Juicepal busted?

Great, I'm not even connected and I'm paranoid. People better be cleaning house. They gonna have to stash it somewhere else, and switch 3 cars (one in parking garage) take the subway, do 2 changes of clothes, just to make it to grandma's house to pin 75mg Tren A ED. Then you walk in, and you hear grandma moaning, and an agent is there using your gear and boning your grandma.
Oh no! Not BoP! :eek:
Hope they take Anabolex, iSarms and Evo too. Good riddance.
I have a bunch of homebrew threads there, so they probably going to visit me and want me to be their underground source, because I know even agents, law enforcement, and many more be running gear.
So if they are reading this, I'm done. I follow christ now as my lord and savior. I can't support your habit. I only homebrew for myself and I run high dosages, so it may seem like I have more than needed, but I quit anyway. Bye Felicia.
Because you hate steroids so much, that you frequent steroid forums to troll everyone because they are losers. Just stick with that. Steroids are stupid.
Yes you are right sir, as a natural organic vegan I despise men of size, strength, and virility, you caught me. Stupid juice heads will never be greater than us soyboys! So, if someone happened to have a decent amount of JP products, probably a good idea to get rid of them right plate smacker? Cause they don't want the soyboys coming no?
I have a bunch of homebrew threads there, so they probably going to visit me and want me to be their underground source, because I know even agents, law enforcement, and many more be running gear.
So if they are reading this, I'm done. I follow christ now as my lord and savior. I can't support your habit. I only homebrew for myself and I run high dosages, so it may seem like I have more than needed, but I quit anyway. Bye Felicia.
Screw it, I'm going Bruce Jenner on they ass. When they show up looking for Mr. So and So, Ima be like I don't have a dick no more, you got the wrong girl.
Well you see officer: my wife left me for some bodybuilder that was "Tren'd out and Juicy AF" as she says. So I didn't need my dick anymore because she broke my heart. I then resorted to ordering and brewing gear so I could immerse myself in that lifestyle, and know what makes steroid users tick. I was going to snitch on all my sources later, right before you showed up.
My plan was to steal that Tren'd out bodybuilder from my wife, so she would know he doesn't really love her. Then maybe she would turn lesbian and take me back.
Well you see officer: my wife left me for some bodybuilder that was "Tren'd out and Juicy AF" as she says. So I didn't need my dick anymore because she broke my heart. I then resorted to ordering and brewing gear so I could immerse myself in that lifestyle, and know what makes steroid users tick. I was going to snitch on all my sources later, right before you showed up.
My plan was to steal that Tren'd out bodybuilder from my wife, so she would know he doesn't really love her. Then maybe she would turn lesbian and take me back.
All to a Johnny Cash sound, cause I love Johnny Cash's music and attitude. Or, alternately, to NWA, that one song, I think it's called "Help The Police"? No? Damn, I know it's a word with 4 letters, sure it's not help? They definitely like the help from Cyp or Sust, but I may be wrong.
You would think. This guy also bragged that he was the supplier of famous people. Who the hell buys from a guy who stole the PayPal logo and goes by JuicePal?
Me. Never thought much about the logo but was always happy with the gear and service. He was around for quite awhile.
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Whaaaaat, I literally just posted on BOP an hour ago, now it's down. Now I'm going to have to go dark. PAIN ensures end to end encryption and more, so what could they find?
This is going south fast.
Why BOP?
Long story short, when BOP was hacked and taken over, DWBO came here and it was brought up by the extortionist that DWBO had multiple indictments against him.. they just could never find him to serve and arrest him. Technically they’re receiving dirty money because the sponsors pay to be on their boards.