Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Well it's not just the charges for steroids.
There is manufacturing
Possible charges for money laundering, proceeds of crime etc. You can stand to lose alot.
Yes I know. But Canada goes light on criminals. Especially now when everyone is "woke" and they push a more liberal agenda
Yeah soooo,

I’ve been doing a lot of digging into this (habits of my day job) and from my understanding there seems to be a 99% chances “jet” was just a reseller and or not even the actual “owner”. I’ll probably have his name and address within the next 2 days ( not even sure what I’ll bother to do with that information, but a 3k loss has me feeling a certain way lol)

But once I get more confirmed factual info I’ll share it, as long as it doesn’t break the meso board rules.

However I’m pretty positive we got fucked and anyone who’s posted on here that they personally know jet etc and he’s a great guy, can fist themselves.
It sounds like your information is likely inaccurate and you're probably also bordering on threat of doxxing which would be a no-no.

Sorry to hear about the lost cash though
Why are there not more vendors in Canada? You guys get a slap on the wrist if you're caught. In America you could get 20 years
if you pay attention to new labs that pop up here they often go the same way. Start up with much lower prices than the "big labs" do. Instead of $70 for a bottle of Test they charge $30-40. You know, because it costs a few bucks so why not?

They sell 100 bottles and maybe they start to get a bit popular, everyone starts raving about the great gear at great prices. But then they start to run out of things. They encounter their first seizures. They never had 100g of raws seized before, but now they're ordering 500g and it keeps getting snagged. They get their first love letters from CBSA. Now suddenly they need 1-2kg of raws every month but they can't get a steady stream in.

Not throwing shade but look at Testshop247, they're dealing with it right now.
if you pay attention to new labs that pop up here they often go the same way. Start up with much lower prices than the "big labs" do. Instead of $70 for a bottle of Test they charge $30-40. You know, because it costs a few bucks so why not?

They sell 100 bottles and maybe they start to get a bit popular, everyone starts raving about the great gear at great prices. But then they start to run out of things. They encounter their first seizures. They never had 100g of raws seized before, but now they're ordering 500g and it keeps getting snagged. They get their first love letters from CBSA. Now suddenly they need 1-2kg of raws every month but they can't get a steady stream in.

Not throwing shade but look at Testshop247, they're dealing with it right now.
I have seen Canada has stricter border patrol and more seizures. But I figured it was worth the risks there because law enforcement is so lenient in Canada. It is pretty surprising how few domestic sources there are in Canada.
It sounds like your information is likely inaccurate and you're probably also bordering on threat of doxxing which would be a no-no.

Sorry to hear about the lost cash though

Hm, if you think it’s inaccurate, it must be due to you having better insider information?

I’m not going to oust specifically how I came to the conclusion in my previous post, but I’ll just say the actual Jet labs should come from a few provinces over, rather than where he personally ships it from. There’s also 4 other key facts I’m not going to blast on here because you’re confidently doubtful.

In any case he’s 100% not the owner of Jet like he claims, which is more than enough to red flag everything else.

And I’m not going to dox him on here.
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Why are there not more vendors in Canada? You guys get a slap on the wrist if you're caught. In America you could get 20 years
Canada has plenty of established ugls. I think your perception is just a little skewed because you live in the states where your border security just let everything in, thus resulting in so much raws available for anyone to set up shop.

Plus, with such a huge population, it's normal to have more ugls to supply the demand.
Canada has plenty of established ugls. I think your perception is just a little skewed because you live in the states where your border security just let everything in, thus resulting in so much raws available for anyone to set up shop.

Plus, with such a huge population, it's normal to have more ugls to supply the demand.
if anyone is wondering all of canada has the same population of California
Hm, if you think it’s inaccurate, it must be due to you having better insider information?

I’m not going to oust specifically how I came to the conclusion in my previous post, but I’ll just say the actual Jet labs should come from a few provinces over, rather than where he personally ships it from. There’s also 4 other key facts I’m not going to blast on here because you’re confidently doubtful.

In any case he’s 100% not the owner of Jet like he claims, which is more than enough to red flag everything else.

