Lab Results - To Blast or Not To Blast?


New Member
Hey guys,
Would love to hear your inputs on wether or not I should go super-physiological with my doses with ldl/hdl and apo b slightly out of range. The plan was to start with a low/moderate blast with 1:1 ratio of test to primo starting at 200mg and 2iu growth hormone 5 days a week.

Hdl: 35 rr=40
LDL: 102 rr=100
Apo B: 94 rr=90

Hematocrit and C-reactive protein improved greatly in the last year and are now in the middle of the reference range.

Should I try to improve my hdl/ldl and apo B first. If so, what would you recommend?

For context I’ve been on 125mg testosterone for 2 years now. I’m also taking 500mg niacin, baby aspirin, 5mg cialis, DIM & Calcium D-Gluterate and 500mg citrus bergamot daily.

Currently 36 years old, 218lbs, 12-14% body fat. 6 “2”

Let me know if you need more info.
Thanks in advanced.
Your cycle seems reasonable. In my case 500mg Test + 150mg Primo barely affected my Cholesterol markers, funnily enough it was the first time my HDL LDL ratio was in the green.

Obviously i don't want to encourage you to do anything, but if your BP is fine and all other markers look good and you are not planning to run 1g+ gear you should be fine.

One thing to note, in my case 1:1 test primo would crash my E2 into nothing which i think would be more detrimental to your health than slightly elevated LDL.

If you go with the cycle, just make sure to draw blood 1 month in, and reassess whether to go longer or stop.
Yea, that seems like the best move. I’m gonna just make sure to do bloods everytime a few weeks after raising doses. Especially since this will be my first time blasting in 10 years.

I am planning on making this a long cycle and titrate up my doses so it’ll be interesting to see all that data.

Also considering high dose nittokinase, vitamin k2 and having telmisartan on hand.