Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Yeah brother I do like it. Especially with my tren cycles as I only ever run low dose test. I pin it e3d with my tren e and things have been great. Haven't had any gyno issues no sensitivity at all and haven't had to touch an ai this cycle. So far so good.

I used to just run test p with tren a and test e with tren e so everything seemed to hit all at once on the enthanate esters. I found this time running the test pp with my tren e allowed my test to get going a bit before the tren and that seemed to make a big difference for me in regards to sides.

Especially acne. I always get bad acne when my test and tren e kick in but not this time and the little bit I did get I took care of with the nizoral soap that Jet Labs recommended and man did that work wonders the few I got cleared right up. No issues since.
hey, can I get a link for where you got the Nizoral soap form? Tried looking online but cant find the soap, looks like there's only an anti-dandruff shampoo.
Gyms closed where you guys at? closed here in the GTA until Jan 21st :(
Gtfo out Ontario dude.

I was in a condo at Yonge and Bloor for a year and the fucking gyms were closed the whole time.

Relocated to Calgary and a house is actually affordable so I just bought my own equipment. Gyms are still open too... for now.
Gtfo out Ontario dude.

I was in a condo at Yonge and Bloor for a year and the fucking gyms were closed the whole time.

Relocated to Calgary and a house is actually affordable so I just bought my own equipment. Gyms are still open too... for now.
Lol it's a bit tempting pack up and leave, not an option though at the moment. Trying to find the right power rack, might not have much of a choice though
Gtfo out Ontario dude.

I was in a condo at Yonge and Bloor for a year and the fucking gyms were closed the whole time.

Relocated to Calgary and a house is actually affordable so I just bought my own equipment. Gyms are still open too... for now.
I love Calgary man, it's a great city, I loved the stampeed when I was younger man all these sexy ass cow girls all over the place ( before I was married lol) . I lived a bit further west when I used to live out there. In Calgary you still get to enjoy city life if you like that and you can literally see the mountains to the west. Just a hope skip and jump away really to pristine nature.

If I was ever to move back to Alberta I would highly consider Calgary again. Just a great vibe. Just never want to step foot in bowden or the fort again lol. Scratch off Edmonton too lol never really liked Edmonton. But Calgary has a cool vibe.

Are things still open as of today out there. Is it just ontaruo that's locking down again?. Funny cause that bitch in the news admitted that all there admitted cases of covid where not admissions and actually just symtomptomatic and test positive. Hence why the hospitals where empty when they were claiming full capacity. I new this before but ppl just laughed when I told them what I seen in the hospitals after going though there tapped off zones when my wife have birth after the first lock down. I only seen empty hospitals like a scary movie empty lol Also they admitted that there tests are not accurate and to tell between covid and the common cold is not accurate with there testing methods used . This is what the health ministry expressed just 2 nights ago live on the news I. And this fuckin joke of a province is still following there sleepy sheepy Shepard follow the leader lock down fuckin bs.

But again this doesn't surprise me . 90 % of Ppl sleep while they walk brother. It's one thing to get the shots to be able to do what u need for your family knowing what Is going on and not being blind to it but for these other 89% smfh to all. As long as you can be aware enough to see things for yourself then I respect your decision to get it or not but to blindly do what the leader tells you I can't respect that. Covid is real . Still belive it's a man made virus but the sypmtoms are real from my experience but so is all the gov shit that's much worse then q few days of covid. So what's worse ?

Sorry off topic and rambling here.

Hope everyone's having a good day lock down or not.

