Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Well guys autocorrect has kicked my old ass once again so I gotta eat some shit now!

All primo samples that went out say Promobolan instead of Primobolan so everyone who got these will receive a free primo-e once I have it in full stock.

I sincerely apologize for the error and hope this will make things right with those who ordered.

Thank you :)
Promo samples + Primo = Promo-bolan
Makes sense to me
Everyone who was shipped primo with label misprint has been contacted by email, but if I missed anyone I'll post up here as well.

To those who ordered you will receive a free primo-e 200 when in stock plus a free item of choice from my list plus free shipping in return for my label error.

I hope this will make things right.

Again my apologies,

Thank you.
Receieved my pack yesterday.. shipped next morning after order
everything packaged super secure and safe and everything looks great cheers bro

The first person to post irrefutable proof (Email confirmation/Bitcoin on blockchain) of a donation made to a no kill animal rescue for no less than $200 will receive the following items,

2x Test-e
2x Deca
2x Dbol
2x Test-p
1x Primo-ace
1x Var-susp
1x Anadrol-susp

Thank you :)
Review time!

Includes Primo Ace and Anadrol suspension comments. Sections are bold, products are underlined.

I’ll put this up top…

TLDR: Jet good, you order things, you happy, PIP is joke


This guy’s replies are so swift I am concerned for his personal life. Package was shipped out fast and arrived way quicker than I anticipated considering the weather-related delays in my area. Forgot about a promo item on my order and he reminded me instead of letting me forget.


I have to comment on this. Bubble packaging within bubble packaging within bubble packaging bound with… so … much … tape. Christmas at Jet’s place must take a week. Seriously someone could take a sledgehammer to the package and it would prob still arrive intact. Slick business card.


I will give specific reviews of the products I have tried.

Anadrol Suspension: God dayuuuuummmm am I impressed with this. I have used one other brand of injectable anadrol. Jet’s stuff has WAAAAAYYYYYY less PIP, like seriously next to none in comparison. Maybe 15 mins of PIP at most. On top of that, same price as the other provider but you get 10 MLs instead of 5 MLs. WTF? There’s seriously no competition here.

As for the suspension VS orals. Love em. Really minimizes stomach issues for me. No heartburn or stomach pain what so ever and I got wicked bad heartburn from a whopping 5 MG of oral anavar. If you are on the fence about trying an injectable suspension as a preworkout or to swap from orals, I would highly recommend Jet’s. Definitely never gonna use an oral again given the choice.

Primo / “Promo” Ace: I like to use Primo as an AI (100 MG of Primo dropped my E2 from 64 -> 44). I would prefer to match the ester to whatever ester is providing estrogen whenever possible i.e Primo E with Test E, Primo Ace with Ment Ace. Not a fan of oral primo ace as it is not scalable due to cost, there is no definite data on its bioavailability that I am aware of so I can’t exactly transfer data between esters, plus I found it had some delay VS injectable ace so the timing was a bit fucked up.

To test the injectable primo ace I used it as an AI for the Ment ace. Did not grow breasts . Worked MUCH better than the oral primo ace as release timing felt great to me. If any Ment fiends are out there and find it hard to control the estrogen on ace, give this stuff a shot, makes it a breeze.

BUT THE PIP !?!?!?! I didn’t notice any more pip versus primo e frankly. If there was PIP it is was seriously so little it wasn’t memorable. I have pinned this 5 times in 2 and a bit days. Primo makes me feel amazing and this primo was no different.

Carrier oil: Have not used MCT oil before, only GSO, cotton seed, and miglyol. Thickness in my experience is GSO > cotton seed > MCT > miglyol. I pin ED, sometimes twice a day depending on the ester, using either a 27 or 30 gauge needle. Pushing the GSO or cotton seed through the 30 gauge requires some effort. Not so much with the MCT. Indifferent towards miglyol, thin but I find it has a bit more pip vs the other 3 oils. When the GSO / cotton seed supply runs out, I won’t be getting more, worth the switch to MCT.

