Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

What do you wear? Hoodie with your beats on over top the hood, baggy ass sweat pants, and those giant ass workout sneakers that are always undone?

Biggest clowns in the gym
Beats are gay too
Stringers are ultra gay
I’d rather baggy sweatpants than the tight around your calve ones half way up your shin
Or better yet spandex wearing douches
If it's a proper press it's not. Alot of labs have attempted this but fail because you open the bag and half the shit is powder.

Its way easier splitting a pill than a cap if you are not taking full doses.

Can you explain why you think it's dumb?

He's harping on the shirts brother, not the tabs.
Well good thing I only ordered 10,000 lol ;)

Honestly though
I know AAS gets left alone for the most part. To broadcast an illegal drug brand at the gym isn’t bright though. Like I said you aren’t the first to do it, I shit on all labs that have done it.
It’s all cool until it isn’t. Having your door kicked in is no fun. Having your house ransacked is no fun. Proceeds of crime charges aren’t fun.

Honestly though
I know AAS gets left alone for the most part. To broadcast an illegal drug brand at the gym isn’t bright though. Like I said you aren’t the first to do it, I shit on all labs that have done it.
It’s all cool until it isn’t. Having your door kicked in is no fun. Having your house ransacked is no fun. Proceeds of crime charges aren’t fun.

I totally get what your saying and the shirts are just going to a select few so I'm pretty sure they won't be my undoing.

Coffee mugs and banana hammocks for now on ha ha ;)