Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Honestly it was just a dig at how the Canadians ride your cock on the other boards, but here, we don’t even know who you are or that you know your shit. (Obviously I know you do because of the cdn boards)
Who exactly are you speaking for?
Who is “we”?

There are some vets on here that I am sure know who I am.

Maybe they don’t just blabber aimlessly like you do, but they are around.

Who rides my cock on Canadian boards?
Fuck man you have a strange obsession with me.
As usual…
Nothing but intelligent replies!
You’re saying I’m obsessed with you, must be one of your dilutions or maybe a symptom of your geriatric age and decline…how did you want me to reply? Call your nurse or something?
Ok fellas I'm guilty of bickering as well, but I think we should all chill out and not play back and forth with snide comments. Please :)
Jets isn’t Winnipeg muscle.. lmfao..
I'm going to have to say so far there's been no substance to validate the claim that's being made(however that may change, but until then we have nothing to go on). Evidence was requested then denied. Which in itself could potentially invalidate the claim, it'd be no different than someone claiming a vial of test is 250mg/ml on the dot but having nothing to back that claim. That person would get ripped apart, yet someone can make a claim to someone's identity with nothing to back it and people take it as gospel. Which is ass backwards from how I believed these boards worked. And if I remember correctly, the last time such a claim was made the admins themselves directly addressed the board and apologized for the false claims. Said claims were made by the same individual and in both of these instances they failed to provide any evidence.

Now I'm not shit talking(though I know what I said will piss people off) but If someone has the right to openly accuse an individual of falsifying their identity. Then it's only fair that similar events should be noted and reflected on. Because those false claims ended with an innocent individual being banned.
I'm going to have to say so far there's been no substance to validate the claim that's being made(however that may change, but until then we have nothing to go on). Evidence was requested then denied. Which in itself could potentially invalidate the claim, it'd be no different than someone claiming a vial of test is 250mg/ml on the dot but having nothing to back that claim. That person would get ripped apart, yet someone can make a claim to someone's identity with nothing to back it and people take it as gospel. Which is ass backwards from how I believed these boards worked. And if I remember correctly, the last time such a claim was made the admins themselves directly addressed the board and apologized for the false claims. Said claims were made by the same individual and in both of these instances they failed to provide any evidence.

Now I'm not shit talking(though I know what I said will piss people off) but If someone has the right to openly accuse an individual of falsifying their identity. Then it's only fair that similar events should be noted and reflected on. Because those false claims ended with an innocent individual being banned.
There is evidence .. it’s just not evidence that will be brought forward due to opsec… he’s not winnipeg muscle and i do know that..
I'm going to have to say so far there's been no substance to validate the claim that's being made(however that may change, but until then we have nothing to go on). Evidence was requested then denied. Which in itself could potentially invalidate the claim, it'd be no different than someone claiming a vial of test is 250mg/ml on the dot but having nothing to back that claim. That person would get ripped apart, yet someone can make a claim to someone's identity with nothing to back it and people take it as gospel. Which is ass backwards from how I believed these boards worked. And if I remember correctly, the last time such a claim was made the admins themselves directly addressed the board and apologized for the false claims. Said claims were made by the same individual and in both of these instances they failed to provide any evidence.

Now I'm not shit talking(though I know what I said will piss people off) but If someone has the right to openly accuse an individual of falsifying their identity. Then it's only fair that similar events should be noted and reflected on. Because those false claims ended with an innocent individual being banned.
Who got banned?
I'm going to have to say so far there's been no substance to validate the claim that's being made(however that may change, but until then we have nothing to go on). Evidence was requested then denied. Which in itself could potentially invalidate the claim, it'd be no different than someone claiming a vial of test is 250mg/ml on the dot but having nothing to back that claim. That person would get ripped apart, yet someone can make a claim to someone's identity with nothing to back it and people take it as gospel. Which is ass backwards from how I believed these boards worked. And if I remember correctly, the last time such a claim was made the admins themselves directly addressed the board and apologized for the false claims. Said claims were made by the same individual and in both of these instances they failed to provide any evidence.

