Long term tirzepatide vs wait for retratrutide/others


New Member
I've been on Mounjaro and then compounded tirzepatide via telehealth provider and now getting my own peptide. I'm debating buying a larger stockpile but wondering if others have input if you've been on tirzepatide longer term. Did you find that it stopped working, so maybe buying a large quantity isn't wise? I'm at goal and maintaining BTW. I know people have started getting retatrutide, but I'm not ready to try that until it gets further through clinical trials due to the early heart concerns.

Just curious if anyone has input...don't want to waste a bunch of money on a larger tirzepatide order if many have found its effects to wain or better to consider other stacks. I completely realize this will vary person to person. So just looking for any personal experiences or suggestions.
I've been on Mounjaro and then compounded tirzepatide via telehealth provider and now getting my own peptide. I'm debating buying a larger stockpile but wondering if others have input if you've been on tirzepatide longer term. Did you find that it stopped working, so maybe buying a large quantity isn't wise? I'm at goal and maintaining BTW. I know people have started getting retatrutide, but I'm not ready to try that until it gets further through clinical trials due to the early heart concerns.

Just curious if anyone has input...don't want to waste a bunch of money on a larger tirzepatide order if many have found its effects to wain or better to consider other stacks. I completely realize this will vary person to person. So just looking for any personal experiences or suggestions.

I've been using it over a year. At 12.5mg. still works great for me though I normally only take it every 10-14 days. I'll take a low dose of 0.5mg semaglutide somewhere in the middle when I start to get hungry again and it totally kills the appetite until my next mounjaro shot. Killer combo. And you don't even have to wait for retatrutide. It's available now from vendors on this website. I have some but I haven't tried it yet since I still love Mounjaro
I haven’t had nearly as much suppression w Reta as I’ve had w tirz

Have been using tirz for almost a year. I did stop altogether about six to eight weeks ago to start a slow bulk. Appetite only goes up if my test dose is high or with tren.

Low test high or moderate primo it’s as if I’m on tirz.

Var also suppresses appetite nicely at 5-10mg 2x per day , if needed

// edit.i ran one kit of Reta at 4-5 mg every 5 days or so. Prob as effective as 5mg tirz. Not more. Def can’t compare to 10 mg tirz
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I’ve taken it since it came out. It wears off for me after a while. I took a few months break and restarted this past weekend. It works again. So having a stock pile might not be a bad idea. You can always take breaks and get back on and see if that works for you.
So far I'm not noticing any waining effects, thankfully. I'm actually using up some of my Mounjaro pens since those have expiration dates and my peptide vials really don't. I started November 2022. Have lost not quite 90 lbs on my short frame and have not found maintenance to be difficult. I should exercise more than I do, but...life. Thankfully I'm not a foodie and hate to cook, so I just focus on protein as my priority and rock along just fine.
I've been on Mounjaro and then compounded tirzepatide via telehealth provider and now getting my own peptide. I'm debating buying a larger stockpile but wondering if others have input if you've been on tirzepatide longer term. Did you find that it stopped working, so maybe buying a large quantity isn't wise? I'm at goal and maintaining BTW. I know people have started getting retatrutide, but I'm not ready to try that until it gets further through clinical trials due to the early heart concerns.

Just curious if anyone has input...don't want to waste a bunch of money on a larger tirzepatide order if many have found its effects to wain or better to consider other stacks. I completely realize this will vary person to person. So just looking for any personal experiences or suggestions.

