Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Bc gyms are reopening... but restrictions on everything else are extended.
I like how she made it out like it was for the good of the people and not because they were about to get sued out the ass and have complete public outrage, and that they had no data to release to justify closing gyms
Just got my first order from Jet. I’m pretty sure it took me longer to open his packaging than it did to arrive in my city. No joke, the packaging is on another level. Communication was prompt, and the order was shipped the same day as it was placed. Can’t wait to try the gear.
Just passed 2 months on my first cycle using 400 MG of test enanthate a week. No bloods done as of yet, hopefully going to get them before the end of the month. Bw went from around 230 to 260 in this time, safe to say there's a hormone of some kind in these vials lol

First two pics are 1st pin, second two pics are from this week


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Just passed 2 months on my first cycle using 400 MG of test enanthate a week. No bloods done as of yet, hopefully going to get them before the end of the month. Bw went from around 230 to 260 in this time, safe to say there's a hormone of some kind in these vials lol

First two pics are 1st pin, second two pics are from this week
The cuts gonna be crazy

Bc gyms are reopening... but restrictions on everything else are extended.
The gyms are gonna have restrictions? Gyms opening soon here in Ontario and I'm sure the catch is that there's gonna be added restrictions in place such as a booking system or a very limited capacity.
The cuts gonna be crazy
Lol definitely looking forward to slowly tapering down a bit. Eating all this food has put into perspective what it means to actually eat like a bodybuilder. First day of clean bulking I had to stay up till 3 am to get my last meal in.
Lol definitely looking forward to slowly tapering down a bit. Eating all this food has put into perspective what it means to actually eat like a bodybuilder. First day of clean bulking I had to stay up till 3 am to get my last meal in.
How much are you eating?!
How much are you eating?!
300g net carbs 300g net protein is my goal, tend to be + or - 20g, but as long as I hit those for minimum.

60-80g raw spinach every chicken and rice meal (3x a day) w 300g rice and 300g chicken at each of those meals.

Breakfast adds about 35-40g protein and 70g carbs. I add fats too but I'm in a bulk phase, so I don't track too closely, just hit my carbs and protein and watch the mirror/ scale

If I had to guess calorie count, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm bordering 5k with the amount if BBQ sauce I use each chicken and rice meal.
300g net carbs 300g net protein is my goal, tend to be + or - 20g, but as long as I hit those for minimum.

60-80g raw spinach every chicken and rice meal (3x a day) w 300g rice and 300g chicken at each of those meals.

Breakfast adds about 35-40g protein and 70g carbs. I add fats too but I'm in a bulk phase, so I don't track too closely, just hit my carbs and protein and watch the mirror/ scale

If I had to guess calorie count, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm bordering 5k with the amount if BBQ sauce I use each chicken and rice meal.
Now that sounds like a healthy appetite.
Now that sounds like a healthy appetite.
It's definitely not a lot of fun so far, but this is my first time pushing for size so I'm trying to learn what I can get away with and see what it results in after a proper taper down over a couple months on a cruise dose
It's definitely not a lot of fun so far, but this is my first time pushing for size so I'm trying to learn what I can get away with and see what it results in after a proper taper down over a couple months on a cruise dose
This is definitely the way to go for a first cycle imo
It's definitely not a lot of fun so far, but this is my first time pushing for size so I'm trying to learn what I can get away with and see what it results in after a proper taper down over a couple months on a cruise dose
Eating that much sucks. Prepping for a meet last fall had 2 weeks left add 14lbs...I did but most of it the last 24hrs. Had a pig out day after weigh ins... brutal cramming down that much food. Kudos on the pics looking good
Eating that much sucks. Prepping for a meet last fall had 2 weeks left add 14lbs...I did but most of it the last 24hrs. Had a pig out day after weigh ins... brutal cramming down that much food. Kudos on the pics looking good
Thanks brother. I'm enjoying being one of the larger guys in the gym, feels like a second home now lol
Thanks brother. I'm enjoying being one of the larger guys in the gym, feels like a second home now lol
Easier to get the equipment too, people tend to stay out of your way :D

Lookin good in your pics bro!

Another guy here full head of hair and no back hair, Damn genetics!
Easier to get the equipment too, people tend to stay out of your way :D

Lookin good in your pics bro!

Another guy here full head of hair and no back hair, Damn genetics!

Bro he's only 2 month into his first run of test and he's a younger fella. Let's see how much hair he has in 10 years lol :p
Easier to get the equipment too, people tend to stay out of your way :D

Lookin good in your pics bro!

Another guy here full head of hair and no back hair, Damn genetics!
That's another one, people watching you do compound stuff like bench and staying our of your way, I love it.

Also yes like jet says I'm on the younger side on my first cycle, my dad went bald before 30 so we will see where I am in 5 years much less 10


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