Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I thought no ester = suspension or am I mistaken? Never used a pre-workout injectable.

No ester in oil is a solution and no ester in water is a suspension. Only difference is the carrier and absorption time. Oil will be a slower release where as suspension will be active immediately.
Been just over 2 weeks since I started 20mg tbol to kickstart my blast and I’m feeling great with my lifts going up and extra energy.
Also using bold-cyp at 400mg for ai and endurance but I’m still waiting for that to saturate. I can say it’s very painless to inject though
Used the test and tren suspension in combination which gave me an amazing pump and also had me hard as a rock just looking at my gf. Injected them both into my ass the second time which was a mistake and I couldn’t walk properly for 2 days. Guess I should have listened to jets advice of using half a ml for less pip. Using 1ml was tolerable but I scared myself off suspensions for the time being.
Dudes quick to respond, got my order shipped next day, and gave me some good advice. Bold-cyp and the suspensions were a great selling point since I hate the long ester attached to eq and the suspensions can be fun to play with. Solid service. I can’t wait to see the primo e and other suspensions roll out
Been just over 2 weeks since I started 20mg tbol to kickstart my blast and I’m feeling great with my lifts going up and extra energy.
Also using bold-cyp at 400mg for ai and endurance but I’m still waiting for that to saturate. I can say it’s very painless to inject though
Used the test and tren suspension in combination which gave me an amazing pump and also had me hard as a rock just looking at my gf. Injected them both into my ass the second time which was a mistake and I couldn’t walk properly for 2 days. Guess I should have listened to jets advice of using half a ml for less pip. Using 1ml was tolerable but I scared myself off suspensions for the time being.

Tren suspension is notorious for pip, but when mixed with test suspension at a 1:1 ratio and not exceeding 1ml per site most people find to be very tolerable. My test suspension on the other hand should be very minimal to no pip and ALL suspension are best used with slin pins imho.

Thank you for your review brother :)
Tren-ace sale ends tonight everyone.

Also sdrol doesn't seem to be as popular as I thought it would be so I'm dropping the price to $25 till sold out then I'll be deciding if it's something I'll be restocking.

Thank you
No ester in oil is a solution and no ester in water is a suspension. Only difference is the carrier and absorption time. Oil will be a slower release where as suspension will be active immediately.
Thanks for reminding me of high school chemistry. We learned about solutions, suspensions, and colloids. And of course since testosterone is a lipophilic compound, it cannot dissolve in water!

How then is the testosterone evenly dispersed in the water? Is it an emulsion or a colloid?
Tren suspension is notorious for pip, but when mixed with test suspension at a 1:1 ratio and not exceeding 1ml per site most people find to be very tolerable. My test suspension on the other hand should be very minimal to no pip and ALL suspension are best used with slin pins imho.

Thank you for your review brother :)
In the event you are not pinning the 2 suspensions together, could you reduce the pip by mixing a suspension with BAC water in the same syringe?
In the event you are not pinning the 2 suspensions together, could you reduce the pip by mixing a suspension with BAC water in the same syringe?
In all honesty the pip from the suspensions I've tried lasts 5-15 minutes at most. Probably more trouble than it's worth.
I’m digging the MCT oil. Been using mostly mig840 the last couple years.The MCT is just as thin but with no pip. Had never used it in the Past
Superdrol and Deca prices are now reduced till current stock is sold out.


Thank you :)
Samples of the following items will be available within 24-48 hours.

Anavar suspension, 50mg/ml
Anadrol suspension, 50mg/ml
Test-cyp, 250mg/ml
Mast-e, 200mg/ml
Tren-e, 200mg/ml
Primo-e, 200mg/ml
Mast-p, 100mg/ml
Primo-ace, 75mg/ml

Thank you :)