And I’m not going to dox him on here.

lol bro anyone on meso few years ago could see jet was slowly starting to source when he would DM people if he should keep some of his win suspension on the side for you or some tren no ester on the side For you

Only an owner would have hard on got coffee mugs lol
lol bro anyone on meso few years ago could see jet was slowly starting to source when he would DM people if he should keep some of his win suspension on the side for you or some tren no ester on the side For you

Only an owner would have hard on got coffee mugs lol
Haha, I wasn’t around for the mugs, I’ve just been receiving half branded half unbranded products.

I will admit, there’s been a lot that’s happened from jet that makes it confusing for him to ghost now/not be the owner (refunding people, giving extras etc) , but from the conversations I’ve had offline, it just wouldn’t make sense for this source to be the sole owner of the brand.

Whether he is or isn’t though I guess is irrelevant, because at this point any money invested into jet orders is bound to be a lost cause, unless he miraculously appears with packages being shipped out. But that’s got to be a pipe dream.
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Yes I know. But Canada goes light on criminals. Especially now when everyone is "woke" and they push a more liberal agenda
makes sense, lets toss all steroid users in jail!!! dont think for a second thats not what conservatives want tightening how hormones are RX d (and UGL) all in the name to protect the kids...heck lets make booze and cannabis illegal toss them in jail too! also lets make more rules and put more people in jail! (more people in jail ALWAYS works lol) also lets follow PP and his one digital currency that can be controlled via gov! heck lets follow rightwing PP and increase power of police and control of people.. lol lets not talk about PPs plan to overreach into CITIES and attempt to lower the price of your home by some magic(reality is just wanting to garner more power and $ like the 3 companies in the USA that own majority of real estate and PP happens to be part of one of those in canada), its a long play for the stupid folks who dont see he really wants everyone to rent from HIS company, cut the red tape and regulations so can be king slum lord and everyone rent.. heck lets turn canada into Texas with poor infrastructure and CONSTANT brown/black outs. just FYI canada is a liberal place, and by ALL accounts we are actually more free in canada than USA... its funny how easily folks are manipulated and simply parrots silly narrative of "WOKE"=progressive=communism.. far from it HARPER is HUGE on surveillance, magically he holds alot of power in western canada, funny how his company from Alberta gets contracts to build roads in sask... dont get me started on how messed up the bidding system is for healthcare in western canada conservative provinces, they intentionally "forget" to post it so contracts go to their buddies its not even hidden, and just a big 'oops' thaskeeps happening. anyhoo, if worried about servalence/control/freedem u aught to be afraid of PP s Conservative party.. not to say liberals are perfect either, but there is a reason math/reading never mind higher education is much much lower In conservative places. the normally open minded left of centre folks are in for a very rude awakening once again with this anti "woke" movement when they think they are bad ass for being rightwing now... just dont be surprised when gov overreach crashes housing market (that is then bought up by LPs buddies, so can have more people renting in 13 or so years), and dont be surprised when conservative gov in Canada sponsors Digital currency (so can monitor and control) with a thinly veiled excuse. (which will be job creation in digital space, or because will help protect against china crashing banks etc).

yes there is a thing being TOO light on criminals but def prefer less people in jail than MORE... education, decreasing poverty, mental illness is what we need to focus on, not tossing folks in jail costing us money and they come out and just do more crimes. I mean clearly going tuff on crime doesn't work either re war on drugs(drug use only got higher and harder drugs more available)... certainly defunding police is silly idea, but since 2/3 of police calls is for mental illness or domestic issues, maybe should put more money into that area and let police do police work not dealing with sally skits on main st or tom the alcoholic wife beater.. anyhoo the anti woke folks think gov will save them from the madness when in reality its a cultural thing and want to suckle the gov tit just like they say the libtards do.

