Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

This is the real-type of convo I was hoping to spark with my previous post. Excellent feedback guys.

So many like Jet, myself included, which I think has slowed down conversations that keep this thread rolling in a way that will keep this source accountable.

We’re all being, just a bit, too Canadian.
I agree with this.

He was very quick on replies last week, but this week unfortunately, he hasn’t replied.

I would safely say, if it wasn’t obvious, that no one should put another order in until us first rounders get our orders and he’s tangibly proven an ability to supply items again. I unfortunately placed a secondary order prior to receiving my first, out of good faith. Can’t say it was an intelligent decision, but I won’t blame anyone but myself if I don’t receive either. Luckily, I should be able to receive the funds for the second order back if I don’t hear back from him soon.

In any case, hopefully he comes out swinging with tracking numbers shortly.
What's the point of having forums like this if you do not utilize the information being shared. Warnings have been given months prior, yet people order even reorder without receiving previous pack.

If you really need something there are so many options out in the open, reps everywhere, why are you guys still sticking with this source.
I’m not Canadian but I’d hold off until packs have landed. The guy claiming to be a spokesman for Jets means nothing. Jets is a nice guy and all and I understand he stepped away from the forum, but if he wants to keep business going he could step on here for a minute and assure the members will get their packs before he left.
I’m not Canadian but I’d hold off until packs have landed. The guy claiming to be a spokesman for Jets means nothing. Jets is a nice guy and all and I understand he stepped away from the forum, but if he wants to keep business going he could step on here for a minute and assure the members will get their packs before he left.
He emailed us for a day or so then went ghost again.
He emailed us for a day or so then went ghost again.
Yea some guys said he’s silent others have said they’ve been able to reach him. If he logged on here and addressed all customers he could clear this mess up. Either way whoever paid I hope you get your packs. I hope Jets is doin well also.

I would safely say we got fucked. If it makes anyone else feel better, I can almost guarantee no one lost as much as I did on this one lol.

I had offered to do a second order when he was responsive and keeping up with emails, assuming he would just send both and I wouldn’t have to do an order for a while during his recovery, he was very appreciative and gave me a discount.

When he followed up asking when I was sending the funds for the second order, I probably should have realized that may have been out of desperation and had him ship my first package out.

But, he was still giving me updates until last Friday , (the 6th). Now he’s not, so either he’s back in the hospital, or he’s never dealing again and none of us are getting our orders.

Either way, this is absolutely garbage business practice and the fact that anyone who knows him personally , hasn’t chimed in again , would make me assume that he’s probably stepping out of the industry and keeping the funds or something else no one wants to be associated with. But hopefully someone local to him sorts him out for ripping everyone off.

Anyway, I’ll say it just to say it, hopefully he’s just fucking the dog on responding or something, but if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it’s a duck.
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I would safely say we got fucked. If it makes anyone else feel better, I can almost guarantee no one lost as much as I did on this one lol.

Guess I’ll pick up some overtime shifts to make up for being a naive trusting Canadian lol and maybe book a flight to Manitoba …..
What makes you think that? Makes no sense we literally received pictures of our sealed and labelled packs back in July why they could not be dropped off is beyond me
What makes you think that? Makes no sense we literally received pictures of our sealed and labelled packs back in July why they could not be dropped off is beyond me
You should read my edit.

He obviously isn’t sending them bro. Lol.

Still would love to receive my items. But again, duck reference.
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What makes you think that? Makes no sense we literally received pictures of our sealed and labelled packs back in July why they could not be dropped off is beyond me
I haven't been on here for a while. I've Placed many orders with Jet before, he's quick and sends out the package asap. So I placed an order a few weeks ago, he replied right away as always, accepted the money, and I haven't heard anything from him since. Now, when I hop on Meso, everyone is talking about how they haven't received their packages in months.

So if he can still accept new orders but can't address the situation in less than 2 minutes by posting on this forum, you can put it together on what's going on...

Lesson learned, business is business. Doesn't matter when people say he's a good guy, this and that. Sorry to anyone whose lost alot of money. I think from now on the only smart option would be to stick with SYN, since buddy has been around forever. If you can risk a couple hundred dollars I'd order from that Qindong China rep, you get 10 vials of test for $70 or something...