Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Mr. Jet, the oral tabs will the hormone be dispersed 'somewhat evenly' throughout the entire tab? If this is the case, the tabs he presented are scored. Quartering the tabs shouldn't be an issue unless they're the crumbly kind.
Mr. Jet, the oral tabs will the hormone be dispersed 'somewhat evenly' throughout the entire tab? If this is the case, the tabs he presented are scored. Quartering the tabs shouldn't be an issue unless they're the crumbly kind.

My tabs will be scored and solid.
No way another Test PP fan? Awesome bro, awesome:D
Yeah brother I do like it. Especially with my tren cycles as I only ever run low dose test. I pin it e3d with my tren e and things have been great. Haven't had any gyno issues no sensitivity at all and haven't had to touch an ai this cycle. So far so good.

I used to just run test p with tren a and test e with tren e so everything seemed to hit all at once on the enthanate esters. I found this time running the test pp with my tren e allowed my test to get going a bit before the tren and that seemed to make a big difference for me in regards to sides.

Especially acne. I always get bad acne when my test and tren e kick in but not this time and the little bit I did get I took care of with the nizoral soap that Jet Labs recommended and man did that work wonders the few I got cleared right up. No issues since.
So basically offering store credit for blood work is pointless?
I don't see the point. Keeping clients happy is all you need. Smart people in this game get regular blood work and that provides proof for that individual. Those people will continue to be clients and leave positive reviews on the boards.

For example. I watched your thread activity on this board and UGBB for awhile. Besides the usual posts vetting new sources and the obvious troll posts, I couldn't find any negative reviews. Also, based on your interactions with people and how you presented your business, I determined it was worth giving you a try. As previously stated, I received exactly what I purchased at a very reasonable price. Went for blood work and the results were exactly what they should be.

If you continue to produce quality products and act professional you will have continued success. If you do the opposite someone will hold you accountable in one way or another.
I don't see the point. Keeping clients happy is all you need. Smart people in this game get regular blood work and that provides proof for that individual. Those people will continue to be clients and leave positive reviews on the boards.

For example. I watched your thread activity on this board and UGBB for awhile. Besides the usual posts vetting new sources and the obvious troll posts, I couldn't find any negative reviews. Also, based on your interactions with people and how you presented your business, I determined it was worth giving you a try. As previously stated, I received exactly what I purchased at a very reasonable price. Went for blood work and the results were exactly what they should be.

If you continue to produce quality products and act professional you will have continued success. If you do the opposite someone will hold you accountable in one way or another.

Thank you for your honesty brother. I'll always try to do my very best for you guys :)
For example. I watched your thread activity on this board and UGBB for awhile. Besides the usual posts vetting new sources and the obvious troll posts, I couldn't find any negative reviews. Also, based on your interactions with people and how you presented your business, I determined it was worth giving you a try. As previously stated, I received exactly what I purchased at a very reasonable price. Went for blood work and the results were exactly what they should be.
Precisely why I made contact. Glad I did.
I feel like a kid days out from Christmas looking at those gifts waiting for Jets new products to come out so I can order the rest of my shit to start running things properly.