Laws are crazy and constantly changing. If you like this compound and you have a good source, I'd stock up (within reason).
I've run Mounjaro 12.5mg over a year usually every 8-9 days. No issue needing to stack with others. I'm down from 300 lbs to 170 lbs. Mounjaro helps a ton but you can't just take it and expect results. I weigh and log everything I eat religiously with MacroFactor and it does it's magic and tells me how much to eat each week to stay on track and it's always right. The combo is a game changer imho
I haven't personally tried yet but I have read in multiple places that if tirz or sema stops being effective you take a break anywhere from 1month to 3 month, and you then start again it will work again.
I've run Mounjaro 12.5mg over a year usually every 8-9 days. No issue needing to stack with others. I'm down from 300 lbs to 170 lbs. Mounjaro helps a ton but you can't just take it and expect results. I weigh and log everything I eat religiously with MacroFactor and it does it's magic and tells me how much to eat each week to stay on track and it's always right. The combo is a game changer imho

Good on you for the tracking and all that. A lot of guys want the drugs to take care of everything, which they absolutely do not. Still gotta be mindful of food intake, sleep quality, training/cardio, et cetera.
I noticed a slight decrease in effectiveness after 6 weeks with tirz. Very slight. Could probably go 8-10 weeks on the starter dose of 2.5mg/week, but I just choose to increase it to 3.33mg/week at week 6
I think it's wise to stock up. They last ages in freezer. Laws change, pressure to china may change, good suppliers disappear overnight. Make hay while the sun shines.
Realistically it’s depending on if you’re getting it prescribed or through compound or ugl?
If it’s the first 1 fine you can wait, they’re releasing more vials so it’ll be easier to get ahold of for low 2.5mg and 5mg doses. If it’s the second, you’re gonna wanna have a bit of a stockpile cuz once Lilly gets it in stock compounding pharmacies won’t be able to distribute it anymore as it won’t be on the FDA short list. If it’s 3rd way then a few months supply would be wise 3-6months, it last for a long time with proper storage (research long term storage). Either way, you don’t know how well you will respond to new meds but you do know you respond to this one so a stock up a few months and see where it goes. At some point everyone hits a plateau but hopefully you’ll have built a healthy lifestyle along with use of the meds to help lessen the chance of regaining. Basically as of right now it’s the best option out there and the next gen ones won’t be avail for a long minute and the med is designed for lifetime usage so before you jump ship remember it’s meant to be taken long term and works well for that for most people.
Realistically it’s depending on if you’re getting it prescribed or through compound or ugl?
If it’s the first 1 fine you can wait, they’re releasing more vials so it’ll be easier to get ahold of for low 2.5mg and 5mg doses. If it’s the second, you’re gonna wanna have a bit of a stockpile cuz once Lilly gets it in stock compounding pharmacies won’t be able to distribute it anymore as it won’t be on the FDA short list. If it’s 3rd way then a few months supply would be wise 3-6months, it last for a long time with proper storage (research long term storage). Either way, you don’t know how well you will respond to new meds but you do know you respond to this one so a stock up a few months and see where it goes. At some point everyone hits a plateau but hopefully you’ll have built a healthy lifestyle along with use of the meds to help lessen the chance of regaining. Basically as of right now it’s the best option out there and the next gen ones won’t be avail for a long minute and the med is designed for lifetime usage so before you jump ship remember it’s meant to be taken long term and works well for that for most people.

Not sure how the compounders haven't been shut down yet. OTOH, "Out of shortage" is utter BS. Still difficult out to get filled most of the time.

Not sure how the compounders haven't been shut down yet. OTOH, "Out of shortage" is utter BS. Still difficult out to get filled most of the time.
Yes it is utter BS, for the majority of people it’s still a struggle to get brand filled unless you have multiple pharmacies and even then, you need a 90 day supply to be “sittin comfy”, it’s all a propaganda campaign put on by Lili, the vials only doing the “get em hooked dose” and the “ I see real benefits dose” , some are good at those doses but scientifically higher the dose, higher the weight loss is studies. Lily just wants compounding pharmacies out of the picture and they’re on a campaign to make that happen complete with a ton of “release the hounds” Mr. Burns tactics. They’ve got the hottest drug of all time rn and they intend to keep their hounds guarding the cookie jar…even the crumbs. Just a normal day in the world of Big Pharma