Depression and Low Self Esteem

I'm on a few "Positive Mental Attitude" forums and that's 1 of the reasons why I block members quickly with zero tolerance on sites like Meso coz these forums are just mostly full of kids/crazy guys and drug dealers talking about buying/selling drugs/steroids and I've identified that these types of sites are one of my trigger points for rage and self loathing.

I don't wanna associate with people like that on a daily basis, hence why I don't actually post very often or get involved in the majority of "drug" topics.

I use gear obviously so still need solid sources but that's really the only reason I stay in the loop with Meso these days after 30 years posting on bbing forums.

Some guys get on gear and they have no idea how the serotonin/dopamine cycle is affected. It can fuck you up for years if you don't have things right. In the end, all this shit is hormonal.
Some guys get on gear and they have no idea how the serotonin/dopamine cycle is affected. It can fuck you up for years if you don't have things right. In the end, all this shit is hormonal.

True bro.

It's not just steroids though....reccy drugs and other meds can alter your neural pathways too and you might only notice the damage in later life.
Advice appreciated. I already know I've got a bit of a booze problem and also some self destructive personal issues that I should probably face and deal with but actually making changes has proven to be very very difficult with so many new problems arising in the world over the past few years.

I've honestly had enough of the world and I'm bored of the life I've got but I'm not the type of person who could ever commit suicide so I just have to keep going from day to day and hope the grim reaper comes for me sometime soon.
Many of us have been where you are now, I too was waiting for the grim reaper to come take me, I also thought to myself do I have the balls to kill myself? Should I? What if I'm wrong about everything I'm thinking? I've been told I'm not thinking straight?

Turns out I wasn't thinking straight at all in fact, that's what depression does, its a tricky cunt, yes there was things I needed to work on so I did and things got so much better ,but there were also things I thought about myself and life that turned out completely untrue although I was convinced at the time they were.

Listen man as you know forums and social media can be toxic as fuck, but they can also be a useful tool, it all depends on how you use them, use them wisely.

There's been solid advice in this thread, ignore the hate.

Good luck bro!
No, he gets shit on here because guys that bodybuild practice an individual lifestyle that requires discipline and self reliance and they know at the end of the day it’s all you.

So when someone comes around constantly posting bullshit towards ppl, meanwhile all of their threads are about blaming world problems and everything else in life for their shit position, some ppl just don’t tolerate it well and I’m one of them. This negative pos started fucking with me in a thread that had absolutely no shots fired at him whatsoever, dude just starts shit with me out of nowhere. And you know what I did after that? I STILL HELPED HIM with advice in another thread of his to absolutely no thanks or appreciation for the advice on his issue

This guy is a fucking idiot and a mental case that you can’t help, plain and simple. He posts all this nonsense and wants advice, then he will come back and post some shit about the booze and depression and how some broad fucked his life up, blah blah blah. And the only real solution is to grow a pair and pick your ass up off the ground, but no you can’t tell him that, then your just an asshole to him
Send me a DM, Tank. I work in the field and may be able to point you in the right direction. Which direction will depend on various factors and also your philosophical outlook. It will take effort! A lot! In Particularly if it is deeply ingrained patterns of thinking and behaviour (e.g., personality disorders, CPTSD). Cool thing is, everybody here is kinda cut from the same cloth and working hard is something I imagine you ain't scared of .
I briefly scanned the thread and most of the advice is solid and would all help to some degree. The advice skips over probably the most important part, getting you started, cause it sounds like a few things are perpetuating this and keeping you doing the same thing.
Send me a DM, Tank. I work in the field and may be able to point you in the right direction. Which direction will depend on various factors and also your philosophical outlook. It will take effort! A lot! In Particularly if it is deeply ingrained patterns of thinking and behaviour (e.g., personality disorders, CPTSD). Cool thing is, everybody here is kinda cut from the same cloth and working hard is something I imagine you ain't scared of .
I briefly scanned the thread and most of the advice is solid and would all help to some degree. The advice skips over probably the most important part, getting you started, cause it sounds like a few things are perpetuating this and keeping you doing the same thing.

I'll be in touch. Thanks bro.
No, he gets shit on here because guys that bodybuild practice an individual lifestyle that requires discipline and self reliance and they know at the end of the day it’s all you.
Excuse me for being off topic, but their discipline amazes me, no matter how much I tried, 1-2 months are enough for me when I live in discipline mode, nutrition, sleep, training in the gym and work. But then I have a breakdown at work and start eating sweet treats. Therefore, for me, these people are gods.