remember 99% of normal people all want the same thing, be happy and healthy. 99% of folks in power and $ want more power and money and just charlatans to varying degrees. unfortuently this generation has no idea what sacrifice is, lol heck wearing a mask folks thought they were giving up major freedoms, funny enough most of them never seen bullet holes or chanty towns in the third world, never mind ACTUALLY work hard and happen to sit pretty on a 'leftwing' union job, hope aren't surprised when right-wingers undermine and try and do away with unions..(often do, recently right wing gov imposed power over healthcare unions)....lets not get started on the wars coming with North America getting right wing leaders in a few years as economy slows and war $ machine kicks in, anti abortion laws/gilliad... ANYHOO lol bit of a rant eh? hopefully some food for thought, question everything, never forget 30 years ago gays getting married was INSANE idea and would spawn rapist pedophiles, never mind idea of legal cannabis!
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makes sense, lets toss all steroid users in jail!!! dont think for a second thats not what conservatives want tightening how hormones are RX d (and UGL) all in the name to protect the kids...heck lets make booze and cannabis illegal toss them in jail too! also lets make more rules and put more people in jail! (more people in jail ALWAYS works lol) also lets follow PP and his one digital currency that can be controlled via gov! heck lets follow rightwing PP and increase power of police and control of people.. lol lets not talk about LPs plan to overreach into CITIES and attempt to lower the price of your home by some magic(reality is just wanting to garner more power and $ like the 3 companies in the USA that own majority of real estate), its a long play for the stupid folks who dont see he really wants everyone to rent from HIS company, cut the red tape and regulations so can be king slum lord and everyone rent.. heck lets turn canada into Texas with poor infrastructure and CONSTANT brown/black outs. just FYI canada is a liberal place, and by ALL accounts we are actually more free in canada than USA... its funny how easily folks are manipulated and simply parrots silly narrative of "WOKE"=progressive=communism.. far from it HARPER is HUGE on surveillance, magically he holds alot of power in western canada, funny how his company from Alberta gets contracts to build roads in sask... dont get me started on how messed up the bidding system is for healthcare in western canada conservative provinces, they intentionally "forget" to post it so contracts go to their buddies its not even hidden, and just a big 'oops' thaskeeps happening. anyhoo, if worried about servalence/control/freedem u aught to be afraid of PP s Conservative party.. not to say liberals are perfect either, but there is a reason math/reading never mind higher education is much much lower In conservative places. the normally open minded left of centre folks are in for a very rude awakening once again with this anti "woke" movement when they think they are bad ass for being rightwing now... just dont be surprised when gov overreach crashes housing market (that is then bought up by LPs buddies, so can have more people renting in 13 or so years), and dont be surprised when conservative gov in Canada sponsors Digital currency (so can monitor and control) with a thinly veiled excuse. (which will be job creation in digital space, or because will help protect against china crashing banks etc).

yes there is a thing being TOO light on criminals but def prefer less people in jail than MORE... education, decreasing poverty, mental illness is what we need to focus on, not tossing folks in jail costing us money and they come out and just do more crimes. I mean clearly going tuff on crime doesn't work either re war on drugs(drug use only got higher and harder drugs more available)... certainly defunding police is silly idea, but since 2/3 of police calls is for mental illness or domestic issues, maybe should put more money into that area and let police do police work not dealing with sally skits on main st or tom the alcoholic wife beater.. anyhoo the anti woke folks think gov will save them from the madness when in reality its a cultural thing and want to suckle the gov tit just like they say the libtards do.

remember 99% of normal people all want the same thing, be happy and healthy. 99% of folks in power and $ want more power and money and just charlatans to varying degrees. unfortuently this generation has no idea what sacrifice, lol heck wearing a mask folks thought they were giving up major freedoms, funny enough most of them never seen bullet holes or chanty towns in the third world...

Holy fucking retardation
makes sense, lets toss all steroid users in jail!!! dont think for a second thats not what conservatives want tightening how hormones are RX d (and UGL) all in the name to protect the kids...heck lets make booze and cannabis illegal toss them in jail too! also lets make more rules and put more people in jail! (more people in jail ALWAYS works lol) also lets follow PP and his one digital currency that can be controlled via gov! heck lets follow rightwing PP and increase power of police and control of people.. lol lets not talk about LPs plan to overreach into CITIES and attempt to lower the price of your home by some magic(reality is just wanting to garner more power and $ like the 3 companies in the USA that own majority of real estate), its a long play for the stupid folks who dont see he really wants everyone to rent from HIS company, cut the red tape and regulations so can be king slum lord and everyone rent.. heck lets turn canada into Texas with poor infrastructure and CONSTANT brown/black outs. just FYI canada is a liberal place, and by ALL accounts we are actually more free in canada than USA... its funny how easily folks are manipulated and simply parrots silly narrative of "WOKE"=progressive=communism.. far from it HARPER is HUGE on surveillance, magically he holds alot of power in western canada, funny how his company from Alberta gets contracts to build roads in sask... dont get me started on how messed up the bidding system is for healthcare in western canada conservative provinces, they intentionally "forget" to post it so contracts go to their buddies its not even hidden, and just a big 'oops' thaskeeps happening. anyhoo, if worried about servalence/control/freedem u aught to be afraid of PP s Conservative party.. not to say liberals are perfect either, but there is a reason math/reading never mind higher education is much much lower In conservative places. the normally open minded left of centre folks are in for a very rude awakening once again with this anti "woke" movement when they think they are bad ass for being rightwing now... just dont be surprised when gov overreach crashes housing market (that is then bought up by LPs buddies, so can have more people renting in 13 or so years), and dont be surprised when conservative gov in Canada sponsors Digital currency (so can monitor and control) with a thinly veiled excuse. (which will be job creation in digital space, or because will help protect against china crashing banks etc).

