Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

One of the biggest auctions iv seen, honestly i don't think you need to go and donate to every organization, just a good auction is good enough, sure its nice to contribute to good causes, but your already under pricing the competition, and offering the same quality of products, with testing, weather people wanna belive in testing or not, its highly douptfull your going to chance fudging testing, youve shown noithing but honesty on your thread, so in order for you to keep serving us, you should keep a bit more of your money, those are my 2 cents worth.

Jets products are 100%. And i garuntee for a fact his customer service is on point. He would break his back to make sure your satisfied.

The Chinese are way cheaper. Personally... I would not want to be subsidizing all these charities. The $ comes from somewhere.. its just added to the cost of everyone else's order.
The Chinese are way cheaper. Personally... I would not want to be subsidizing all these charities. The $ comes from somewhere.. its just added to the cost of everyone else's order.

The Chinese what are way cheaper? And you do not agree with making donations to animal rescues?:confused:
The Chinese what are way cheaper? And you do not agree with making donations to animal rescues?:confused:
Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd.
Test C250 mg/ml70
Thats for 10, 10ML vials.
And they take credit cards, no western union fee’s, no Bitcoin fee’s.
I'm sure it comes from the same place yours does.

So thats $70 for 10 bottles. What would it cost to buy that from you?

No, I don't agree with donating to anything, anyone. I'm not a socialist. I want to keep the $ in my pocket.

These non profits are a scam, taking peoples $ to move $ around and hire friends relatives at your expense. If I want to feed a cat, or anyone else, I'll do it with my $ on my terms.

I've paid millions in Taxes in my lifetime. Fuck giving anymore of my $ away.
Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd.
Test C250 mg/ml70
Thats for 10, 10ML vials.
And they take credit cards, no western union fee’s, no Bitcoin fee’s.
I'm sure it comes from the same place yours does.

So thats $70 for 10 bottles. What would it cost to buy that from you?

No, I don't agree with donating to anything, anyone. I'm not a socialist. I want to keep the $ in my pocket.

These non profits are a scam, taking peoples $ to move $ around and hire friends relatives at your expense. If I want to feed a cat, or anyone else, I'll do it with my $ on my terms.

I've paid millions in Taxes in my lifetime. Fuck giving anymore of my $ away.

Go order from Sigma then!
Those whole point of ordering domestic is to avoid the hassle of Canadian customs opening up your shit.

I'd rather get my gear in 2-3 days rather than keeping my fingers crossed I won't pop my mailbox open and fine a seizure letter.

To each his own
Go order from Sigma then!

Someone made a statement you had the lowest price, and I corrected them.
Nothing against you. China has undercut everyone/everywhere.

If I would order this from you, the same quantity would cost Hundreds of dollars more, correct?

Sorry.... I'm not going manipulated into padding your wallet just so I can "Feel Good" that you donated 1/10 of 1 percent of your profit to some "cause"
Those whole point of ordering domestic is to avoid the hassle of Canadian customs opening up your shit.

I'd rather get my gear in 2-3 days rather than keeping my fingers crossed I won't pop my mailbox open and fine a seizure letter.

To each his own
I like to plan things. So.. I could have many seizure occur and it would still cost me a lot less than ordering domestic. Some consumers are spur of the moment buyers... and they pay the price for it. I plan stuff out long term, and save $.

Exactly.. to each his own. And if someone doesn't get their order in a few months from China, and needs it quick, they can always buy here at the last moment.
Someone made a statement you had the lowest price, and I corrected them.
Nothing against you. China has undercut everyone/everywhere.

If I would order this from you, the same quantity would cost Hundreds of dollars more, correct?

Sorry.... I'm not going manipulated into padding your wallet just so I can "Feel Good" that you donated 1/10 of 1 percent of your profit to some "cause"

Say hello to my ignore list ;)
Covering your eyes up and your ears is not a good way to take on the challenges of your competitors beating you.
Wheres the challenge? What challenge is there?
Jets is domestic, this other lab is Chinese.

No comparison Case closed zero fucks given no one cares.

Donation is your opinion , and your allowed to have it.

Bringing another lab over hear thats cleary not canada domestic...and takes credit cards is fucking stupied.

Glad we cleared this up thnx for popin by.
Wheres the challenge? What challenge is there?
Jets is domestic, this other lab is Chinese.
You have a point. Then again... if thats true, why did he take such offense to it?

No comparison Case closed zero fucks given no one cares.

Donation is your opinion , and your allowed to have it.

Bringing another lab over hear thats cleary not canada domestic...and takes credit is fucking stupied.
We are in a global world.

Glad we cleared this up thnx for popin by.
I like to plan things. So.. I could have many seizure occur and it would still cost me a lot less than ordering domestic. Some consumers are spur of the moment buyers... and they pay the price for it. I plan stuff out long term, and save $.

Exactly.. to each his own. And if someone doesn't get their order in a few months from China, and needs it quick, they can always buy here at the last moment.
Its called convenience. Ordering overseas is a royal pain the ass and its stressful for some people.

If you are pinching pennies that's fine but some people could care less about saving a few hundred dollars on a cycle. Also depends on what it is you need.
Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd.
Test C250 mg/ml70
Thats for 10, 10ML vials.
And they take credit cards, no western union fee’s, no Bitcoin fee’s.
I'm sure it comes from the same place yours does.

So thats $70 for 10 bottles. What would it cost to buy that from you?

No, I don't agree with donating to anything, anyone. I'm not a socialist. I want to keep the $ in my pocket.

These non profits are a scam, taking peoples $ to move $ around and hire friends relatives at your expense. If I want to feed a cat, or anyone else, I'll do it with my $ on my terms.

I've paid millions in Taxes in my lifetime. Fuck giving anymore of my $ away.
Taxes and Charities are 2 different things; you have no choices in Taxes (unless your a corporation) so you can only bitch about paying it all your life, while the Govt splurges on the collection and gives us low grade services. My family migrated from Pakistan so we appreciate everything we get here in Canada, and there's no other place in the world I rather live, yet, It's obvious how high-level corruption has kept Canadian infra and public services at levels below other first world countries.

NGOs or Charities, most of them, prove their work, and you can see them in action, you just need to spend some time looking through it. Although I would prefer helping humans first, animals deserve care because of what humans put them through.

You guys are probably thinking I have too much estrogen conversion happening on Jet's gear and I prob need some Arimidex lol - but seriously, dont let your hormonal disbalance turn you into a careless ahole.
Someone made a statement you had the lowest price, and I corrected them.
Nothing against you. China has undercut everyone/everywhere.

If I would order this from you, the same quantity would cost Hundreds of dollars more, correct?

Sorry.... I'm not going manipulated into padding your wallet just so I can "Feel Good" that you donated 1/10 of 1 percent of your profit to some "cause"

Would you actually feel safe injecting some $7 vial of testosterone from China, cause I sure as fuck know I would not

Also why this thread? There’s multiple domestic sources here who’s prices are even more than jets, so why bitch in his thread about his prices? Seems personal.

Socialism is being forced to donate. Nobody is forcing you to donate you nob. You are being given an offer and doing so is voluntary. Voluntarism is not socialism.

grow a fucking brain.