Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Hmm looking forward to this new lineup of items. Might give it a go next month. Are you planning on creating Anadrol in pill form? Not a huge fan of liquid orals but I wouldn't be against trying it once.

BTW bold cyp for me hurt like a bitch when I ordered from a lab in Europe while I was living there. I guess everyone reacts differently to this compound. Could have been the carrier oil too.. Who knows
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My response was also a joke fuckin idiot are you mentally challenged? You literally just chirped yourself. Well played. Don’t even know what lol means
It sounded like you were defending your post to me by the way it was worded.

But thanks for being a good sport...
Fellas, please no bashing one another in my thread ok. Jokes are jokes and funny sarcasm can seem like jabs via text.

Thank you :)
Fellas, please no bashing one another in my thread ok. Jokes are jokes and funny sarcasm can seem like jabs via text.

Thank you :)
I should have known better. He did say he felt like ripping someone's head off after pinning suspension o_O