Just did my first shot of Test Prop


New Member
I am starting with 15mg/E3D for the first 2 shots.

I was wondering how long b4 I would feel something? Not like I am looking for this burst of strength but just wondering for how long I should start low b4 moving up. Do you guys notice a difference? BTW I injected with a 5/8 25g with no problem. I have very little fat on the outside of my thigh-which is where I injected-but how would I know if I was in the muscle completely? My leg is a little sore like if I had banged it- but nothing too bad.

I am at 132 pounds today...a little bloated from too much whey yesterday.

Measurements all flexing

43" shoulder
38" chest
13" arm
27.5 " waist-but bloated
hips 33.5
butt 36.5
mid thigh 19
Welcome to the dark side Sporty, good luck!
Why did you chose a spot with a little fat instead of going into a spot which you knew was muscle?
The one time I did Prop (and felt like I was gonna die) I started on a Monday and felt it by Friday.
Prop made me very sore so I can't speak to your sore leg but if it hurts a little now it may hurt a lot more tomorrow. I like a warm compress after I inject in my leg just to get everything moving.

I take it your mixture came out just fine? Nice measurements btw :D
I tried to inject into a spot which i knew was lean b/c of the 5/8 needle...I was using 1 inch but I ordered smaller ones to do delt shots with. My soreness has pretty much left..it must have been just the pin prick that was hurting a bit. I had to jab twice b/c I dropped the needle...idiot i know. I am injecting every 3rd day so a few days after my next shot I should notice a difference?
I tried to inject into a spot which i knew was lean b/c of the 5/8 needle...I was using 1 inch but I ordered smaller ones to do delt shots with. My soreness has pretty much left..it must have been just the pin prick that was hurting a bit. I had to jab twice b/c I dropped the needle...idiot i know. I am injecting every 3rd day so a few days after my next shot I should notice a difference?

I shoot prop EOD, I feel it the 3rd day. I dump it anywhere in my quads or glutes..some prop doesn't hurt because of the ratio, or oil, or it does because of the same reasons - too much alc.

You wont grow hair, or gain tone to your voice for a while, mid to end of your cycle - depends on genetics too.. You'll have a better idea of what you will be prone to once you get through this first cycle. You should already notice a bit more aggression, maybe endurance, head aches? flushing? sorta feels like your about to get your period? hows your sex drive?

that dose is sooo low lol.. i know you're a woman but its just weird.. give it a week or two.. 3-6 injections. why prop and no a slower ester? some cyp or enan would have kept your blood levels more stable at the dosing you're doing.. and at that low a dose you wont experience water retention from the aas..

i'll be watching. :D
EOD for sure.5/8" will be long enough to hit muscle.But I would use minimum 1" for thigh injection....how long it takes to feel it depends on what your natural levels are..At 44 years of age I feel effects from prop within 24 hours.I would suspect you being a women your natural level of test is almost non existant so you should feel more agressive very quickly..your private parts will also very soon begin to change,Lucky Mr Sporty !
Thanks for the imput. I have been trying to get all the information i can but it varies sooo much for women. All the stuff I have read says start slow and go up at first. so I was going to inject 15mg for first 2 shots but if by my next one if no adverse reactions I may just got to 20mg..not too much more anyhow. But after the first few shots the info for women goes crazy with how they use prop. One lady says at 25mg wont even give a woman a pimple but I dont believe that someone can make such a blanket statement. Like D has said since I probably have almost no T in my system I am hoping to "feel" something fairly early in this cycle. But I have read women can use T Prop safely(whatever that means) at between 12 mg to 100 mg per shot-- the larger the shot the longer between injections. And then there is the pros and cons to whether to inject more frequently at smaller doses for balanced levels and so on. there is so much random info for women that it is driving me crazy.

So with the experience you all have with prop where would you put a safe does for me from 20mgs to no more than 50mg for the bulk of my cycle? I have no problem increasing the dose and if sides pop up to bring it down. I just have no idea what to expect when women react so differently to this stuff. And do you all think that a few mg will make all that much of a difference?
I would see how you feel after you first 2 shots and keep the plan you had in place as far as dosing. I don't think you want to go up to the 50mg level but who knows.
The comment as far as the size of dosage and the time between shots doesn't make much sense because of the short ester.
Keep the dose low to start and then bump it up a little each week if you like. Your light and a woman so you shouldn't need a lot to do the job ;)
I feel like i am making myself a science experiment but its all fun. I will try my original 20mg E3D and go by how i feel.
As for use of Prop its b/c it is so fast acting that if i see any sides coming i can cut back the dose quickly
I feel like i am making myself a science experiment but its all fun. I will try my original 20mg E3D and go by how i feel.
As for use of Prop its b/c it is so fast acting that if i see any sides coming i can cut back the dose quickly

I would keep it at 25mg. It's not suspension so it's really going to be 18-22mg..

I wouldn't go over e3d, but eod is best.. but sucking up such a small amount is quite the mission.

Any sides you get from prop will be minimal and hormone related, if you switch to a long ester you just maintain more stable blood levels.. but when you think about it, some guys are on TRT at 100mg a week OF PROP.

