Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

it wasn't to stop warning I was a huge supporter of jet and great guy....the thread just got way past everything and even into politics... I have no say in it I never got ripped of or a loss of anything and he always took care of me...but really are people that bored that they wanna just keep going on and on and it has just turned it to well known members treating people like shit for commenting on there situation or what they feel, or all the tough guys are coming out and just destroying any logical conversation....but hey I know I can take myself out.. it just sad that before mess use to step into this shit and put and end to it before it really got stupid...but I guess its just a great thread to see people bashing people down and being tough and all the shit talking... real cool... and yea ill get laughed at and oh my feelings hurt and 1-10 tough guys will make comments lol....but hope they have better things to do....wish jet the best and hope it all does turn around for him.. never wish harm upon anyone or sickness...but on it goes
Lol it was a joke bro relax.
Come to think of it… your name resembles that related to some sort of engine. Are you sure hemi didn’t get into a second accident shipping out our already labelled packages from jet and you’re here to take third orders and triple our existing ones?
Just a heads up on calling guys a goof. One day it'll get you fucked up saying it to the wrong person. To some its taken as being called a child diddler. Like I.sad just a heads up, do as you wish.
definitely a jail thing...anyone been there knows don't call another man a goof, = (DIDDLER). def I agree will end up bad no matter what...better choices of vocabulary even if the guy wasn't in jail... just tell people to fuck off or don't even waste the time to type it....NOBODY IS WINNING HERE.....are we all are here to HELP each other not get fucked over ?? AND ARE WE not all here to learn if you are new to this? also just because on messo it says new member DOES NOT MEAN THE PERSON HASNT DONE OR DOESNT KNOW SHIT....there just a new member to the site I know guys on here as new members no names needed and all I can say is nobody would have a clue or what they are be careful who you speak to ...and all these WELL known members should be more positive, AGAIN were all here for the same reasons, to help each other and call out the bullshit sources and fakes and snakes, and make sure nobody is getting hurt or ripped off.....MESSO leaders bring back the old school shit and clean up all the bullshit ... and I bet I still get attacked for this comment...
Jesus, at least create paragraphs man, maybe someone will read your posts.
I wasn't that excited or figured I had to prove IQ and typing skills....guess my apologies. if I ever decide to chime in again I will do proper paragraph form and grammar etc. so it makes it more interesting and easier to read.
it wasn't to stop warning I was a huge supporter of jet and great guy....the thread just got way past everything and even into politics... I have no say in it I never got ripped of or a loss of anything and he always took care of me...but really are people that bored that they wanna just keep going on and on and it has just turned it to well known members treating people like shit for commenting on there situation or what they feel, or all the tough guys are coming out and just destroying any logical conversation....but hey I know I can take myself out.. it just sad that before mess use to step into this shit and put and end to it before it really got stupid...but I guess its just a great thread to see people bashing people down and being tough and all the shit talking... real cool... and yea ill get laughed at and oh my feelings hurt and 1-10 tough guys will make comments lol....but hope they have better things to do....wish jet the best and hope it all does turn around for him.. never wish harm upon anyone or sickness...but on it goes
Couldn’t have said it better myself, a lot of these neurotic comments are a clear cut display that a lot of guys shouldn’t be running gear lol and Jet’s never wronged me as well in the multiple orders I placed w/ him, but on a logical note. Some basic discernment would’ve been able to identify the risk in ordering from him even when he was able to get back up and running since he first started having the health issues back in April.

These guys are in here freaking out saying outlandish bs as if they think this shit is like ordering Amazon, and are facing the repercussions of the risk they took.
I was hoping to make another order off Jet but with all this stuff going on I decided to place an order with another lab.

It would really suck to lose his services off the market because he does provide affordable gear
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