Just a friendly introduction

New member I hope you’re all doing well. I’m a carpenter by trade. I’ll give you guys my stats, background and goals.

Age: 29
Height: 6”2

I was a long distance runner for most of my life, several marathons under my belt but 10k was my race. Around age 22 I started drinking heavily and abusing rec drugs. This went on for years until around 27. I always knew I had good muscle building genetics I blew up in high school and was the only cross country athlete weighing 190. I decided to get sober and run my first cycle at 27. Ran my second cycle at 28. Made incredible progress.

I’m here to find value in the knowledge experienced users have. I also enjoy speaking to people with the same interests so that’s why I’m giving this forum a shot. Here’s a picture of my 22 month transformation. Left pic 236 right pic 220. Probably lost 30-40 pounds of fat and put on at least 20 pounds of muscle in about 2 years. 18.7 inch arms. As for my goals, they Are a bit different. I want to be able to complete a marathon at 220 lean. I just really enjoy running, but want to be big with an aesthetic look.IMG_3028.jpeg
Sheesh. After Only 2 cycles? Looking solid as hell man. ESPECIALLY considering that most long distance runners are built like pencils for their whole lives.

THIS is what people mean when they say genetics play a huge role. There hasn’t been one man in my family (other than me) that hit 200lbs unless it was a fat beer belly. Meanwhile guys like you are running marathons and sitting at 200lbs + with ease lmao.

What have your 2 cycles been?
Sheesh. After Only 2 cycles? Looking solid as hell man. ESPECIALLY considering that most long distance runners are built like pencils for their whole lives.

THIS is what people mean when they say genetics play a huge role. There hasn’t been one man in my family (other than me) that hit 200lbs unless it was a fat beer belly. Meanwhile guys like you are running marathons and sitting at 200lbs + with ease lmao.

What have your 2 cycles been?
Thanks for the kind words brother! On the freeway rn I’ll post it up in about 30 mins, nice to meet you
I typically wouldn’t put my cycle in an introduction, but as there was interest here it is.

First cycle was as follows

Week 1-6: 500 test

Week 6-10:500 test 300 mast

Week 10-16: 650 test 450 mast

Second cycle as follows:

Week 1-6: 600 test 400 mast

Week 6-11: 650 test 500 mast

Week 11-16: 650 test 500 mast 40var/10tbol

(Novorapid as needed with high carb meals)

Currently Cruising at 120 test/100 mast 37.5 mics t3 daily, 2ius gh am before cardio, 4ius before bed and post workout.

Planning a cycle for mid June will be pretty much the same just no orals, adding 300 NPP. Starting calories will be moderate, more than likely pulling the gh as it’s quite expensive or drop to 3 ius before bed.

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