Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

lol yes gas prices are slightly out of whack with historic oil prices... but point is still the same, the economy is making money, demand is high, keeping demand high is good for economy... we are in a boom, unemployment is very low.. it has little to do with domestic production of gasoline as we can look abroad and all have similarly higher than normal gasoline prices and out of whack with traditional oil prices... if you don't think the economy is booming in last 2 years im not sure where u have been... record profits across the board...again, you don't want to see 65cent gas, high gasoline prices that are inflated is 1 powers at be are trying to re adjust and make more money than normal but also law of supply and demand.. energy demand is high....just fyi oil companies make good money at 25$barrel oil....

what @graciebjj doesn't understand oil is trading at near 10 year high(other than last year), last time oil prices were higher was 2014... just very wrong in this and this is an objective truth... lol so at least get ur facts right.

@3ml lol GREAT TRY, high oil means economy is booming... inflation means economy is BOOMING... its pretty simple.. at any rate provincial conservative gov are LEAST fiscally responsible and garner more and more debt.. NEVER PAYING DEBT BACK IS BAD>> dont think I need to explain this to you... if oil and gas are cheap that means no spending no investment etc as less money to make. yes booming economy inflates cost of things, but such is the free market. you seem to forget that provinces that produce oil make good majority of there money from first federal gov than oil/gas... ie higher oil prices are the more roads we can build and infrastructure to make more money and hire more people!! the only crappy thing in todays world is that large companies buy other large companies and when MOST things people buy is from a handful of companies it does set us up to be bent over unfortuently, and medaling too much into free market tends to come off as a little communist. Again this is becoming an issue in USA where Blackstone and 2 others own most residential real estate and ultimate goal for USA to never own and rent FOREVER.. (who Kushner wanted to bring into Israel to "rebuild" and criticized Israel/Gaza Strip for not wanting such a great deal when a USA company comes in to get gov funding to build so can collect rent $ for all time)...

if concerned about carbon tax remember u get most if not all payed back from the feds aswell as that money goes back to provinces to spend to employ people... its a bit silly, as the original folks who came up with carbon tax in Sweden it gave a mechanism to increase technology that made drilling/extraction more efficient... which turned out great for everyone, however, in canada I am not sure it has been as effective. taking money just to give it back is silly but get they make money of investing that $ in the interim.

ANYHOO, it should be common knowledge that increase laws more police overreach will throw more steroid users in jail... just like more liberal/progressive gov dont toss weed users in jail.. not sure how that can be confusing.. yes there is a balance and defunding is not an answer, but investing in people, reducing poverty, increase education, help mental health/family values, could actually help, not more laws and more but conservatives no longer are about family values, progressive liberal countries do though re Sweden, imagine how much better kids would be if moms could take off 2 years! anxiety depression would be lower and held accountable to their family not papa gov.

If think JT was bad(and of course can make that case) just wait for PP....liberal by definition means more free, just FYI... unfortunately Canadas conservatives are not fiscally conservative (which at least I could get behind) , more power, more laws, more people in jail is NOT a good thing(now of course anarchy isn't good either so of course a balance), just look at USA highest % of people in prison than any other country, how's it working out?.. dont forget HARPER wants to privatize prisons aswell like USA to make him and his buddies $$$$$... if you think privatization of prisons is GOOD (even no evidence it works, and just ups corruption), I really don't know what to tell u. Stephen Harper opens door to prison privatization.

remember PP is under harpers thumb... private prisons, digital currency, more laws=more criminals.... thats the harper way to control, police state...

anyhoo, glad at least tried to discuss but seems like y'all aren't aware of objective facts re oil price or gas oil prices, click MAX time frame and pretty cut and dry..So at least if going to criticize be sure u have your facts right and don't knee jerk feelings reaction. its ok to be wrong, i've been wrong plenty of times, what's important is you question things and don't parrot narratives... re conservative saying gas prices are high and thats bad and its al JTs fault lol when its a global market and high gas prices mean BOOMING ECONOMY which most people agree is a good thing lol... somehow folks bite on that and its WILD! raising interest rates is another metric u can thin about, why are they raising interest rates? well to STOP THE BOOMING ECONOMY TO SLOW INFLATION, remember the economic BOOM is what is driving inflation, again we don't want TOO much gov intervention as thats communism, its a worldwide issue ALL COUNTRIES with a decent economy are experiencing very high inflation...
I can't take you seriously when you believe the absolute bullshit lie that people get most of all their money back on carbon tax. First off it's almost impossible to quantify. You do realize carbon tax has an effect on every good and service right?? So it's not just the fuel in your tank or the gas to heat your home that you ate paying tax on. Let me break it down for you since liberals do not understand logic.

A farmer produces food. It is shipped on a truck through the supply chain. Every truck it's on, every wharehouse it stops at is affected by the stupid carbon tax. The store that sells the final product is affected by the carbon tax....obviously the price of the item has to be passed onto the consumer.

I can tell you that I don't not get a carbon tax rebate for my corporation. Sometimes I am going through several hundred litres of fuel in a day. I think the cost is about 14 cents a litter in just carbon tax. Imagine losing 1k a month or more just on the fuel to get my trucks to work for a bullshit carbon tax....thats right out of my pocket. Not to mention how carbon tax raises the prices of other goods and services. You really think that pittance they give us covers the cost??? Get real man.

Also inflation does not instantly mean booming economy. Distortions in supply and the reckless printing of money had a far greater impact regarding the mess we are witnessing in this shithole country.

Please stop trying to act intelligent.
Hey guys,

A few of us on here are naively hopeful to get a response about our products on this thread. I’m not your dads but is there any way you guys can fight politics in your dms or on a more appropriate thread
I can't take you seriously when you believe the absolute bullshit lie that people get most of all their money back on carbon tax. First off it's almost impossible to quantify. You do realize carbon tax has an effect on every good and service right?? So it's not just the fuel in your tank or the gas to heat your home that you ate paying tax on. Let me break it down for you since liberals do not understand logic.

A farmer produces food. It is shipped on a truck through the supply chain. Every truck it's on, every wharehouse it stops at is affected by the stupid carbon tax. The store that sells the final product is affected by the carbon tax....obviously the price of the item has to be passed onto the consumer.

I can tell you that I don't not get a carbon tax rebate for my corporation. Sometimes I am going through several hundred litres of fuel in a day. I think the cost is about 14 cents a litter in just carbon tax. Imagine losing 1k a month or more just on the fuel to get my trucks to work for a bullshit carbon tax....thats right out of my pocket. Not to mention how carbon tax raises the prices of other goods and services. You really think that pittance they give us covers the cost??? Get real man.

Also inflation does not instantly mean booming economy. Distortions in supply and the reckless printing of money had a far greater impact regarding the mess we are witnessing in this shithole country.

Please stop trying to act intelligent.
Good to know Lmao thanks for update
Nobody has yet to receive their orders. It's not happening, sorry you and a whole bunch of people got scammed.

Again, I wouldn't be surprised if JET came back and reintroduced himself under a different name. But I'm a nobody on this forum and the big shots here are going to say that JET won't be able to come back LMFAO.

How hard is it to rebrand and relabel gear plus photoshop lab work? It ain't hard at all but again, who the fuck am I to say anything on this forum.
Ya I was saving for a bit oh well find someone else I’m sure there were bigger orders in 1000s I’m sure they’can find him
Oh cause you’re a jet slappy personally I don’t care but like Irish mike might got that name wrong it’s more than my money guaranteed