just how similar to primo is dhb?


Well-known Member
never used primo but just finished up a cycle adding dhb for the first time. strength, hardness and vascularity went up (strength was quite noticeable when i upped it from 300 to 500)

ive seen a few people saying that theyd be confident adding primo for longer periods during a cruise and i also keep reading how dhb is very similar to primo chemically

so i m wondering if its a not totally unreasonable option to add low dose dhb for longer periods, in the next couple of years i think itll be time for me to cut out the higher dose blasts as im hitting 50. what im struggling to find is much info on how dhb affects hematocrit etc or pretty much any solid info on its sides in general

anyone able to advise?
i'm thinking about adding dhb to my trt, but I will make my test lower dose, like 100 mg a week. mainly because I would like to drop the AI
im on 180 or so during my cruise but i also plan on lowering it as i think im kidding myself when i say "trt" :) i did for a while last year and added mast which worked well, to be honest im not sure now i think why i didnt continue
im usually a grumpy bastard but it genuinely gave me a chilled out feeling, physically i didnt notice much difference from test only possibly slightly hornier too :) i was using mast prop but ill prolly get mast e next time to keep my mon/thurs schedule. i was getting a little paranoid about my hair thinning slightly though now i think about it. i fucking love mast overall
at 300 non existent but at 500(ish.. just over at 1.7ml mon weds fri probably went up to 1.8 as i wasnt too anal) i certainly felt it a couple times, after a few i started splitting the pins to 2 spots as i could see myself getting hobbled quads eventually but it wasnt terrible at all
Are you guys seeing anything but strength gains? I’ve yet to see someone complete and report on a DHB cycle.
I'm half way in on 400mg. Ill report back. Not going to lie that I doubted if it was legit dhb or not. Still dont know it for sure but this is what i've noticed so far:

Getting a leaner, fuller look. Chest, delts, arms, legs looked pretty full this morning fresh out of bed. I did take a bit longer to notice effects. Usually within week3-4 I notice drastic improvement of long esters. Took a week longer now. Strenght is rising fast, pressed 200lbs for 9 reps on the seated military yesterday. Presses are my weakest so pretty happy with it.

Pumps are crazy too. Defo like the look so far, even with a lil bodyfat extra.

Sides: sleep isn't the best. Worst it has been on a cycle/blast. Slept better on 400mg tren e. Some hot flashes but less than tren. Appetite is mediocre too as well as weight gain (goes hand in hand). Up 6-7lbs in 5 weeks.

Blast is:

Test e 500
Dhb 400
Gh 2-4 (started at 4 but overshot that one lol so lowered it)

Dhb and gh are new to me.

Picture is from last week, 5'10 218lbs


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Anyone else have issues sleeping on DHB? If it's as bad or worse than tren I'm out. I'll tolerate for tren results.but nothing less, plus acetate ester let's me gradually acclimate as I raise dose.
Are you guys seeing anything but strength gains? I’ve yet to see someone complete and report on a DHB cycle.

I just finished a 10 week cycle of 375 test cyp, 300 dhb and 200 of tren a pin three times a week. I dosed it this way to see what the potency of dhb was like. I am going to consider it to be a fairly mild substance that I will use again it the fall but at about 500 a week. I added the tren a around week 4 due to feeling a lack of intensity and aggression.
my sleeps been fairly normal, im on a cpap though which may alleviate issues. wouldnt say i gained much more than without but i was only on 300 for a large portion. going back to my earlier question though i think as a milder compound itd be nice on low dose long cruise if it doesnt fuck you up in some way i dont know about. im just being greedy though as test is plenty
my sleeps been fairly normal, im on a cpap though which may alleviate issues. wouldnt say i gained much more than without but i was only on 300 for a large portion. going back to my earlier question though i think as a milder compound itd be nice on low dose long cruise if it doesnt fuck you up in some way i dont know about. im just being greedy though as test is plenty
Will do bloodwork later. Probably when I'm a few weeks of of it tho