Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Pretty much got the size I wanted to add already after only a few months on the Deca. Probably will lower the dose a bit to 400-600 then add something in to lean out. What do you guys like running at the end of your cycles?
It's not the end but the beginning of a new cycle.

If it's truly the end for you, blast 6 weeks of Tren and Winstrol
A bunch of products should be out this month at some point yes.
Dare I even ask? When can we expect you to start accepting credit cards? I’d like the peace of mind knowing that if I don’t get my product or it’s not to my liking or you haven’t given me the freshest product, then I can simply do a charge back. Ultimately, I’d like all my gear purchases to start earning me some cash back.
Dare I even ask? When can we expect you to start accepting credit cards? I’d like the peace of mind knowing that if I don’t get my product or it’s not to my liking or you haven’t given me the freshest product, then I can simply do a charge back. Ultimately, I’d like all my gear purchases to start earning me some cash back.

He's gone for now so let's move on shall we ;)
After some dabbling

Wks 1-6 (Tren-A 100mg/day, TPP 70mg/day, 75mg/day Abombs)
Wks 3-?? (Primo-E 1g/wk, Test-E 500mg/wk)

Wk 3 start is dependent on January goodies (no pressure Mr.Jets, no pressure) ;)

Possibly a few short bursts throughout weeks ?? with the Test/Tren/Win suspension :p
After some dabbling

Wks 1-6 (Tren-A 100mg/day, TPP 70mg/day, 75mg/day Abombs)
Wks 3-?? (Primo-E 1g/wk, Test-E 500mg/wk)

Wk 3 start is dependent on January goodies

Possibly a few short bursts throughout weeks ?? with the Test/Tren/Win suspension :p
That sounds nice.

I'm itching to get on cycle again I've been off for 6 months. Dropped 30lbs from 232 to 202! Just had my bloods done and had my ecg done. So far so good but I'm gonna do an echocardiogram just to be safe before I hop back on.

I'm thinking to start a lower dose bulk with :
Per week

250mg test e
300 deca
20mg dbol
Rad140 10mg
Lgd4033 5mg
That sounds nice.

I'm itching to get on cycle again I've been off for 6 months. Dropped 30lbs from 232 to 202! Just had my bloods done and had my ecg done. So far so good but I'm gonna do an echocardiogram just to be safe before I hop back on.

I'm thinking to start a lower dose bulk with :
Per week

250mg test e
300 deca
20mg dbol
Rad140 10mg
Lgd4033 5mg

Echocardiogram and Ecg should be done once a year so yes fantastic idea brother :)
That sounds nice.

I'm itching to get on cycle again I've been off for 6 months. Dropped 30lbs from 232 to 202! Just had my bloods done and had my ecg done. So far so good but I'm gonna do an echocardiogram just to be safe before I hop back on.

I'm thinking to start a lower dose bulk with :
Per week

250mg test e
300 deca
20mg dbol
Rad140 10mg
Lgd4033 5mg
I forgot to mention I'm also starting with a clean bill of health, other than the 3rd booster shot I had to get so I can get into the gym. Echo must be done.

You have me reconsidering my dosages, I was happy until you posted something reasonable.

But then I read
Rad140 10mg
Lgd4033 5mg

This must be a joke!

Anyways 2 hours ago frontloaded 2.5mls of Tren-A into left delt. Burned for an hour or so, good now :D
I forgot to mention I'm also starting with a clean bill of health, other than the 3rd booster shot I had to get so I can get into the gym. Echo must be done.

You have me reconsidering my dosages, I was happy until you posted something reasonable.

But then I read
Rad140 10mg
Lgd4033 5mg

This must be a joke!

Anyways 2 hours ago frontloaded 2.5mls of Tren-A into left delt. Burned for an hour or so, good now :D
I only tried sarms once out of curiosity and I still have those items left over. They do work quite well for strength and mass but nowhere near the effectiveness of anabolics.

I wouldn't buy them again apart from MK677
I only tried sarms once out of curiosity and I still have those items left over. They do work quite well for strength and mass but nowhere near the effectiveness of anabolics.

I wouldn't buy them again apart from MK677
I'm only teasing. I too tried sarms, fell for the 'Works just as good or better than steroids with no side effects' or whatever the claim was.

MK677 you can run that and no sleepy all the time?

Only thing I like sarm related is Cardarine but it's not a sarm
I'm only teasing. I too tried sarms, fell for the 'Works just as good or better than steroids with no side effects' or whatever the claim was.

MK677 you can run that and no sleepy all the time?

Only thing I like sarm related is Cardarine but it's not a sarm
MK677 didn't really affect my sleep too much but it made me incredibly hungry 24/7.

Maybe it did but I didn't notice it anyway
MK677 didn't really affect my sleep too much but it made me incredibly hungry 24/7.

Maybe it did but I didn't notice it anyway
Maybe it was the hunger. Diet is always clean, lean bulk or rapid cut. Eating too much is a problem, that may have been why I disliked it. If Mr. Jets carries it at some point, I suppose another go would in order.

What dose did you do?
That sounds nice.

I'm itching to get on cycle again I've been off for 6 months. Dropped 30lbs from 232 to 202! Just had my bloods done and had my ecg done. So far so good but I'm gonna do an echocardiogram just to be safe before I hop back on.

I'm thinking to start a lower dose bulk with :
Per week

250mg test e
300 deca
20mg dbol
Rad140 10mg
Lgd4033 5mg
I can’t find anywhere to get either of those done, likely due to my age but I can’t even find a doctor to give me full blood panels either, Saskatchewan is a bit behind on private medical imaging and blood panels it seems.