Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

On the point on whether Jet or any other start up is doing donations, sending free samples, doing promotions etc implies foul play - how is that different from any other business out there marketing their products?
why is the gear space in Canada such a magnet for scum? Meso is the only forum I have come across where people and newbies are able to have a decent conversation and even that sometimes is not true.
I agree we need to do our due diligence, ensure sellers are not screwing us over, in which case we pay up and buy from established UGLs, or, we take the risk, do our own testing before we buy relatively cheaper options. Lets be fair, your not at Walmart buying bread. Receiving a package from China is not the same as a domestic package.
Would you actually feel safe injecting some $7 vial of testosterone from China, cause I sure as fuck know I would not
Where do you think this guys stuff comes from? LOL. Everything comes from China. And getting it from China gives me "fresher" stuff than what some distributor might have setting around for years waiting to unload.

I use to manufacture stuff in china, and you wanna know what? Many things you think are tested, are not. One week we would get one item from one company, next week they don't have it or price is cheaper elsewhere and we would get it from that supplier. Quality can vary from week to week.

I was not in the pharmaceutical industry, so I can't comment on how closely they monitor quality control. Although in the industry I worked in, many products were UL certified.. but did not meet the UL certification.

Also why this thread? There’s multiple domestic sources here who’s prices are even more than jets, so why bitch in his thread about his prices? Seems personal.
I did not target him. I just saw someone mention he had the lowest prices, and he doesn't. He then replied back, so I answered him. And I guess he did not like the answer.

Socialism is being forced to donate. Nobody is forcing you to donate you nob. You are being given an offer and doing so is voluntary. Voluntarism is not socialism.
When companies donate to "causes" it does not come out of their pocket, it's added on to all customers bills/prices as "advertising"

grow a fucking brain.

His price Test-e 250mg/ml, $40

China’s price
Test C. 250/mg/ml $7 ( 10 pack is $70)

So… What you can get from China for $70, he would charge $400
$330 difference on a small order!

They reship if it gets confiscated.

Im just stating fact, don't get mad at me. I have no emotional or financial interest on either side.
Ok back to the auction lol. Last bid was $450 so who's going to bid next?

Just so you don't forget here's the prize again:eek: :p ;)

Where do you think this guys stuff comes from? LOL. Everything comes from China. And getting it from China gives me "fresher" stuff than what some distributor might have setting around for years waiting to unload.

I use to manufacture stuff in china, and you wanna know what? Many things you think are tested, are not. One week we would get one item from one company, next week they don't have it or price is cheaper elsewhere and we would get it from that supplier. Quality can vary from week to week.

I was not in the pharmaceutical industry, so I can't comment on how closely they monitor quality control. Although in the industry I worked in, many products were UL certified.. but did not meet the UL certification.

I did not target him. I just saw someone mention he had the lowest prices, and he doesn't. He then replied back, so I answered him. And I guess he did not like the answer.

When companies donate to "causes" it does not come out of their pocket, it's added on to all customers bills/prices as "advertising"

His price Test-e 250mg/ml, $40

China’s price
Test C. 250/mg/ml $7 ( 10 pack is $70)

So… What you can get from China for $70, he would charge $400
$330 difference on a small order!

They reship if it gets confiscated.

Im just stating fact, don't get mad at me. I have no emotional or financial interest on either side.

LOL you think that he buys this stuff from China and just slaps a different label on it and resells it, don’t you? Shows how much you know about what your talking about.. The products are NOT comparable.

I home brew so I don’t use any Canadian sources BUT I can tell you if I didn’t home brew I for sure would not be buying some $7 mystery bottle of who knows what from some Chinaman when there’s sources on meso who are held by members to the absolute pinnacle highest standard of quality

Jets (and other reputable Canadian UGLs) and China $7 bottles of hormone are not even in the same league and completely incomparable

and yes, if your comparing his prices relatively to other domestic UGLs with any actual standard of quality, then he is the lowest price
LOL you think that he buys this stuff from China and just slaps a different label on it and resells it, don’t you? Shows how much you know about what your talking about.. The products are NOT comparable.

I home brew so I don’t use any Canadian sources BUT I can tell you if I didn’t home brew I for sure would not be buying some $7 mystery bottle of who knows what from some Chinaman when there’s sources on meso who are held by members to the absolute pinnacle highest standard of quality

Jets (and other reputable Canadian UGLs) and China $7 bottles of hormone are not even in the same league and completely incomparable

and yes, if your comparing his prices relatively to other domestic UGLs with any actual standard of quality, then he is the lowest price
Well I tend to agree with you that I would much prefer to buy from a tried and tested Canadian vendor.
Saying that the mystery China bottles are not in the same league without any proof could be completely false. Listen no one dislikes China more than me, but to say they are not in the same league is a pretty big statement. How do you know these 10 packs aren’t coming from a well run lab?
You buy GH from Choyna do you not?
Why can they produce GH, AAS Raws, but can’t put some alcohol, oil and AAS raw in a beaker. It doesn’t take a scientist to brew.
Well I tend to agree with you that I would much prefer to buy from a tried and tested Canadian vendor.
Saying that the mystery China bottles are not in the same league without any proof could be completely false. Listen no one dislikes China more than me, but to say they are not in the same league is a pretty big statement. How do you know these 10 packs aren’t coming from a well run lab?
You buy GH from Choyna do you not?
Why can they produce GH, AAS Raws, but can’t put some alcohol, oil and AAS raw in a beaker. It doesn’t take a scientist to brew.
Here comes CJM boy lmao
Here comes CJM boy lmao
You are a fucking retard
I have been on this board for atleast 4 years.
What the fuck do you know about anything?
I’m on several boards. Do I have to pick one specific one you stupid fuck?
What relevance does your stupid comment have?