JayMax - From Hernia Surgery to Greatness

Back feels good man. I feel realy good. Just watch out for that lethargy on the SD. The dmz doesnt help either. I looked great on it but I was feeling like shit...and I need to order some more :D

Order more SD or Fury...or both? I wanna order more Fury just to have it, but just having it doesn't work for me, I'll use it.
Did you do anything for your back? Or it just didn't bother you after the pop. I did something like that and couldn't breathe right for a couple weeks.
Strength gains are great. Size gains are even better, but there are noticable sides. It's like tren though, where different people have differing amounts of sides on different doses. You just have to gauge yourself.

I'm gonna start low, 10mg a day I'm thinking. Tren has been pretty easy on me, hopefully that is, too. I'm planning a pretty hefty cycle for nationals next year.
What is "fury" ?never heard of it tll just now.

Pre-workout with DMZ, DMAA, and caffeine. :)

Hey jay, i dont know alot about PL, but at 244lb what kind of numbers you gotta put up to do well? 1800 total? And how's it all coming together after everything you been through with surgery and all? Whats you target number for bench , DL and squat?
Sorry for all the questions , but this stuff fascinates me. A lot more involved than i thought a cpl years ago.
Hey jay, i dont know alot about PL, but at 244lb what kind of numbers you gotta put up to do well? 1800 total? And how's it all coming together after everything you been through with surgery and all? Whats you target number for bench , DL and squat?
Sorry for all the questions , but this stuff fascinates me. A lot more involved than i thought a cpl years ago.

Not Jay, but here you go. I tried pulling up several feds charts and this is the only one that would come up, but they're all similar anyway. Also, this is raw, just sleeves and a belt.

Hey jay, i dont know alot about PL, but at 244lb what kind of numbers you gotta put up to do well? 1800 total? And how's it all coming together after everything you been through with surgery and all? Whats you target number for bench , DL and squat?
Sorry for all the questions , but this stuff fascinates me. A lot more involved than i thought a cpl years ago.

That chart PA posted up is about right. I'll never post "elite" numbers in total because injuries have taken tolls on my squat, BUT I can post elite numbers in bench and maybe DL. Especially since Im 35+ I'll compete in sub masters which is helpful.
This weeks training. Since this program is 10 weeks and Im on week 7, there's 3 weeks left. The heavy days have switched to being just the nain movement instead of variations. Though it wasnt much weight the DLs moved easy today. Too easy. I'm planning on testing maxes after and running the program again with real numbers.

Well thanks for putting up with all the questions i have jay and @Perrin Aybara, im incorporating some PL into my bb'ing routine, with the goal of adding strength and size. Ive always said " bigger weights build bigger muscles" so "power bodybuilding" is the goal.
Well thanks for putting up with all the questions i have jay and @Perrin Aybara, im incorporating some PL into my bb'ing routine, with the goal of adding strength and size. Ive always said " bigger weights build bigger muscles" so "power bodybuilding" is the goal.

Ive been hearing that term a lot lately. I actually like it...power bodybuilding. I know some "bodybuilders" don't like DLs since they claim it makes them too "thick", but it works everything and nothing makes you thicker than good DLs...In my opinion.
I've heard the waist getting thick from deadlift thing, but i think it's just genetics mostly. My waist isn't thick at all and i have a decent deadlift. It makes the back and traps thick for sure though.

I never realized how much DL affects traps until I tried to do some shrugs after my last volume DL day. My traps were on fire.

Personally I think BBers use the "thickness" as an excuse because A) DL is a hard movement and B) they cant move much weight and let their egos stop them. Too many people worried about who's watching them.