Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Iv been out for awhile doing life shit, but i usally always pop on to read the new stuff, Its honestly sad to see jets thread turn this way, but the truth is in my opinion the day he left meso, it pissed me off, i didnt like that he left all his customers to defend for him it was a pretty quick escape that he blamed on other things, but in my opinion thinking on it now i personally think jet is ither dead or very ill, not sure if he had told others or not or if what he even told me was true because you never really no who is on the other side, but was probably early this year id have to check but i had wrote jet one time for an order and asked him how he was doing, i think i joked and said are yeh alive young man, and he responded with , yes but that he had prostate cancer, and was doing treatment, weather that was true or not who knows, but what is known is his blood work was horrible,over a year or so ago he shared his labs with me due to some issues he had and alot of his markers were definitely not good, so makes me believe he was definitely ill and something happened, i recently wrote him after reading this thread, and as of yet iv got zero response, so this is why im writing this in hope the thread doesn't continue to go on aboit how he ripped everyone because i dont belive that was intentional

On top of that he was always saying he was taking care of a family member with dementia, i often wondered if it was him with dementia because he often forgot things or didnt remember things,so i guess thats possible as well who knows for sure, maybe someone does maybe they don't.

I dunno this hemi person, but when they first wrote i suspected it was him under a different name because im pretty sure he was talking about getting a dodge hemi end of last year, i could definitely be wrong on that to,i know he was havin vehicle issues with his last ride so who knows, i don't think the hemi person was him now ,unless someone got conformation from jet that it was, if not its probably a scam and i wouldn't trust it.

Too be fair after all of this i just personally would leave jet labs in the dust, even if all this was true it would take awhile to restablish a good base with customers again, id say except your losses and move on to another lab, i wouldn't say that someone couldn't reastablish there lab back but it be difficult at this time id think.

Honestly id rather him not come back at all , at this point its too much back and fourth and the reliability is just out the window , i think he had a real good product well it lasted and i don't believe at all he was a reseller, i seen alot of his products and talked to him plenty throughout the time he was in business and way before he was in business, what i seen was a 1 man show and someone who wanted to do it on his own, i wouldn't disagree that he probably had guys chip in money to help him but i think it was all him my self, again iv been wrong before.

I never felt jets to be someone too rip someone off , the few times he messed something up with me he was extremely upset with himself and was quick to fix, so personally im not gonna say he is a con or someone to rip someone off iv always felt the need to help him or back him up or defend him i guess because of our previous chats on his health markers and stuff , and always felt he was genuine. But like i said you never know who your talking to on the other side and thats with all labs, its all very unfortunate but its time to move on in my opinion, i wouldn't trust anyone saying there working with jet unless it came directly from him and even at that id want reassurance it was him and not a hacker.
close the thread and stop all this profound thread comments and or drama and excuses from everyone that does not know shit. or simple reasons for this bs with who is who and excuses, the fact is its here nobody has proof and no real connection on JET himself has stepped forward with proven facts! .. end it all and move on ,no more of the deregulatory comments of guessing games etc.. nobody knows shit and he has not come back..I do not wish death upon anyone for any reason but the death of this thread needs to be put to sleep ASAP.. in all due respect why drag it on at all anymore! we know the world we deal in and shit goes down.. we all more then likely have taken loses and that's the risk, it sucks but it is what it is sources everywhere, dm if needed... I hope that is ok to offer and of course with permission on the source to do so to help anyone that got screwed.. if not I apologize and will not proceed to help..
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close the thread and stop all this profound thread comments and or drama and excuses from everyone that does not know shit. or simple reasons for this bs with who is who and excuses, the fact is its here nobody has proof and no real connection on JET himself has stepped forward with proven facts! .. end it all and move on ,no more of the deregulatory comments of guessing games etc.. nobody knows shit and he has not come back..I do not wish death upon anyone for any reason but the death of this thread needs to be put to sleep ASAP.. in all due respect why drag it on at all anymore! we know the world we deal in and shit goes down.. we all more then likely have taken loses and that's the risk, it sucks but it is what it is sources everywhere, dm if needed... I hope that is ok to offer and of course with permission on the source to do so to help anyone that got screwed.. if not I apologize and will not proceed to help..
How would you warn new people not to get scammed by Jet or anyone pretending to be Jet then? This is what this forums are for, sharing experiences and providing grounds to warn other people from falling into the same hole.

