Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

@Harley00 don't spend time defending yourself you do not have to. You are getting sucked in, this thread isn't about you don't let him turn it on you.
I am new yes. Only 2 years. And the first years a wash because, no one really knows what there doing.

I dont hold a candle to the vets, and the guys that earned there reputation hear, and I respect them for who they are, (most of them) because those are the guys i started to learn from. I use to read fourm after fourm , and learned what i could. 3ml /Silentlemon1022 etc these were my 2 favorite guys on hear.

You see animal cracker kid, could you belive 2 years ago i knew absolutely fucking noithing? And when you apply yourself and learn your own lab work and actually take the time to figure shit out , you can learn things really quick..

Should i add iv helped many guys with there own labs, and many people with thyroid issues ,( as that was one of my main issues.

And ill challenge you to the knowledge i have about lab work any day of the week. Im fully confident in my self and in the knowledge iv learned this far, and i look forward to learning lots yet.

Now ... for the 5th time. How about we see that evidence.
You lost me after "only 2 years" runnin along noob. I'll just sit back and watch you continue to shill... very evident. ;)
Oh no ...expose me? lol Doesn't take a genius, but hey only noobs & shit labs that frequent this board now. So they don't know lol
The problem I’m having here is that Jet is actually legit. Contributed a lot of knowledge. As a gear user that’s who I wanna buy off of. So I don’t get why you’re going off. Just chill out man. He’s not some random dude coming out of no where slinging gear
The problem I’m having here is that Jet is actually legit. Contributed a lot of knowledge. As a gear user that’s who I wanna buy off of. So I don’t get why you’re going off. Just chill out man. He’s not some random dude coming out of no where slinging gear
It's was all part of his plan before he opened up shop. You of all people should see that.He's admitted to breaking Meso rules (doing business via pm before opening shop) and bashed the very source for his so called testing Jano. Why do you think I'm on his ass? Comon man...

Not to mention Freebies and giving out contact info to American customers on ugbb. Too many red flags
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It's was all part of his plan before he opened up shop. You of all people should see that.He's admitted to breaking Meso rules (doing business via pm before opening shop) and bashed the very source for his so called testing Jano. Why do you think I'm on his ass? Comon man...

Not to mention giving out contact info to American customers on ugbb. Too many red flags
So you’re mad he spent a year proving himself that he knows wtf he’s doing and can brew good gear before actually selling it? As a gear user that’s shit I like to see. Shows me I’m in good hands man
Says who man????????? No one with even an ounce of respect would vouch for this or any new lab. Fact...
And no one with even an ounce of self respect would come over to troll on a forum he was banned again and again, year after a year, and yet here you are.

Not like I'm involved in this topic, I just came to have a good laugh about the junkie logic.
And you're new to steroids like @Jestopherson. So please don't talk a big game and shill . Especially since this lab is unproven and potentially dangerous.
Listen brother, I hear what you’re saying, I totally do, and I think/hope that in time jets will stick around and provide a quality product and prove himself to be a good Canadian source, now I don’t think he’s going to be taking business away from the big boys, but he has a select line up right now at competitive prices and I think that could give him some market share if he continues doing what should be done, and testing is kept current and hopefully blind tested by members.. furthermore, you’re totally right about potential danger, any new lab would be a source of that until proven, and the magnitude of risk I think increases in water bases suspensions, However as long as I’ve known jets he’s been super helpful to other members in the brew section, knows his stuff in that regard completely if you look over his posts, and as it stands he’s provided everything that’s been asked of a new source including pictures of equipment. Now I know I’m only one person, but I’ve done trades in the past with jets, and long before he became a source Ive gotten some suspensions from him as it’s the only thing I would want that I won’t brew my self and I’ve used them many days of pre workout, and I have not had any infections or health issues related to use of a suspension that wasn’t brewed right, hopefully in time as people try stuff we will see if there is problems or not, but in my isolated experience there has been none.
Side note: the only product that I’ve used personally that he brewed/manufacture himself is the suspensions, trades or whatever we’re for products from other labs.
Anyways … put in an order for my winter bulker and all went smooth. I’ll keep y’all posted how its going. Should know pretty quickly how good this product is. Thx for serving me bro @Jet Labs
Order touchdown thanks @Jet Labs
6x tren susp 6x test susp 3x bold 3x tbol 4x sdrol and test prop n enenthate all looking good and professionnels, first pin 1cc test sus 1cc tren sus done pip for 10min and all good after
You'll enjoy the suspensions. I tried them a few times this week with great results.
1ml test/1ml tren in glute with very minimal PIP.
Tren has some bite if taken alone but test is PIP free. I did them separately a few days ago in each delt and suggest mixing.
Loving the suspensions @Jet Labs
Keep up the good work.
Those are horrible pictures lol. I tried to dig them up and find that thread so i could delete those fuckers. But I couldn't find it.... like how in the fuck do you find this shit, but you can't find any evidence on jets being winnipeg M

Ok lets be real , If i was embarrassed of being a truck driver , and working 15 hr days and still trying to find time to finally make fitness a part of my life after so many years of neglect , I wouldn't have posted those horrible pictures of my self in that thread lol.

What do you want? Yeh... i was a fatty... ok have a cookie... ohh look i lost a shit ton of weight... ok have another cookie... well fak would you look at me there.. i packed it back on and didnt accomplished much...

I did do ok hear though... so there was progress.
Posting shit pics is great, because down the rd when you look back on shit you say wow.... fak i made progress.

Fitness is hard work. Steriods can't do it all, you have to put effort in. When people start out on Steriods they think its going to make them big right out the gate, well it doesn't work like that, it takes alot of work, which iv slowly been focusing on.

So thats right. Look at the photos you posted of me and then look at this one which is not too long after, im sure you can time stamp it somewhere. If that's not great progress in a short amount of time your on fucking animal crackers.

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Good work brother. Fuck the troll. Like Jets, you come with a plethora of knowledge, especially with the blood work. You've even helped me out over at CJM.
You'll enjoy the suspensions. I tried them a few times this week with great results.
1ml test/1ml tren in glute with very minimal PIP.
Tren has some bite if taken alone but test is PIP free. I did them separately a few days ago in each delt and suggest mixing.
Loving the suspensions @Jet Labs
Keep up the good work.
I got a test susp with my order but never tried it before. What’s the protocol for this? 25g pin as per usual ? And how long before workout you pin it ? Does it hurt going in
I use a 27g 1/2" and it flows great. Can't feel it going in unless it's just the tren alone. I do it about an hour pre workout but I could be wrong about timing. I do long hikes with massive inclines as well and it was a great boost of energy to have out there.
Great libido boost too!
I got a test susp with my order but never tried it before. What’s the protocol for this? 25g pin as per usual ? And how long before workout you pin it ? Does it hurt going in
I use a slin pin 29g and it works fine, also I find that it doesn’t hurt as long as you get it in the muscle and none leaks out, even then it’s just a little sting. I put a burning hot cloth on after every suspension injection, and workout right then. Pin a little pwo insulin and 50mg of suspension, blend your carb complex/protein shake and get td in the gym.. it really helps if you have a decent setup at home.
I use a 27g 1/2" and it flows great. Can't feel it going in unless it's just the tren alone. I do it about an hour pre workout but I could be wrong about timing. I do long hikes with massive inclines as well and it was a great boost of energy to have out there.
Great libido boost too!
too long brother, 30 mins or less would be better, but at an hour I don’t feel that same intensity.