Low libido and ED since coming off of gel

You could try switching to test prop and inject ED vor EOD. Thats what gave me crazy libido.

I dont know if that will give you more dht though
thanks for the reply. Would prop be any different to enanthate? It’s just an ester difference.

I’m gonna try 150mg TE injected EOD with 75mg masteron EOD. See if a DHT derivative helps
thanks for the reply. Would prop be any different to enanthate? It’s just an ester difference.

I’m gonna try 150mg TE injected EOD with 75mg masteron EOD. See if a DHT derivative helps
It will help but that is a big cycle, not TRT

Prop has another feeling and gave me Vetter libido and overall feeling

It may also just be your brain that was used to more adrenalin and dopamine signaling from the dht. Adding more gear wont change that
It will help but that is a big cycle, not TRT

Prop has another feeling and gave me Vetter libido and overall feeling

It may also just be your brain that was used to more adrenalin and dopamine signaling from the dht. Adding more gear wont change that
Sorry lol I meant 150mg TE / 75mg mast a week, but microdosed EOD. I’m tired lol.

Could prop be helping you because it reaches a higher cmax than enanthate? I did wonder if the gel worked well for me on the basis that every time I’d use it I’d get a massive peak of serum testosterone.
Sorry lol I meant 150mg TE / 75mg mast a week, but microdosed EOD. I’m tired lol.

Could prop be helping you because it reaches a higher cmax than enanthate? I did wonder if the gel worked well for me on the basis that every time I’d use it I’d get a massive peak of serum testosterone.
Check out cortex labs on YouTube, he talks about TRT, test prop and how it helps your libido a lot

I dont know tbh, maybe also estrogen related

As I said check out Ryans videos
Your protocol is, like, off the charts complicated.

If you could get Einstein, Fermi, Max Planck and Dirac in the same room they wouldn't be able to tell you what to do next.
lol what’s complicated about T, HCG, and anastrozole?

T + HCG isn't easy to do and typically takes multiple tries (with labs) before getting it right. If it becomes clear that an AI is needed, that's more tries and more labs and, even then, the E2 level often becomes a moving target. Then what do you do? More AI? Less HCG? Less T? Change the frequency of HCG shots? Split the T dose and go to two shots a week? To top it off, you're adding another layer of difficulty because you're not on TRT - you're cycling.

Sorry, but that's too many dials on the control panel and, when that happens, its very likely you'll be spinning your wheels for months.
T + HCG isn't easy to do and typically takes multiple tries (with labs) before getting it right. If it becomes clear that an AI is needed, that's more tries and more labs and, even then, the E2 level often becomes a moving target. Then what do you do? More AI? Less HCG? Less T? Change the frequency of HCG shots? Split the T dose and go to two shots a week? To top it off, you're adding another layer of difficulty because you're not on TRT - you're cycling.

Sorry, but that's too many dials on the control panel and, when that happens, it’s very likely you'll be spinning your wheels for months.
Originally I just started with T. I have a low dose of HCG just to keep the balls working and I’ve never changed the HCG dose other than removing it. I’ve always taken doses no more than 48 hours apart to ensure I’m not peaking and troughing.

I think it’s quite straight forward.

Keep the HCG the same (if using it)
Adjust the T up or down, and check for E2 sides and dose an AI accordingly.

I’ve been trying to get the “perfect” dosages for years now. I accept that I’ll probably be adjusting things for the rest of my life.

I keep a record of what I’m taking and how I’m feeling, so I can refer back to it later and figure out what I’m happiest with.
I’ve been taking 25mg proviron twice daily for about 4 days now, and I’ve had much better libido, and erectile quality that I’d consider to be “normal”.

I’m thinking DHT derivatives might be the solution for me.

I’m going to continue the proviron for the rest of the month and then switch to masteron and see what happens.
I’ve been taking 25mg proviron twice daily for about 4 days now, and I’ve had much better libido, and erectile quality that I’d consider to be “normal”.

I’m thinking DHT derivatives might be the solution for me.

I’m going to continue the proviron for the rest of the month and then switch to masteron and see what happens.
Bad idea in my opininion

Long term you will have low shbg with proviron, your HDL and LDL will be way out oft range and that is way too much androgens to be sustainable

This is not TRT this is a cycle
Bad idea in my opininion

Long term you will have low shbg with proviron, your HDL and LDL will be way out oft range and that is way too much androgens to be sustainable

This is not TRT this is a cycle

My lipids were perfect last time I had them checked. And I was on more total androgens then than ever before. Somehow got my LDL 20% below what it was before TRT. My diet is very good though, so maybe that has something to do with it. 150g of oats a day, 800g of vegetables a day, 350g of fruit a day, 200g of lentils (dry weight) a day, and 200g of nuts and seeds a day.

My hematocrit and hemoglobin were also lower than they were pre-TRT.

My SHBG usually comes back above range, so some SHBG lowering might be good.

I agree that the dosages are too high to be considered TRT, but I am concerned primarily with symptom relief. Having a dick that doesn’t work makes life not worth living. So I’ll do a little experimenting and use the lowest effective dose necessary to have a normal sex life. I’d like to think that 120mg TE a week and a low dose of a DHT derivative would be enough. But I’ll find out.

Either way, I felt best on the gel. So I’m going to try to recreate the T: E2: DHT ratio and work from there.

If I followed typical advice and adhered to “normal doses” to achieve “normal levels”, I’d have never started TRT and I’d still have a dick that doesn’t work.