Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

K fellas post up your pre workout blend ideas and the most popular one I'll add to my list.

I'm thinking about a suspension blend with metribolone, halo and tren no ester :oops:;)

Anything you can think of post it up.

K fellas post up your pre workout blend ideas and the most popular one I'll add to my list.

I'm thinking about a suspension blend with metribolone, halo and tren no ester :oops:;)

Anything you can think of post it up.

I think you have a winner already lol.
That's one hell of a pre workout
Pinned the bold-cyp yesterday and almost no PIP this morning. Considering I pinned my ass for the first time with it I was super surprised.

Gonna try the test suspension on my push day Friday as well as start the tbol. Will update next week how things are going.
How about a nice pre-workout for all you guys doing some serious bulking this winter?

Could easily make both of these per ml,

50mg test base
50mg nandro base
50mg dbol

50mg test base
50mg nandro base
50mg anadrol
Damn you got nandrolone base
I'm prone to hairloss so I only want to run that I've only managed to find one forum post about it
Damn you got nandrolone base
I'm prone to hairloss so I only want to run that I've only managed to find one forum post about it

Npp will be out soon as well brother plus my promo right now is pretty nice lol ;)

Also I can carry straight nandrolone suspension on it's own, not a problem!
Npp will be out soon as well brother plus my promo right now is pretty nice lol ;)

Also I can carry straight nandrolone suspension on it's own, not a problem!
It would be cool but I don't want you making it just for me maybe somebody else would be interested in it too but I know not everyone likes nandrolone.

I am very intrigued by your store because you got great prices and you seem like a guy who knows how to brew, your product looks good from the picture and I see you growing in the future. Offering exotic steroids could be another selling point of yours.
It would be cool but I don't want you making it just for me maybe somebody else would be interested in it too but I know not everyone likes nandrolone.

I am very intrigued by your store because you got great prices and you seem like a guy who knows how to brew, your product looks good from the picture and I see you growing in the future. Offering exotic steroids could be another selling point of yours.

Don't forget about the positive reviews lol ;)

Thank you brother.
How about a nice pre-workout for all you guys doing some serious bulking this winter?

Could easily make both of these per ml,

50mg test base
50mg nandro base
50mg dbol

50mg test base
50mg nandro base
50mg anadrol
Didn't think nand susp was a thing. What's it like? Instantly smooth joints?
Didn't think nand susp was a thing. What's it like? Instantly smooth joints?

I've never used the compound myself, but nandrolone, trenbolone, boldenone and testosterone all come in no ester versions at least those are the only ones I know of.
Ok gentleman NPP is in stock, but won't be up for sale until the finished testing report comes back. It'll be between 105-110mg/ml.

Here's the raw purity test and product picture for now and as you can see I've switched over to stubby 10ml vials.

Thank you :)

Ok gentleman NPP is in stock, but won't be up for sale until the finished testing report comes back. It'll be between 105-110mg/ml.

Here's the raw purity test and product picture for now and as you can see I've switched over to stubby 10ml vials.

Thank you :)

View attachment 156013
View attachment 156014

I haven't gotten into my prize pack yet as I'm still waiting on ancillaries, but I have to say.. I do love all of the testing!
How about a nice pre-workout for all you guys doing some serious bulking this winter?

Could easily make both of these per ml,

50mg test base
50mg nandro base
50mg dbol

50mg test base
50mg nandro base
50mg anadrol
Those sound good, maybe swap nandro for tren base with one if it’s not too much trouble?

Making me want to take a pre workout shot at 3am lol