Lifting Log

Paused Bench Press

Close Grip Bench Press

Incline Dumbell Flye

Incline Hammerstrength Press

Incline Bench Press

Cable Upright Row / Dumbell Hammer Curl Superset
Beltless Raw Squat

2" Deficit Beltless Deadlift

Stopped here. The plates I was standing on slid on my right side and I lost my footing, pulled me out of position on the last set, ended up tweaking my back a little. Doesn't feel too terrible, it'll heal up in a few days i'm sure. Will continue along as usual.
Paused Close Grip Bench

Ez-Bar Skullcrushers

French Press w/ Dumbells

Reverse Grip Pushdown

Overhead Pushdown

Seated Face Pull

Rear Delt Flye
Close Grip Paused Bench Press

Overhead Press
135 burnout

DB Shoulder Press
3x20 til failure

Seated Lateral Raise
3x20 till failure

Straight Bar Skullcrusher
Pyramid up
3x20 till failure

Tricep Pushdown
3x20 till failure
May 21st
Conventional Deadlift
Warm up To
600 x 10

Barbell Row
315 x 12
365 x 12
385 x 12

Lat Pulldown
260 x 15
280 x 12
300 x 7

Seated Cable Row
300 x 12
300 x 12
300 x 12

About 6 weeks into 1 Gram of Test, No use of Orals. Hit my first major PR to match my best Sumo Record. Breathing Issues and Sleep Apnea are minor, but is expected, I have shot up about 18-20 pounds.
Last edited:
May 22nd

Competition Bench Press
Warmup to
365 x 5
370 x 3
375 x 2
375 x 2

Paused Slingshot Bench - Red
375 x 10
385 x 8
395 x 6
405 x 5
Well, its one of the few incline movements I do that feels safe for me, so I do it alot

I don't have the mobility anymore to do the Incline Barbell Bench, I can only bring it down till its about 3" off my chest
Barbell is bad, tore pec that way
Barbell is bad, tore pec that way
I've been fortunate enough to not have sustained any major injury since I began powerlifting, minor strains and tweaks, but plenty around me have torn something.

I'm sure it'll happen to me eventually too, PEDs in the mix complicates a bit. I hope you've bounced back your tear, don't know if your bodybuilding or not
Well, its one of the few incline movements I do that feels safe for me, so I do it alot

I don't have the mobility anymore to do the Incline Barbell Bench, I can only bring it down till its about 3" off my chest
I feel the same way but I love to bench. On a good day i am able touch my chest, some days I gota do partials depend on my shoulder and mobility.but usually as the sets go on I can bet deeper and deeper. Spend more time warming up chest and shoulders.
Try the lowest incline 15degrees I believe straight bar, Nd if u want do a steeper bench try dumbells or smith mabe.

Once we get older or beat up we got to adjust our training, for longevity.

Or try one of these.Screenshot_20240528-093344_Chrome.jpg
solsI've been fortunate enough to not have sustained any major injury since I began powerlifting, minor strains and tweaks, but plenty around me have torn something.

I'm sure it'll happen to me eventually too, PEDs in the mix complicates a bit. I hope you've bounced back your tear, don't know if your bodybuilding or not
also if u dont wana tear some shit. Possibly quit sdrol, drop, and tren. I torn my shoulder my first tren cycle, got way to strong to fast and my joints tendons and ligaments had no time to catch up.
June 11th

No Belt High Bar Narrow Stance Squat
Warmup To

Leg Press



One of my goals for this block was 515x8 for my Narrow Stance Squat, comes out to 585x1, even better yet as it's beltless. Being a predominantly hip and back squatter, this variation is very hard for me.

One noticeable thing on 1G of Test versus other doses I ran, is that I can not put on any weight yet I am getting stronger. My joints also feel amazing. I've never been able to go this heavy without a knee wrap.