory on an anonymous board. Anyone who has a contrarian/stubborn/independent streak will eventually run into this when their "truth" runs afoul of a board's financial interests. Has happened to me twice. I don't even want to estimate the hours I freely gave to EM and TN. In the grand scheme this board still seems to be an exception and still in hindsight wish I would have come here first to post. And I don't use UGL.

I don't get this kickback comment at all. I have offered multiple times to anonymously donate here to cover admin costs and Millard would not take anything. My conclusion based on relevant data is the $$$ are not the driver here. Hence I will invest my time here to post.
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But you know what? I can stop them from sharing these types of things in written form on the MESO forum.
Thank you. No reason to platform sexual deviancy (that is even abhored in prison) here in a subculture that is not winning any PR awards. Makes it much harder for the serious people to post here that actually want to help with harm reduction. Some of us catch a lot of crap from family even posting to AAS boards. Seeing the deviant stuff on here just proves their point. The appropriate analogy I use is "pissing in the ocean". I can understand their point.

There are different levels of illegal behavior. Sexual exploitation/rape/minors etc should be dealt with here just like the lockup. A fine model.
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