Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Thanks for the clarification. Those compounds seem to have been "created" by reputable firms with longstanding testing/quality/etc. Some random dude seemingly created this new compound.

This is quite different in terms of comparison, at least in my opinion and one would think that it would either not be tested or come with some sort of asterick. I'm glad the majority of the community is speaking out against it all.
Ya it seems very fishy a compounding peptide source "engineered" a new molecule. Seems like the "reference standard" is simply money lol
Thanks for the clarification. Those compounds seem to have been "created" by reputable firms with longstanding testing/quality/etc. Some random dude seemingly created this new compound.

This is quite different in terms of comparison, at least in my opinion and one would think that it would either not be tested or come with some sort of asterick. I'm glad the majority of the community is speaking out against it all.
I've had a 'new' compound created a decade ago that is now a bit more common. It's trestolone decanoate and enanthate.

I've also made trenbolone phenylpropionate in a lab with less than 100 USD worth of chemicals and equipment in total.

It's not rocket science to slightly modify inactive part of a known molecule.

Ya it seems very fishy a compounding peptide source "engineered" a new molecule. Seems like the "reference standard" is simply money lol
Please, could you clarify what exactly you are insinuating?

Thank you.
I've had a 'new' compound created a decade ago that is now a bit more common. It's trestolone decanoate and enanthate.

I've also made trenbolone phenylpropionate in a lab with less than 100 USD worth of chemicals and equipment in total.

It's not rocket science to slightly modify inactive part of a known molecule.

Please, could you clarify what exactly you are insinuating?

Thank you.
I mean you didnt "create" them they were already invented well beyond a decade ago... whipping up a batch of homebrew from raw powders is not "inventing" a new molecule, having it produced by a lab and naming it something that already exists (a DPP-4 inhibitor "gliptide" not a dual GLP/GIP agonist) and claiming its a "newly invented" molecule that you can test purity on. it just seems like some kind of marketing ploy/joke which is what i was essentially "insinuating". the whole thing wreaks of a marketing gimmick/joke that you took part in.

*its very possible im way off base here and if so i apologize, but im not the only one that feels like at this point its a big joke. which is why i was hoping you would explain in more detail what is going on here*
Its very possible im way off base here and if so i apologize,
I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think there's a single thing 'on' base in your post and I feel it's more due to the fact you read what you want to see/made up your mind you want to see, instead of what I'm writing.

I am talking about modification of inactive part of a known molecule, which in case of steroids is the ester and thus exchanging that part of the molecule is a process called transesterification.

I used such an analogy to provide an easy way to imagine it. I mean, over here, at Meso RX one would expect people to know both that testosterone is testosterone, whether it's acetate or decanoate and that esters influence only half-life and pharmacokinetics, not the receptors it binds to etc. etc. Different molecule, same effect, same receptors.

At least so was my assumption, especially when someone starts inquiring with me about concepts that are pretty much quantum physics compared to that, such as structural elucidation of novel compounds.

So no, it really is not 'homebrew,' ie. dissolving a substance and I really don't understand. I really don't think that when you brew trenbolone acetate you end up with trenbolone phenypropionate here and there. Do you have such experience?

Now I have literally no idea what you mean by DPP-4, but given lack of understanding of basic concepts that I believe had explained properly I am not inclined to investigate and have my professionalism insulted further on basis of ignorance.

Someone made a novel molecule with hope of getting around the patent law and thanks to our equipment, experience, knowledge and skill we were able to test it and here I am being accused of taking parts in marketing plays or jokes.
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Someone made a novel molecule with hope of getting around the patent law and thanks to our equipment, experience, knowledge and skill we were able to test it and here I am being accused of taking parts in marketing plays or jokes.

That is a very strange way of stating that a grey market source "created" its own peptide and tried to sell it straight to customers without any clinical trials, studies and possibly without having any scientific background at all. I mean we can talk semantics here about the way the peptide was designed all you want but this is completely irresponsible.
That is a very strange way of stating that a grey market source "created" its own peptide and tried to sell it straight to customers without any clinical trials, studies and possibly without having any scientific background at all. I mean we can talk semantics here about the way the peptide was designed all you want but this is completely irresponsible.
And what exactly does us testing it have to do with that at all?

Is this thread called grey market FDA or laboratory testing services?
And what exactly does us testing it have to do with that at all?

Is this thread called grey market FDA or laboratory testing services?

You made a statement in this thread, to which I replied. I didn't imply that you had anything to do with creating the peptide. Maybe stop being so hostile?
That is a very strange way of stating that a grey market source "created" its own peptide and tried to sell it straight to customers without any clinical trials, studies and possibly without having any scientific background at all. I mean we can talk semantics here about the way the peptide was designed all you want but this is completely irresponsible.
Lol. Do you know how many compounds AAS and peptide users put in their body which has no or minimal human data for them? How about users taking things in ways or doses that have not been studied and are not recommended? I bet you have and continue to do that yourself.