Ps any boys or gals in the gta wanna band up and go force open a local gym I'm seriously 100% down lol. Just need enough of us to keep it going long enough to get atleast a good pump lol
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The shampoo get the 2% kind, use it like soap. It's strong though
It is strong lol you only need a little. I find after i use it 2 times a day for a few days I end up only needing it once a day prob not even lol just do anyways cause the shit works. Rather then dishsoap and all that. Nizoral doesn't seem to dry my skin out too awful bad.
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Lol it's a bit tempting pack up and leave, not an option though at the moment. Trying to find the right power rack, might not have much of a choice though
Bells of Steel is decently priced and ships fast (gone up a lot since I bought one a while back though). You can buy loads of attachments for it as well. They have a Toronto warehouse as well so if you have a truck you can just pick the rack up. Comes out way cheaper than Rogue or Gorila Fitness. Can't remember other Canadian companies.

Or look on facebook marketplace / craigslist / kijiji and just find a rack with westside spacing (2 inches per hole in squat area and 1 in bench) and buy some straps and you are good to go.
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Ya man everything is still open they just reduced capacity as far as I am aware. I try my best to not watch anything related to this bullshit virus when it's on the news (which is pretty much 24/7) but from what I can see you can do a ton of mask free shopping in most places unless you go to a restaurant nobody will really bother you.

People out here are laid back and I think the majority of them have had enough of this nonsense. When I was in Toronto everyone seemed so fucking paranoid. I had people in my condo complaining to the front desk whenever they saw tenants without a mask lol pathetic. Never once had an issue out here.

I would never go back to Ontario even if you paid me.

Ya man everything is still open they just reduced capacity as far as I am aware. I try my best to not watch anything related to this bullshit virus when it's on the news (which is pretty much 24/7) but from what I can see you can do a ton of mask free shopping in most places unless you go to a restaurant nobody will really bother you.

People out here are laid back and I think the majority of them have had enough of this nonsense. When I was in Toronto everyone seemed so fucking paranoid. I had people in my condo complaining to the front desk whenever they saw tenants without a mask lol pathetic. Never once had an issue out here.

I would never go back to Ontario even if you paid me.
I totally feel you there man. Thats what I said in camp up in bc. Never going back but things just took a little longer to get together then I was hoping, so came back to spend the holidays with my fam. Once I fly back to work the next trip booked will be to bring my wife and kids out there to our new place. My wife is sick and tired of it out here too. She's like can we please just fuckin move out there already lol. Soon babe soon lol.

I don't don't have TV at all. Just the android box. Get all my entertainment I need out that that little bastard lol.

It's good to hear things are still not too fucked up out there. Just really pissed me off most how they got everyone to get Vax then still proceed to lock down. That makes me dangerously mad . Especially on tren lol
Well officially had to order up one of those male stokers ffs lol haha ordered by my wife. She looks at me today and says Holly fuck when did we go and turn 19 again you sex maniac. God dam tren libido had me done gone and broke the wife ussually its other way around haha.. yup definitely on tren wow. GOOD STUFF Jetlabs
Well officially had to order up one of those male stokers ffs lol haha ordered by my wife. She looks at me today and says Holly fuck when did we go and turn 19 again you sex maniac. God dam tren libido had me done gone and broke the wife ussually its other way around haha.. yup definitely on tren wow. GOOD STUFF Jetlabs
The Tren-A is kicking in quick and is potent. Had to lower my dose to 50mg/day. I'm experiencing the same problem as you. It's hard to work when you're hard ya know? :p

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Bells of Steel is decently priced and ships fast (gone up a lot since I bought one a while back though). You can buy loads of attachments for it as well. They have a Toronto warehouse as well so if you have a truck you can just pick the rack up. Comes out way cheaper than Rogue or Gorila Fitness. Can't remember other Canadian companies.

Or look on facebook marketplace / craigslist / kijiji and just find a rack with westside spacing (2 inches per hole in squat area and 1 in bench) and buy some straps and you are good to go.
I gotta check this place out purely based on their business name.
Until Jan. 26th, before being reassessed.
I highly doubt Ford will open gyms by the 26th. I think gym's are way down on the priority list.
One look at Ford and you know they are not high on the list.

Beer store, LCBO, peeler bar and Arbys are his top ones. And some of that special north pole snow.