Final thoughts:

All in all fucking awesome service, great prices, offers some “oddities”, and whatever black magic witchery he uses in his brewing process has conquered PIP resulting in a top notch product. If you place an order, you won’t be disappointed.

To Do:

Try Test Suspension, Anavar Suspension, and Bold cyp (might wait for Ment E for this one or next time I use more test)
Been using Jet's test-e for over a month now. I've got no complaints at all. The MCT is great, takes no time at all to go through a 29g needle. Used it when I pinned my lats for the first time, no pip at all. Email replies were quick and so was the shipping. Good gear, good prices, good service. Cant ask for more really.

Gave $250 to the Etobicoke humane society. I adopted a trio of rats from there when I was a teenager. Those little bastards were the sweetest pets I ever had.
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Been using Jet's test-e for over a month now. I've got no complaints at all. The MCT is great, takes no time at all to go through a 29g needle. Used it when I pinned my lats for the first time, no pip at all. Email replies were quick and so was the shipping. Good gear, good prices, good service. Cant ask for more really.

Gave $250 to the Etobicoke humane society. I adopted a trio of rats from there when I was a teenager. Those little bastards were the sweetest pets I ever had.
View attachment 157247

Awesome stuff! You have email good Sir :)
Updated price list, dbol is on sale for all of December!

Payment options, EMT, BITCOIN

Product list:


Test-Enan 250mg/ml, $40
Test-Prop 100mg/ml, $35
Test-Phenylprop 100mg/ml, $35
Test-Susp 100mg/ml, $45(Aqueous Injection)
Bold-Cyp 200mg/ml, $45
Nandrolone Deca 300mg/ml, $35
Npp 100mg/ml, $45

Orals/50 count

Dbol 20mg/cap, $30
Sdrol 10mg/cap, $25
Stanolone 20mg/cap, $40

I also have the following items in stock,

7x Anavar suspension 50mg/ml $50(Aqueous Injection)
14x Anadrol suspension 50mg/ml $50(Aqueous Injection)

The following items will fully stocked early January and be backed by hplc testing,

Primo-E 200
Mast-E 200
Tren-E 200
Mast-P 100
Anavar 20
Aromasin 12.5
Nolvadex 20
Cialis 20
Anadrol 50
Test Base 50(In oil)
Tren Base 50(In oil)
Winny Base 50(In oil)
Diamonas 150(50mg Test-Suspension, 50mg Tren-Suspension, 50mg Winstrol-Suspension) (Aqueous Injection)

Products coming in February,

Test 500
Deca 500
Eq 500
Tren Blend 200
Primo Blend 200

Thank you :)
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Updated price list, dbol is on sale for all of December!

Payment options, EMT, BITCOIN

Product list:


Test-Enan 250mg/ml, $40
Test-Prop 100mg/ml, $35
Test-Phenylprop 100mg/ml, $35
Test-Susp 100mg/ml, $45(Aqueous Injection)
Bold-Cyp 200mg/ml, $45
Nandrolone Deca 300mg/ml, $35
Npp 100mg/ml, $45

Orals/50 count

Dbol 20mg/cap, $30
Sdrol 10mg/cap, $25
Stanolone 20mg/cap, $40

I also have the following items in stock,

7x Anavar suspension 50mg/ml $50(Aqueous Injection)
14x Anadrol suspension 50mg/ml $50(Aqueous Injection)

The following items will fully stocked early January and be backed by hplc testing,

Primo-E 200
Mast-E 200
Tren-E 200
Mast-P 100
Anavar 20
Aromasin 12.5
Nolvadex 20
Cialis 20
Anadrol 50
Test Base 50(In oil)
Tren Base 50(In oil)
Winny Base 50(In oil)
Diamonas 150(50mg Test-Suspension, 50mg Tren-Suspension, 50mg Winstrol-Suspension) (Aqueous Injection)

Products coming in February,

Test 500
Deca 500
Eq 500
Tren Blend 200
Primo Blend 200

Thank you :)

test & deca 500 talk dirty to me