yes there is a thing being TOO light on criminals but def prefer less people in jail than MORE... education, decreasing poverty, mental illness is what we need to focus on, not tossing folks in jail costing us money and they come out and just do more crimes. I mean clearly going tuff on crime doesn't work either re war on drugs(drug use only got higher and harder drugs more available)... certainly defunding police is silly idea, but since 2/3 of police calls is for mental illness or domestic issues, maybe should put more money into that area and let police do police work not dealing with sally skits on main st or tom the alcoholic wife beater.. anyhoo the anti woke folks think gov will save them from the madness when in reality its a cultural thing and want to suckle the gov tit just like they say the libtards do.

remember 99% of normal people all want the same thing, be happy and healthy. 99% of folks in power and $ want more power and money and just charlatans to varying degrees. unfortuently this generation has no idea what sacrifice, lol heck wearing a mask folks thought they were giving up major freedoms, funny enough most of them never seen bullet holes or chanty towns in the third world...
Holy fuck!!
You are one stupid son of a bitch.
makes sense, lets toss all steroid users in jail!!! dont think for a second thats not what conservatives want tightening how hormones are RX d (and UGL) all in the name to protect the kids...heck lets make booze and cannabis illegal toss them in jail too! also lets make more rules and put more people in jail! (more people in jail ALWAYS works lol) also lets follow PP and his one digital currency that can be controlled via gov! heck lets follow rightwing PP and increase power of police and control of people.. lol lets not talk about PPs plan to overreach into CITIES and attempt to lower the price of your home by some magic(reality is just wanting to garner more power and $ like the 3 companies in the USA that own majority of real estate and PP happens to be part of one of those in canada), its a long play for the stupid folks who dont see he really wants everyone to rent from HIS company, cut the red tape and regulations so can be king slum lord and everyone rent.. heck lets turn canada into Texas with poor infrastructure and CONSTANT brown/black outs. just FYI canada is a liberal place, and by ALL accounts we are actually more free in canada than USA... its funny how easily folks are manipulated and simply parrots silly narrative of "WOKE"=progressive=communism.. far from it HARPER is HUGE on surveillance, magically he holds alot of power in western canada, funny how his company from Alberta gets contracts to build roads in sask... dont get me started on how messed up the bidding system is for healthcare in western canada conservative provinces, they intentionally "forget" to post it so contracts go to their buddies its not even hidden, and just a big 'oops' thaskeeps happening. anyhoo, if worried about servalence/control/freedem u aught to be afraid of PP s Conservative party.. not to say liberals are perfect either, but there is a reason math/reading never mind higher education is much much lower In conservative places. the normally open minded left of centre folks are in for a very rude awakening once again with this anti "woke" movement when they think they are bad ass for being rightwing now... just dont be surprised when gov overreach crashes housing market (that is then bought up by LPs buddies, so can have more people renting in 13 or so years), and dont be surprised when conservative gov in Canada sponsors Digital currency (so can monitor and control) with a thinly veiled excuse. (which will be job creation in digital space, or because will help protect against china crashing banks etc).

yes there is a thing being TOO light on criminals but def prefer less people in jail than MORE... education, decreasing poverty, mental illness is what we need to focus on, not tossing folks in jail costing us money and they come out and just do more crimes. I mean clearly going tuff on crime doesn't work either re war on drugs(drug use only got higher and harder drugs more available)... certainly defunding police is silly idea, but since 2/3 of police calls is for mental illness or domestic issues, maybe should put more money into that area and let police do police work not dealing with sally skits on main st or tom the alcoholic wife beater.. anyhoo the anti woke folks think gov will save them from the madness when in reality its a cultural thing and want to suckle the gov tit just like they say the libtards do.