The drama and speculations are just part of it, but it doesn't erase what is important that is transparency about any source.

Anyway, it's laughable when new guys suddenly come in and demand a sources thread be closed then offer to recommend a source.
not new,,, been around the world and don't spend my days on threads...but facts are simple and there has been plenty of time and chance for this all to be settled and I am not the only one that has noticed how good this thread has gotten and turned once was amazing but now has taken a severe dive and plenty have been patient with the issue at hand and every human has a line of respect and when it is crossed..I am not even one that got ripped off . and it isn't even about straight facts anymore, it is all only random bs not doing a single thing for any one new or old... there is no education or vital information coming out of this thread now for weeks and weeks... read back a while and you will truly see it.. so now it has turned into a poor written childs story book. a lot of it doesn't even have to do with the individuals who have been ripped off.;. so end the bullshit and let everyone move on... so what and why would be a justifiable reason to even bother to keep this thread open other then it showing new comers that this bullshit does go down here and things are allowed to be drug out and brought forth a bunch of drama.. REAL MEN SETTLE ISSUES AND END SHIT WHEN IT NEEDS BE.. and I am shur there are a lot of members that feel the same way considering even threats have come out of this bs for going on so long...lets all move on to better things and more importantly threads that are active and are truly stepping up to do the right thing and help there customers...and to offer maybe a little help or insight to anyone stuck in a position because of this scenario, when the fuck is that wrong, when we are all here to help brothers out and make sure everyone is safe and things get dealt with properly and nobody is being screwed over.. come on now... don't attack me cause I am tired of reading the bs because most of it is just BEYOND OVER DUE and is past boring as fuck, if this were any other member although jet had good standing, now he doesn't and has not stepped up to the plate to correct a single thing and other members are right it would have taken him 2 mins to shop on and do so...all other post explain its ruined and the trust is gone, the sourced is done and destroyed, not even my words but agreed...all other sources get grief and ridiculed and fairly service that's if they even get a chance and for a long time member to do this to all the members that commented , well they have all stated it s all over and threats have been made... kill the thread people would have done it way sooner for less reasons for others...POINT has been MADE TIME HAS GONE BY AND CHOICES HAVE BEEN DONE... NO RESULTS and COMPLETE IGNORANCE to long term customers and BUSINESS. screwing people over regardless of reasons or excuses... that is not right at all....END THE THREAD ITS TOAST... not my words ALL FROM OTHJER MEMEBERS WHO USE TO FULLY TRUST JET...BUT DO NOT ANY MORE PERIOD!
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not new,,, been around the world and don't spend my days on threads...but facts are simple and there has been plenty of time and chance for this all to be settled and I am not the only one that has noticed how good this thread has gotten and turned once was amazing but now has taken a severe dive and plenty have been patient with the issue at hand and every human has a line of respect and when it is crossed..I am not even one that got ripped off . and it isn't even about straight facts anymore, it is all only random bs not doing a single thing for any one new or old... there is no education or vital information coming out of this thread now for weeks and weeks... read back a while and you will truly see it.. so now it has turned into a poor written childs story book. a lot of it doesn't even have to do with the individuals who have been ripped off.;. so end the bullshit and let everyone move on... so what and why would be a justifiable reason to even bother to keep this thread open other then it showing new comers that this bullshit does go down here and things are allowed to be drug out and brought forth a bunch of drama.. REAL MEN SETTLE ISSUES AND END SHIT WHEN IT NEEDS BE.. and I am shur there are a lot of members that feel the same way considering even threats have come out of this bs for going on so long...lets all move on to better things and more importantly threads that are active and are truly stepping up to do the right thing and help there customers...and to offer maybe