Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Maybe it was the hunger. Diet is always clean, lean bulk or rapid cut. Eating too much is a problem, that may have been why I disliked it. If Mr. Jets carries it at some point, I suppose another go would in order.

What dose did you do?
I did 15 mg but I tried 30mg at one point but I didn't notice a benefit in doing so.

The older I get and more experience I gain in regards to gear I find that less is more in most cases. I used to blast all kinds of stupid doses as an experiment but I was never really satisfied with the returns.

Oh and I'm scared as shit to fuck up my heart, liver and kidneys... Especially after all these pros started dropping dead.
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I did 15 mg but I tried 30mg at one point but I didn't notice a benefit in doing so.

The older I get and more experience I gain in regards to gear I find that less is more in most cases. I used to blast all kinds of stupid doses as an experiment but I was never really satisfied with the returns.
Thanks marco, now I do feel like a mad man. Back to the drawing board, title will be 'Less is More not More is Better'

Would 2-5gs of Test a week be a stupid dose? If so we speak the same language :cool:
Thanks marco, now I do feel like a mad man. Back to the drawing board, title will be 'Less is More not More is Better'

Would 2-5gs of Test a week be a stupid dose? If so we speak the same language :cool:
Hey man if you want to give it a go that's probably the best compound to do it with without giving you any serious problems lol
I can’t find anywhere to get either of those done, likely due to my age but I can’t even find a doctor to give me full blood panels either, Saskatchewan is a bit behind on private medical imaging and blood panels it seems.
Tell your gp you want to see a cardiologist as you have a long family history of heart related issues. Or if he won’t send you to a cardiologist say you get winded from something a simple as going up stairs and your heart starts to race over 100bpm and you have anxiety about this due to family history so you’d like an echo done
Tell your gp you want to see a cardiologist as you have a long family history of heart related issues. Or if he won’t send you to a cardiologist say you get winded from something a simple as going up stairs and your heart starts to race over 100bpm and you have anxiety about this due to family history so you’d like an echo done

Or pay out of pocket if there's private companies available.
Hey man if you want to give it a go that's probably the best compound to do it with without giving you any serious problems lol
It's already been done. It's been almost 2.5 years for me, no point in starting at 2grams of Test a week. 500-750mg will work great for a bit, will increase when I feel things have plateaued.

The pros dropping dead. Well who knows what they took and how much of it. Things to stay far away from Ephedrine or other amphetamines (royally F'up your heart), Cytomel, Insulin, Diuretics, Pain pills, limiting orals, cheque drops even over the counter stuff like acetaminophen. The list can go on and on. There's also experimental stuff out there.

And I'm not saying anything I listed to use is ok.
Is injectable L-carnitine a consideration in the near future?

I might have missed this being discussed through all the pages of the Wuhan labs ambassador spamming your page.
I'm really loving this tren e. Only 3 and half weeks into cycle at 400mg a week and I been hot and bothered and my sleep is right out wack. Crazy dreams. I usually run tren e around 600 a week due to Ester weight, but I'm happy i went low as I'm feeling the aggression and heat pretty intensly on this tren. Always sweating badly. Short temper flaring up lol loves me tren.

Only running 150 mg test pp along side it just dropped the inj adrol a week ago. Going to save what I have of that for the last 4 weeks of my ten week cycle. I was running the adrol at 50 mg a day.

Just my experience with Jet labs products so far. They passed all my expectations and seem to be right on the money with what I think they are supposed to do. I don't have bloods or test to prove it but for what it's worth I am very happy with Jets service and products.

Thanks brother look forward to seeing where I get eith this cycle as I have alrwsdy made great improvements just in 3 and a half weeks
There is my stash lol missing 3 tren a and 2 test e due to the post losing my package with all the flooding and shit that happened in bc.
Jet did offer to resend it all to Me at a greatly discounted price which is pretty fuckin stellar considering he did everything right it was the fuckin post who lost it. Might still come as it says in transit still lol. But regardless of that I'm nothing but happy with my experience here so far.

And dam that packaging. One thing I can guarantee you is 100 percent without any testing is that you need not ever worry about your product being damaged during shipping lol love it get a work out just tearing open the pack haha
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Is injectable L-carnitine a consideration in the near future?

I might have missed this being discussed through all the pages of the Wuhan labs ambassador spamming your page.

I'm swamped right now, but It's definitely something I'll experiment with soon :)
Orals are convenient
I'm gonna try and sell you on liquids here.

I said in my post, liquids are easier to split the dose.

With orals you get what, 4 semi-accurate dosing options? Full pill, 3/4, half pill, or quarter pill? If you want more accurate dosing options you can crush up the pill and remeasure it out in a capsule yourself. Now let's say that tiny little pill weights 5 mg. You better spend $500 - $1000 on an obscenely accurate scale to measure that out properly.

Liquids on the other hand. 1 ml gives you gives you 100 dosage options which are EASY AND ACCURATE TO MEASURE. How long does it take to seriously pull some liquid into a syringe? About the same about of time it takes you to split a pill I would imagine.

Orals are convenient if you are one of the people whom 1 of the 4 dosage splitting options work for. If that's the majority of people that's fine. In defense of liquids.... given the option of much better more accurate dosage selection, why not take it?
I'm gonna try and sell you on liquids here.

I said in my post, liquids are easier to split the dose.

With orals you get what, 4 semi-accurate dosing options? Full pill, 3/4, half pill, or quarter pill? If you want more accurate dosing options you can crush up the pill and remeasure it out in a capsule yourself. Now let's say that tiny little pill weights 5 mg. You better spend $500 - $1000 on an obscenely accurate scale to measure that out properly.

Liquids on the other hand. 1 ml gives you gives you 100 dosage options which are EASY AND ACCURATE TO MEASURE. How long does it take to seriously pull some liquid into a syringe? About the same about of time it takes you to split a pill I would imagine.

Orals are convenient if you are one of the people whom 1 of the 4 dosage splitting options work for. If that's the majority of people that's fine. In defense of liquids.... given the option of much better more accurate dosage selection, why not take it?
While that’s true, I’m not going to take 36.45mg of anadrol per day.

There’s a point where it just gets pedantic. It’s also hard to get the measurements that accurate in an oral syringe and liquid orals usually taste like ass-water.
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While that’s true, I’m not going to take 36.45mg of anadrol per day.

There’s a point where it just gets pedantic. It’s also hard to get the measurements that accurate in an oral syringe and liquid orals usually taste like ass-water.
These are good points. When it comes to substances that don't produce or prevent estrogen I really don't care about dosing. Just easier to get dialed in with more dosing options for E2 if you are sensitive to it's sides in the event you don't just want to remove or add more anabolics that produce estrogen.
While that’s true, I’m not going to take 36.45mg of anadrol per day.

There’s a point where it just gets pedantic. It’s also hard to get the measurements that accurate in an oral syringe and liquid orals usually taste like ass-water.
I'd have to agree that liquids are super easier for certain things, like orals you need to take multiple times a day. Say for instance, dbol. If you wanna run say, 50mg a day, it's much easier to dose with liquid than a 50mg cap or tab when your gunna dose q4. If you're just taking one dose a day tabs/caps are def easier if you don't need to split it up.