remember 99% of normal people all want the same thing, be happy and healthy. 99% of folks in power and $ want more power and money and just charlatans to varying degrees. unfortuently this generation has no idea what sacrifice is, lol heck wearing a mask folks thought they were giving up major freedoms, funny enough most of them never seen bullet holes or chanty towns in the third world, never mind ACTUALLY work hard and happen to sit pretty on a 'leftwing' union job, hope aren't surprised when right-wingers undermine and try and do away with unions..(often do, recently right wing gov imposed power over healthcare unions)....lets not get started on the wars coming with North America getting right wing leaders in a few years as economy slows and war $ machine kicks in, anti abortion laws/gilliad... ANYHOO lol bit of a rant eh? hopefully some food for thought, question everything, never forget 30 years ago gays getting married was INSANE idea and would spawn rapist pedophiles, never mind idea of legal cannabis!

If I had a choice to have your thought process and brain OR order RIGHT now from JETS

I would order from JETS every day
lol love the response guys keep it coming... 'retard' 'stupid', very apropos for folks who have no idea how the world works and want laws to be tuffer when ordering illegal compounds..
all I am saying is don't be surprised when canada gets digital currency as PP wants,(to prevent recessions he says lol, but will change his reasoning post bitcoin crash im sure)

Imagine many of you hear Rogan and his guests talk about how dangerous gov digital currency is (this is a MAJOR part of his platform, along with "attempting" to lower your homes value, which IF he could is very very bad for home owners and wants to overreach into your cities rights/jurisdiction to do so, but its just thinly vailed attempt to line his own pockets by cutting red tape)..

.. and dont be surprised when they crack down on testosterone above and below ground to protect kids from transitioning.....

never mind PP is harpers little man(worked in his party office since graduated yet multi millionaire... hmmmm, decent side hustle making 99% of your money out of your full time job, some might ask, why even have a job if make all your money OUTSIDE ur job....hmmmm), y'all must of forgot how much harper likes surveillance with very heavy hands aswell, they are all crooks but man its WILD how overt they are.. other leaders of progressives conservative party have been reasonable guys with real life experiences.. PP is extreme and simply there to get the extra 2-3% of the vote from the ULTRA FAR RIGHT 'peoples party of canada' to win the election. the western conservatives also want to get rid of the RCMP and impose there own laws/police... all part of harpers OG plan guys, more laws, more police/more people in jail, more servalence/less freedom, and rent from his real estate company....then add PPs digital currency ideas? I dunno, seems pretty obvious how this ends... takes off tinfoil hat....

anyhoo, to my original point I say lets keep steroid users OUT of jail... guess this is a "stupid" idea.... also very concerning is prov conservative gov selling off provincial lands to china/corporation at unprecedented rates, which unfortunately for our children increases borrowing cost/availability for the province as less to back the ever increasing DEBT even when the stupid folks think a "balanced budget" means they aren't garnering more debt even when have a 'surplus'.... Ontario and sask gov for example have WORST debt to GDP ratio yet selling off lands to keep afloat(making it worse log term as less collateral) , but eventually DEBTS Have to be payed back.. again #1 issue with new school conservatives is they are in fact not fiscally conservative and spend same or worse than liberals lol... NDP is only party that by and large has payed off provincial debt believe or not lol, when it SHOULD be conservatives... we are in the roaring 20s, economy hasn't been better for at least a decade, high gas prices are a GREAT THING, lol you dont want to see 65cent gas again...

thats all the entertainment for today guys lol....

sorry for the off topic rant JET.... he started it tho ;)
sorry for the off topic rant JET.... he started it tho ;)
First of all, you need to adjust your Adderall dosage. Second, I agree that the poilievre government is a little too far right for Canada. I'm done with the liberals for now but I'm not quite sure if the PC party is the choice I'd like to go with, but they're probably the best option of the 3 main parties which basically means we're fucked. Third, I don't know if anyone has told you this before, but using a wink emoji in a conversation with grown-ass men is about the most obnoxious fucking thing you can possibly do. You need to cut that shit out asap.


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