Now I'm not shit talking(though I know what I said will piss people off) but If someone has the right to openly accuse an individual of falsifying their identity. Then it's only fair that similar events should be noted and reflected on. Because those false claims ended with an innocent individual being banned.
Says the guy who's first cycle wasn't even a year ago! lol Gtfoh rookie

@GohomeOrLift I know who you are. Have you ever used any other handle on this board? If you lie I will destroy you.
You ain't destroying shit, and my handle isn't the problem dim wit.
I'd like to openly apologize to everyone for getting heated yesterday and not remaining level headed like a business owner should and I'd like to apologize to @3ml as well for not choosing my words towards him with more thought and for making insinuations that were inappropriate and inflammatory.

Moving forward you can all expect the professionalism and demeanor of composed and equable business person

Thank you everyone :)
@Harley00 you're another beauty and you actually run steroids looking like this? Wow it's well worth the risk lol :rolleyes:
View attachment 155274
Those are horrible pictures lol. I tried to dig them up and find that thread so i could delete those fuckers. But I couldn't find it.... like how in the fuck do you find this shit, but you can't find any evidence on jets being winnipeg M

Ok lets be real , If i was embarrassed of being a truck driver , and working 15 hr days and still trying to find time to finally make fitness a part of my life after so many years of neglect , I wouldn't have posted those horrible pictures of my self in that thread lol.

What do you want? Yeh... i was a fatty... ok have a cookie... ohh look i lost a shit ton of weight... ok have another cookie... well fak would you look at me there.. i packed it back on and didnt accomplished much...

I did do ok hear though... so there was progress.
Posting shit pics is great, because down the rd when you look back on shit you say wow.... fak i made progress.

Fitness is hard work. Steriods can't do it all, you have to put effort in. When people start out on Steriods they think its going to make them big right out the gate, well it doesn't work like that, it takes alot of work, which iv slowly been focusing on.

So thats right. Look at the photos you posted of me and then look at this one which is not too long after, im sure you can time stamp it somewhere. If that's not great progress in a short amount of time your on fucking animal crackers.

Those are horrible pictures lol. I tried to dig them up and find that thread so i could delete those fuckers. But I couldn't find it.... like how in the fuck do you find this shit, but you can't find any evidence on jets being winnipeg M

Ok lets be real , If i was embarrassed of being a truck driver , and working 15 hr days and still trying to find time to finally make fitness a part of my life after so many years of neglect , I wouldn't have posted those horrible pictures of my self in that thread lol.

What do you want? Yeh... i was a fatty... ok have a cookie... ohh look i lost a shit ton of weight... ok have another cookie... well fak would you look at me there.. i packed it back on and didnt accomplished much...

I did do ok hear though... so there was progress.
Posting shit pics is great, because down the rd when you look back on shit you say wow.... fak i made progress.

Fitness is hard work. Steriods can't do it all, you have to put effort in. When people start out on Steriods they think its going to make them big right out the gate, well it doesn't work like that, it takes alot of work, which iv slowly been focusing on.

So thats right. Look at the photos you posted of me and then look at this one which is not too long after, im sure you can time stamp it somewhere. If that's not great progress in a short amount of time your on fucking animal crackers.

View attachment 155275
And you're new to steroids like @Jestopherson. So please don't talk a big game and shill . Especially since this lab is unproven and potentially dangerous.
And you're new to steroids like @Jestopherson. So please don't talk a big game and shill . Especially since this lab is unproven and potentially dangerous.
I am new yes. Only 2 years. And the first years a wash because, no one really knows what there doing.

I dont hold a candle to the vets, and the guys that earned there reputation hear, and I respect them for who they are, (most of them) because those are the guys i started to learn from. I use to read fourm after fourm , and learned what i could. 3ml /Silentlemon1022 etc these were my 2 favorite guys on hear.

You see animal cracker kid, could you belive 2 years ago i knew absolutely fucking noithing? And when you apply yourself and learn your own lab work and actually take the time to figure shit out , you can learn things really quick..

Should i add iv helped many guys with there own labs, and many people with thyroid issues ,( as that was one of my main issues.

And ill challenge you to the knowledge i have about lab work any day of the week. Im fully confident in my self and in the knowledge iv learned this far, and i look forward to learning lots yet.

Now ... for the 5th time. How about we see that evidence.


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