a little help or insight to anyone stuck in a position because of this scenario, when the fuck is that wrong, when we are all here to help brothers out and make sure everyone is safe and things get dealt with properly and nobody is being screwed over.. come on now... don't attack me cause I am tired of reading the bs because most of it is just BEYOND OVER DUE and is past boring as fuck, if this were any other member although jet had good standing, now he doesn't and has not stepped up to the plate to correct a single thing and other members are right it would have taken him 2 mins to shop on and do so...all other post explain its ruined and the trust is gone, the sourced is done and destroyed, not even my words but agreed...all other sources get grief and ridiculed and fairly service that's if they even get a chance and for a long time member to do this to all the members that commented , well they have all stated it s all over and threats have been made... kill the thread people would have done it way sooner for less reasons for others...POINT has been MADE TIME HAS GONE BY AND CHOICES HAVE BEEN DONE... NO RESULTS and COMPLETE IGNORANCE to long term customers and BUSINESS. screwing people over regardless of reasons or excuses... that is not right at all....END THE THREAD ITS TOAST... not my words ALL FROM OTHJER MEMEBERS WHO USE TO FULLY TRUST JET...BUT DO NOT ANY MORE PERIOD!
Jesus, at least create paragraphs man, maybe someone will read your posts.
not new,,, been around the world and don't spend my days on threads...but facts are simple and there has been plenty of time and chance for this all to be settled and I am not the only one that has noticed how good this thread has gotten and turned once was amazing but now has taken a severe dive and plenty have been patient with the issue at hand and every human has a line of respect and when it is crossed..I am not even one that got ripped off . and it isn't even about straight facts anymore, it is all only random bs not doing a single thing for any one new or old... there is no education or vital information coming out of this thread now for weeks and weeks... read back a while and you will truly see it.. so now it has turned into a poor written childs story book. a lot of it doesn't even have to do with the individuals who have been ripped off.;. so end the bullshit and let everyone move on... so what and why would be a justifiable reason to even bother to keep this thread open other then it showing new comers that this bullshit does go down here and things are allowed to be drug out and brought forth a bunch of drama.. REAL MEN SETTLE ISSUES AND END SHIT WHEN IT NEEDS BE.. and I am shur there are a lot of members that feel the same way considering even threats have come out of this bs for going on so long...lets all move on to better things and more importantly threads that are active and are truly stepping up to do the right thing and help there customers...and to offer maybe a little help or insight to anyone stuck in a position because of this scenario, when the fuck is that wrong, when we are all here to help brothers out and make sure everyone is safe and things get dealt with properly and nobody is being screwed over.. come on now... don't attack me cause I am tired of reading the bs because most of it is just BEYOND OVER DUE and is past boring as fuck, if this were any other member although jet had good standing, now he doesn't and has not stepped up to the plate to correct a single thing and other members are right it would have taken him 2 mins to shop on and do so...all other post explain its ruined and the trust is gone, the sourced is done and destroyed, not even my words but agreed...all other sources get grief and ridiculed and fairly service that's if they even get a chance and for a long time member to do this to all the members that commented , well they have all stated it s all over and threats have been made... kill the thread people would have done it way sooner for less reasons for others...POINT has been MADE TIME HAS GONE BY AND CHOICES HAVE BEEN DONE... NO RESULTS and COMPLETE IGNORANCE to long term customers and BUSINESS. screwing people over regardless of reasons or excuses... that is not right at all....END THE THREAD ITS TOAST... not my words ALL FROM OTHJER MEMEBERS WHO USE TO FULLY TRUST JET...BUT DO NOT ANY MORE PERIOD!
No one cares fuck you and your shitty clothes
Im not one for sharing emails , but to back up my response above a bit, this is jets last email to me dated feb 12 that was my last contact after i ordered some items. It seemed it was looking up , but anything could happen maybe he did have an accident, i have no proof of that, only this.

