Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

The current situation that you have created is completely one sided as you can say whatever you want about me, twist everything I've said or will say and I have absolutely ZERO way to defend myself against your false accusations and I'm pretty sure everyone here can see this.

I have no way to stop you from saying anything negative about me so I'm going to do the only thing I can do and that's to focus on providing great products and great service and hope people judge me by my service to them and not by the slanderous and childish remarks and accusations you enjoy spreading.

Have a great day :)
You can't defend because you know your in the wrong. I really hope you Cdn customers aren't this dumb or willing to turn a blind eye. You're playing with fire to even entertain the thought of sending shit south. And I don't buy your bullshit for a second Jetson. I'll be seeing you.
Has anyone tried the bold cyp yet?

I am wondering about pip as I've heard from others that it can be bad.(from labs other than Jet)

Also, not sure if I've tried MCT or not as I've never actually asked what some of the larger Canadian labs are using.. any thoughts would be appreciated.
Has anyone tried the bold cyp yet?

I am wondering about pip as I've heard from others that it can be bad.(from labs other than Jet)

Also, not sure if I've tried MCT or not as I've never actually asked what some of the larger Canadian labs are using.. any thoughts would be appreciated.

You can email the items you'd like and I'll happily add in a bold cyp for you to try and you can report back on pip if you'd like?

Thanks :)
Has anyone tried the bold cyp yet?

I am wondering about pip as I've heard from others that it can be bad.(from labs other than Jet)

Also, not sure if I've tried MCT or not as I've never actually asked what some of the larger Canadian labs are using.. any thoughts would be appreciated.
I used a Bold Cyp recipe that @Jet Labs gave me in the home brewing section before he changed to UGL status and I got zero PIP from it.

I am not in Canada and cannot purchase from him, so take my experience however you will.
Lets just forget about serious questions for this pitiful start up. Customers gettin their shit tested. Nah just retards guessing numbers for vials of God knows what...bravo gents. lol

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Well you could try asking some serious questions yourself. As it is, all you’ve done is throw petty insults & digs.

As for criticising a Meso source for offering International, like the vast majority of Meso sources do: you’re REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel there.
Now freebies for reviews ? Keep digging your own grave Jetson.

Indeed, but I've never asked for just a positive review! I tell guys to leave an honest review either way and I've said it here a few times already.

Yet again just more garbage from you in an attempt to stir the shit pot lol. Go back to CJM and quit trying to afflict me with your nonsense ;)
Indeed, but I've never asked for just a positive review! I tell guys to leave an honest review either way and I've said it here a few times already.

Yet again just more garbage from you in an attempt to stir the shit pot lol. Go back to CJM and quit trying to afflict me with your nonsense ;)
Not the same guy
Coming from one of the biggest dumb fucks on the boards

Only about 3 of you over at cjm seem to hate me and have that opinion of me across all the boards that I am on, so it sounds like more of a personal problem, I’m not hurt in any way, try again old fart.
Only like 3 of you over at cjm seem to hate me and have that opinion, I’m not hurt in any way, try again old fart.
I prefer to banter with someone who has some sort of intelligence.
Unfortunately you don’t fall into that category so I will stop wasting my time with you, fucking mongoloid
I prefer to banter with someone who has some sort of intelligence.
Unfortunately you don’t fall into that category so I will stop wasting my time with you, fucking mongoloid
Whatever you senile old fuck. Have a good last few years.
Whatever you senile old fuck. Have a good last few years.
Bravo you stupid fuck.
You bring zero knowledge to any board.
Not sure why you say I’m senile??
Is it because I have forgotten far more than you will ever know?

Broke as a joke fucking punk
Not the same guy

I don't believe you for a second! Both of them are attacking me with the same wording, attitude and mannerisms and both of them seem to be using the exact same made up bullshit info against me so yah same guy lol.

Your buddy is pulling lies out of his ass, making posts made to look like I'm behind them THEN turning around and playing it against me and I have no way to prove otherwise.

Look at the way I've handled myself and then look at the way your pal is handling himself and look with unbiased eyes and tell me what you see eh!

I'm unable to reply(not that it would do any good)to the thread over at cjm as I was blocked from making an account and the thread is locked YET mods can still make comments and keep the hate going.

This is all complete horse shit and is a blatant attempt to discredit me from gaining any real traction here.

My intro was good and my thread was going good then your good chum steps in and starts spewing bullshit lies that I have no way to disprove and that's a real shitty way to go about things.

What's next eh, maybe I'm a racist women abuser or some other made up fiction lol:rolleyes:
I don't believe you for a second! Both of them are attacking me with the same wording, attitude and mannerisms and both of them seem to be using the exact same made up bullshit info against me so yah same guy lol.

Your buddy is pulling lies out of his ass, making posts made to look like I'm behind them THEN turning around and playing it against me and I have no way to prove otherwise.

Look at the way I've handled myself and then look at the way your pal is handling himself and look with unbiased eyes and tell me what you see eh!

I'm unable to reply(not that it would do any good)to the thread over at cjm as I was blocked from making an account and the thread is locked YET mods can still make comments and keep the hate going.

This is all complete horse shit and is a blatant attempt to discredit me from gaining any real traction here.

My intro was good and my thread was going good then your good chum steps in and starts spewing bullshit lies that I have no way to disprove and that's a real shitty way to go about things.

What's next eh, maybe I'm a racist women abuser or some other made up fiction lol:rolleyes:
I am not here to argue what is going on with that thread
Just saying it’s not the same guy

I don’t care if you don’t believe me

How did you get blocked prior to joining?
And you have one guy on meso that is bothering you
Big deal
Most sources get it a lot worse than that
So I think you are doing just fine without trying to build some conspiracy and make yourself look crazy
I am not here to argue what is going on with that thread
Just saying it’s not the same guy

I don’t care if you don’t believe me

How did you get blocked prior to joining?

They probably saw the handle with his lab name pending registration and denied it.

i agree. i believe it's two different people. The guy over there is too wordy in his replies. Our guy doesn't use as many words to get his shots in.
They probably saw the handle that was pending registration and denied it.

i agree. i believe it's two different people. The guy over there is too wordy in his replies. Our guy doesn't use as many words to get his shots in.
Ya two totally different styles

The guy he thinks it is …
Is much wiser than the fella on here