Long term low dose Cialis benefits? Depression and mental clarity

I'm hearing more talk about the positives on mental clarity from Cialis use. Are any of you guys taking Cialis long term for it's other benefits besides ED? Im 39 and have no ED issues but I've tried microdosing shrooms over the years without much benefit personally. I'm always looking for some kind of biohack to help with depression and mental clarity. I've listened to numerous folks discuss the positive affect Cialis has had in this regard.
Nah, i don't believe these claims. You probably referring to Kolton right? I'm using cialis (not daily) for 12 years and haven't seen any difference in mental clarity or any mood enhancement.

If you're feeling depressed because your willy doesn't work and u reverse it with cialis, this doesn't mean it fixes depression..
Low dose Cialis is beneficial for bloodflow, reduced CV risks, is a good idea in combination with rhGH. It has some drawbacks, e.g., myalgia (muscle pain) & back aches, congestion & stuffy nose, due to some nonselectivity (e.g., PDE11).

If it affects depression, which it can as a known side effect, it's rather the opposite – it can worsen these symptoms.
Nah, i don't believe these claims. You probably referring to Kolton right? I'm using cialis (not daily) for 12 years and haven't seen any difference in mental clarity or any mood enhancement.

If you're feeling depressed because your willy doesn't work and u reverse it with cialis, this doesn't mean it fixes depression..
ya him in particular has been espousing its benefits.

I use it daily to help keep the prostate in check and the boners are a welcome side effect.
now i do have a bit of prostate enlargement. i feel the pressure from it when i piss. bloods all appear normal but ive simply assumed its been from changes in my TRT+ dosing

Low dose Cialis is beneficial for bloodflow, reduced CV risks, is a good idea in combination with rhGH. It has some drawbacks, e.g., myalgia (muscle pain) & back aches, congestion & stuffy nose, due to some nonselectivity (e.g., PDE11).

If it affects depression, which it can as a known side effect, it's rather the opposite – it can worsen these symptoms.
Thanks for the info, im currently running 3ius/ED. i do have a bad case of tennis elbow ive been trying to cure and i do tend to get horrid back pumps on any type of oral AAS. i might try it at say 2.5mg ED or should i experiment with a lower starting dose?
Thanks for the info, im currently running 3ius/ED. i do have a bad case of tennis elbow ive been trying to cure and i do tend to get horrid back pumps on any type of oral AAS. i might try it at say 2.5mg ED or should i experiment with a lower starting dose?
5 mg daily Cialis is a good dose for daily low dosing, but I don't know whether these are dose effects or drug effects. Virtually everyone tends to assume dose-dependency, but that's not always the case, sometimes (often) it's just a drug effect per se.
5 mg daily Cialis is a good dose for daily low dosing, but I don't know whether these are dose effects or drug effects. Virtually everyone tends to assume dose-dependency, but that's not always the case, sometimes (often) it's just a drug effect per se.
As a guy who previously suffered from depression I can honestly say. It’s environmental psychological factors that are 90% of the cause. Everyone with clinical depression went through some sort of traumatic event, it doesn’t just pop up out of thin air. Drugs and tablets don’t really affect it unless it’s on the extreme end of things. Directly interfering with brain chemistry, rec drugs, psychiatric medication, hormonal medication. Heavy drugs per se.
As a guy who previously suffered from depression I can honestly say. It’s environmental psychological factors that are 90% of the cause. Everyone with clinical depression went through some sort of traumatic event, it doesn’t just pop up out of thin air. Drugs and tablets don’t really affect it unless it’s on the extreme end of things. Directly interfering with brain chemistry, rec drugs, psychiatric medication, hormonal medication. Heavy drugs per se.

Depression has a multifactorial aetiology that includes sociorelational as well as neurochemical and drug factors.
Nah, i don't believe these claims. You probably referring to Kolton right? I'm using cialis (not daily) for 12 years and haven't seen any difference in mental clarity or any mood enhancement.

If you're feeling depressed because your willy doesn't work and u reverse it with cialis, this doesn't mean it fixes depression..
Faulty logic. How would you know what your cognitive ability would be in the absence of daily use?