Jano runs a service to test for specific molecules. Someone hired him to do that and he did. Whoever is making this molecule and whoever is buying it and putting it in their body is their business. Jano will test all kinds of things you send to him. That doesn't mean he's promoting you to do ANYTHING with it. HE JUST TESTS IT. What people choose to do with the information he provides is not his responsibility. That's the responsibility of each individual to make their own choice. Is he running ads on his website for this new chemical? Is he posting promoting it? No.

If you want to squawk about people making novel compounds then go to that source or go to the thread or forum with the people buying and taking it.
You made a statement in this thread, to which I replied. I didn't imply that you had anything to do with creating the peptide. Maybe stop being so hostile?
Well, then what was the post about?

Because I am at a loss at what exactly does that have to do with, me, my work, my statement, this thread... at all.

I agree that it's not the most responsible thing in the world to market a novel peptide. Or sell DNP. Or sell scheduled compounds such as AAS. In fact, it is not responsible to use any medicine that's not FDA approved and purchased via a medical prescription from a licensed pharmacy.
Lol. Do you know how many compounds AAS and peptide users put in their body which has no or minimal human data for them? How about users taking things in ways or doses that have not been studied and are not recommended? I bet you have and continue to do that yourself.

Jano runs a service to test for specific molecules. Someone hired him to do that and he did. Whoever is making this molecule and whoever is buying it and putting it in their body is their business. Jano will test all kinds of things you send to him. That doesn't mean he's promoting you to do ANYTHING with it. HE JUST TESTS IT. What people choose to do with the information he provides is not his responsibility. That's the responsibility of each individual to make their own choice. Is he running ads on his website for this new chemical? Is he posting promoting it? No.

If you want to squawk about people making novel compounds then go to that source or go to the thread or forum with the people buying and taking it.
To add to this, suppose Jano did decide to abandon his agnosticism and start picking and choosing clients based on his moral stance or other personal preferences, hard to think that that would do away with the controversy and that we would all be better off. The dude has a lane and he stays in it as he should. There is a lot of value in that.
I don't mean to be rude, but I don't think there's a single thing 'on' base in your post and I feel it's more due to the fact you read what you want to see/made up your mind you want to see, instead of what I'm writing.

I am talking about modification of inactive part of a known molecule, which in case of steroids is the ester and thus exchanging that part of the molecule is a process called transesterification.

I used such an analogy to provide an easy way to imagine it. I mean, over here, at Meso RX one would expect people to know both that testosterone is testosterone, whether it's acetate or decanoate and that esters influence only half-life and pharmacokinetics, not the receptors it binds to etc. etc. Different molecule, same effect, same receptors.

At least so was my assumption, especially when someone starts inquiring with me about concepts that are pretty much quantum physics compared to that, such as structural elucidation of novel compounds.

So no, it really is not 'homebrew,' ie. dissolving a substance and I really don't understand. I really don't think that when you brew trenbolone acetate you end up with trenbolone phenypropionate here and there. Do you have such experience?

Now I have literally no idea what you mean by DPP-4, but given lack of understanding of basic concepts that I believe had explained properly I am not inclined to investigate and have my professionalism insulted further on basis of ignorance.

Someone made a novel molecule with hope of getting around the patent law and thanks to our equipment, experience, knowledge and skill we were able to test it and here I am being accused of taking parts in marketing plays or jokes.

Thanks for the response. I had someone much smarter than myself spoon feed me essentially what you are saying.

Aminos Research essentially took Tirz, slightly modified the molecule to get around the patent and you were able to map out its structure given its similarity to tirz. Your analogy of the steroid Ester modification is in reference to amino research's modification to Tirz to make a new compound that can still be quantified/qualified via structural elucidation using LC-MS.

The name GLiPtide threw me off since this is an already named and patented molecule so this new, novel and apparently more potent molecule isn't really the pre-existing "gliptide"
Thanks for the response. I had someone much smarter than myself spoon feed me essentially what you are saying.

Aminos Research essentially took Tirz, slightly modified the molecule to get around the patent and you were able to map out its structure given its similarity to tirz. Your analogy of the steroid Ester modification is in reference to amino research's modification to Tirz to make a new compound that can still be quantified/qualified via structural elucidation using LC-MS.

The name GLiPtide threw me off since this is an already named and patented molecule so this new, novel and apparently more potent molecule isn't really the pre-existing "gliptide"
Thank you, I am glad this got sorted out.

I didn't realize the same tradename was used before, my mistake and apologies. It's not used anymore apparently and it's completely unrelated drug. Can certainly explain a lot of the confusion and unnecessary annoyance :)

Thank you, I am glad this got sorted out.

I didn't realize the same tradename was used before, my mistake and apologies. It's not used anymore apparently and it's completely unrelated drug. Can certainly explain a lot of the confusion and unnecessary annoyance :)

Ya appears the TM was never renewed but when I googled it, that threw me off. I see how you are able to qualify and quantify new compounds though. Thanks for the detailed responses