Again, im just trying to clarify his well being at that time, so its likely possible he may not be around unless he did in fact have an accident and is trying to recover. Thats all i can offer hear, i know everyone likes evidence and when no evidence is presented then its all speculation, this was all i had.


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not new,,, been around the world and don't spend my days on threads...but facts are simple and there has been plenty of time and chance for this all to be settled and I am not the only one that has noticed how good this thread has gotten and turned once was amazing but now has taken a severe dive and plenty have been patient with the issue at hand and every human has a line of respect and when it is crossed..I am not even one that got ripped off . and it isn't even about straight facts anymore, it is all only random bs not doing a single thing for any one new or old... there is no education or vital information coming out of this thread now for weeks and weeks... read back a while and you will truly see it.. so now it has turned into a poor written childs story book. a lot of it doesn't even have to do with the individuals who have been ripped off.;. so end the bullshit and let everyone move on... so what and why would be a justifiable reason to even bother to keep this thread open other then it showing new comers that this bullshit does go down here and things are allowed to be drug out and brought forth a bunch of drama.. REAL MEN SETTLE ISSUES AND END SHIT WHEN IT NEEDS BE.. and I am shur there are a lot of members that feel the same way considering even threats have come out of this bs for going on so long...lets all move on to better things and more importantly threads that are active and are truly stepping up to do the right thing and help there customers...and to offer maybe a little help or insight to anyone stuck in a position because of this scenario, when the fuck is that wrong, when we are all here to help brothers out and make sure everyone is safe and things get dealt with properly and nobody is being screwed over.. come on now... don't attack me cause I am tired of reading the bs because most of it is just BEYOND OVER DUE and is past boring as fuck, if this were any other member although jet had good standing, now he doesn't and has not stepped up to the plate to correct a single thing and other members are right it would have taken him 2 mins to shop on and do so...all other post explain its ruined and the trust is gone, the sourced is done and destroyed, not even my words but agreed...all other sources get grief and ridiculed and fairly service that's if they even get a chance and for a long time member to do this to all the members that commented , well they have all stated it s all over and threats have been made... kill the thread people would have done it way sooner for less reasons for others...POINT has been MADE TIME HAS GONE BY AND CHOICES HAVE BEEN DONE... NO RESULTS and COMPLETE IGNORANCE to long term customers and BUSINESS. screwing people over regardless of reasons or excuses... that is not right at all....END THE THREAD ITS TOAST... not my words ALL FROM OTHJER MEMEBERS WHO USE TO FULLY TRUST JET...BUT DO NOT ANY MORE PERIOD!
Holy fuck has this thread ever gone nuclear lmao I wasn’t getting the notifications, but it has turned into a shit storm over the course of the last month.

Earlier in the summer Jet went as far as sending me a care package at no cost for supporting him through his adversity this year on here, that’s not even me shilling, I only know of the guy through this thread. (I had no reason to selectively get any of these items either lol)


At the same time though, how absolutely brain dead could one be to keep trying to place orders while he’s in a place of uncertainty when we’re all fully aware of the risk we’re taking in this process? Lol

Reading through these enraged comments are absolutely wild as to how naive and legitimately retarded someone can be. I have no comments, it sucks that he’s been (what seems to be) so fickle, but it’s all speculation until there’s evidence that he’s gone awol. Hold yourself accountable if you were that dumb to be still placing orders while the red flags were there.
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How is he a shill he said don't order numbnuts.

You lost money with Jets and now you're butt hurt.
Shut up goof. He's posting photos about how he sucked off JET and got gear for free in the summer... While members who ordered in the summer have yet to receive their order.
Shut up goof. He's posting photos about how he sucked off JET and got gear for free in the summer... While members who ordered in the summer have yet to receive their order.
He sent free shit to a ton of people and you're crying like a little bitch because you're jealous you got fuck all.