"I've been using blood pressure meds for 12 years and see no difference in my risk of having a heart attack."
We know chronic PDE5 exposure improves cognitive abilities in animal trials. We know they increase blood flow. Data is mixed regarding its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer's and improving cognition, but there is certainly some smoke, with the most recent research saying in depth trials are warranted. Risks of long term chronic use haven't been observed after several decades. So it's either "doesn't seem to hurt, definitely helps some conditions, and may have major benefits in the long term" or "The benefits established thus far are not worth the unknown risks to me."

Know this, if you're not getting morning wood any more, and it seems you go an entire day without a boner, you will slowly develop penile scar tissue that results in permanent shrinkage.
Faulty logic. How would you know what your cognitive ability would be in the absence of daily use?

"I've been using blood pressure meds for 12 years and see no difference in my risk of having a heart attack."

I'm using it 1-2 times a week and sometimes i don't use it for 20 days. Do you think if it gave me a boost i wouldn't notice it? There were times when i firstly introduced to it i was taking 10mg eod for couple months.

Or you imply that if you wanna experience the cognitive effects you must be using it every day for a x period of time? Because i haven't seen any data on this. If you stop your blood pressure meds for 20 days you'll definitely see bp rising and if you don't take cialis for more than 2 days you'll realise definitely it doesn't do what it's supposed to be doing, it's work for ED.

Depression has a multifactorial aetiology that includes sociorelational as well as neurochemical and drug factors.
I completely agree that there are neurochemical reasons behind depression. Although I believe that people overshadow it with medication and other drugs saying that if you take so and so that your depression will be cured. The media and the medical field are throwing out the idea that depression is a disease far too much and saying that medication is the only way of curing it instead of looking at other areas of their life and improving it from there. It is an illness but one that can be improved drastically without the use of illicit or rx drugs. If there is medication out there that improves quality of life without major side effects I’m all for it.
I’ve been taking cialis daily for years.

Struggle with depression and I have absolutely zero mental clarity. Honestly got a chuckle out of reading your post.
Been taking it daily for a decade and never helped much with clarity or depression.

Though sometimes when I pull out my 100 g bag of Cialis I feel like the scene in Scarface where he is at his desk and the Columbian hit squad is coming for him. It perks me up a bit for minute.
I’ve read a number of studies that cialis also increases lean body mass and nitric oxide retention in the muscles and as pwo pump. I get the stuffy nose sides and congestion’s / acid reflux sides from just 5mg daily. I reduced to 2.5 mg daily and I can see a pump effect still but lose the sides (mostly). I use the Amazon microspoons and qsc powder so dosing is not exact. Qsc Tadalafil works for sure tho
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Pantoprazol works wonders in case of acid reflux sides....taken for a whole week, daily

Stop it asap. I'm taking esomeprazol from 2012, i started it for gerd and because i was feeling super on it i continue using it for couple months. When i decided to cut it the nightmare begun..withdrawal symptoms of PPI's is serious, still to this day i can't stop it even tho i tried many many times. Use it with caution, no more than 2 weeks.
I've heard some horror stories from these gerd prescriptions. I'm trying to fix my acid reflux issues via diet and food timing. It really only causes me concern now if I eat too close to my lifting
Low dose Cialis is beneficial for bloodflow, reduced CV risks, is a good idea in combination with rhGH. It has some drawbacks, e.g., myalgia (muscle pain) & back aches, congestion & stuffy nose, due to some nonselectivity (e.g., PDE11).

If it affects depression, which it can as a known side effect, it's rather the opposite – it can worsen these symptoms.
It shows a lot of positive benefits but the only draw back for me is the stuffy nose. Do you have any tips on fixing this? I have read that possibly taking bapy aspirin with cialis daily could fix the issue.
It shows a lot of positive benefits but the only draw back for me is the stuffy nose. Do you have any tips on fixing this? I have read that possibly taking bapy aspirin with cialis daily could fix the issue.
I’d like to know this as well. I capped a bunch of 10mg but even that gives me pretty bad congestion