Dont go changing shit up when you already thought it out, and planned it out.. Stay cool, don't panic and go off the hip. Tapering up is pointless, so is tapering down.. Even more so at such low doses.. Just feel it out though, its ok to find the dose thatw orks for you.. IMHO: fluctuations in blood levels = sides. You could probably go with 50mg a shot at 150mg a week and if you keep the cycle short you wont experience much of any adverse effects.. do a cycle like i do and you may grow a pair - not the goal. :D
Well just wanted to add this b4 I forgot..about13 hours after the shot I did get a mild headache. Nothing even pain just noticable in the front of my head. I also got a great nights sleep-I wonder if that is a side for women? That would be nice. And I keep feeling like I want to eat. I am not hungry just in the mood to constantly munch. I know its probably too early to notice much from it but these were off things for me to experince normally.
that sounds about right sporty.
I think the headache is normal kind of like a low blood sugar one?
the first thing I notice on test is my appetite starts to rise .I think you are right on track.....
You shit. You did not tell me you were starting! GO ONLINE.

I think that you should stick to your plan and not change to much. The things you might want to think about are, going 15mg eod. Prop is very fast acting. If you shoot eod your levels will be a little more steady.
If i were going to have my wife on a prop cycle I would go every other day at 15-20mg.
I really do not think you need to go anymore then 25mg per day, you should get very nice gains from that. I feel that 50-100mg is just to high for a female. Keep me posted on your results.

Well just wanted to add this b4 I forgot..about13 hours after the shot I did get a mild headache. Nothing even pain just noticable in the front of my head. I also got a great nights sleep-I wonder if that is a side for women? That would be nice. And I keep feeling like I want to eat. I am not hungry just in the mood to constantly munch. I know its probably too early to notice much from it but these were off things for me to experince normally.

ok, you! should listen to E..

You shit. You did not tell me you were starting! GO ONLINE.

I think that you should stick to your plan and not change to much. The things you might want to think about are, going 15mg eod. Prop is very fast acting. If you shoot eod your levels will be a little more steady.
If i were going to have my wife on a prop cycle I would go every other day at 15-20mg.
I really do not think you need to go anymore then 25mg per day, you should get very nice gains from that. I feel that 50-100mg is just to high for a female. Keep me posted on your results.


Makes better sense.
I tried to inject into a spot which i knew was lean b/c of the 5/8 needle...I was using 1 inch but I ordered smaller ones to do delt shots with. My soreness has pretty much left..it must have been just the pin prick that was hurting a bit. I had to jab twice b/c I dropped the needle...idiot i know. I am injecting every 3rd day so a few days after my next shot I should notice a difference?

Good luck with this ! A word of advice stay away from shoulder injects until you have more experience, the muscle is quite delicate and with prop you may experience some inflamation which could lead to pre-mature shoulder injury.

stick with a quad rotation if you can handle the punch from prop, with an inch you should also be able to hit your glute !, quite possibly the pain you experienced is from the fact you had to push the pin twice.

good luck keep us posted ! Glad to see we actually have a serious female on here !

Ok guys I appreciate all the imput on Sunday did my second shot at 25mg. That shot wasnt a problem at all and felt like an old bruise later in the day. So I am getting the impression that all of you think the EOD schedule is better than the E3D. So I will try this way 20mg/EOD. From the start I have had a bit of "tingling" with the whoha and today it is now gone so I am guessing that waiting til the 3rd day may be a bit too long. I have to say that over the weekend I have been feeling more in the mood-but not to the point of horniness.(Such a horrible word coming from a female...lol-need to come up with a more sexy word for us to use.) And I was in a good mood-like having a great day- without any reason to be so happy. Its hard to explain..just an overall positive attitude. And of course the mood to eat constantly and thirsty. But I had to do a lot of shoveling so that may be the culprit.
Ah yes, the sense of well being is priceless. Enjoy it sporty.

A little off topic, but were you ever a pepsi power girl? I remember seeing pics of your face as well as your progress pics (which were inspiring to women everywhere I'm sure) and you look like this one in particular. If its not you I'll be very surprised.
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Pepsi power girl--no sorry not me but I get that alot. "I think I saw you" kinda stuff..I guess i just have that kinda face. What is a pepsi power girl anyway?
Ok guys I appreciate all the imput on Sunday did my second shot at 25mg. That shot wasnt a problem at all and felt like an old bruise later in the day. So I am getting the impression that all of you think the EOD schedule is better than the E3D. So I will try this way 20mg/EOD. From the start I have had a bit of "tingling" with the whoha and today it is now gone so I am guessing that waiting til the 3rd day may be a bit too long. I have to say that over the weekend I have been feeling more in the mood-but not to the point of horniness.(Such a horrible word coming from a female...lol-need to come up with a more sexy word for us to use.) And I was in a good mood-like having a great day- without any reason to be so happy. Its hard to explain..just an overall positive attitude. And of course the mood to eat constantly and thirsty. But I had to do a lot of shoveling so that may be the culprit.

The word your seek is "randy" or "rambunctious".

The feeling will subside even if you move to ED injects. I'm sure you're not "good to go" all day, but you are probably more easily turned on now. At least that's how it is with me.

What's up with everyone mentioning pics, I haven't seen any? Then again I've been laying low this past year.

How's training? Any shift in body weight? How many calories are you consuming? Sorry I didn't see a thread where you stated what you wanted to do with this cycle..
Pepsi power girl--no sorry not me but I get that alot. "I think I saw you" kinda stuff..I guess i just have that kinda face. What is a pepsi power girl anyway?

Girls that keep the crowd cheering during timeouts and intermissions at Columbus Blue Jackets games. (Hockey) I thought you looked alot like this one.


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