Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

So you're saying Jets is a good lab? Where's the proof to back that up? No customer testing or bloods. And Jets hasn't posted any new raw testing since Sept. But keeping sucking dick, you're good at that aleast.
I am not saying that, I havent tried them. However he has done very well following the vetting process and continues to do a good job. He is only as good as his last batch so things can change

No bloods yet correct but they may come, he is relatively new here.

Oh and go fuck yourself noob.... you are one of the few here that sre turning meso in a beta cuck fest
I love how the call themselves “labs”. All they do is dump 4 ingredients that they get for pennies on the dollar, mix it, sell it at 25x markup. Hi tech lab , like mixing 2 part epoxy
So you're saying Jets is a good lab? Where's the proof to back that up? No customer testing or bloods. And Jets hasn't posted any new raw testing since Sept. But keeping sucking dick, you're good at that aleast.
Not rushing to Jets defense here but when was the last time you saw any Canadian labs get tested by customers? Most don't post any testing at all on their own either
Not rushing to Jets defense here but when was the last time you saw any Canadian labs get tested by customers? Most don't post any testing at all on their own either

In the coming weeks I'll be posting around 30 hplc reports for new products as they roll out :)
So you're saying Jets is a good lab? Where's the proof to back that up? No customer testing or bloods. And Jets hasn't posted any new raw testing since Sept. But keeping sucking dick, you're good at that aleast.

Sure I got off my last shot of pharma test 5 weeks ago pulled bloods I was 100 points under normal and my dick hasn’t worked in a month. I took 125mg test e 50mg test prop 50 mg test phenyl prop within 36 hours I’m as horny as all fuck I pulled bloods 5 days since that pin I’m already at the upper level range of normal test. I’ll ask mh doctor for the physical copy if you wish
Im sure Jets products are good quality, he ordered his raws from the same Chinese company I get my stuff from. He posted the test results of the raws somewhere in another thread. Only Catch is, he's charging 25X the price he has in the raw material to make it :)
Sure I got off my last shot of pharma test 5 weeks ago pulled bloods I was 100 points under normal and my dick hasn’t worked in a month. I took 125mg test e 50mg test prop 50 mg test phenyl prop within 36 hours I’m as horny as all fuck I pulled bloods 5 days since that pin I’m already at the upper level range of normal test. I’ll ask mh doctor for the physical copy if you wish

If you post blood work hit me up for store credit :)
Sure thing brother I should have it next week. I’ve started my blast at 500mg week for now I’ll pull some this Thursday

Follow the usual protocol for pulling bloods and post up a scan or photo of bloodwork results with all personal information covered/removed and you'll receive $100 store credit.

Thank you :)