Lowest dose tren?


Well-known Member
I'm looking for opinions and factual experience here.

I've been running quicker acting esters as of late with smaller doses. For instance my new favorite blast is just a simple test prop at 350mg a week for 6 weeks on top of my 150mg per week trt dose.

After all this time tren is the only compound I haven't tried other than EQ but I dont think I will ever run that due to time on.

What's the smallest effective dose of tren ace per week that you think will be effective? I plan on doing one recomp cycle with my lower carb summer diet and one bulking all out cycle next spring. Do yall think it would be just as effective sticking with my trt dose and nothing but the tren or should I throw in some test prop for good measure?

Thanks for any and all replies :)
I have ran tren with just a trt dose of test and a lot of people for it too with good results. I believe tren can work wonders at doses as low as 25mg a day. For your bulk I would run your test higher mostly to increase your estrogen levels, tren with estrogen will increase growth way more then tren alone.
Never really tried it at a low dose, but gains at 400 are amazing. I would imagine that running it at 150-200 would still be effective as long as your expectations are realistic.
I have ran up to a gram of nandrolone and 200mg parabolan (130mg trenbolone by ester weight equaling approximately 150mg ace) literally wiped out everything in regard to both changing performance and muscle gain
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I'm guessing I'd probably run it at 200 to 300 per week. I mean. I was happy with NPP at 300mg per week so I'd imagine tren should shine brighter in theory
I’ve done 200mg per week of tren e several times and it’s always my go to now. Get big or get lean or a little of both.

Regardless of dose, food makes more difference in the overall outcome. Eat 500g carbs a day? You’ll blow up and prob not put on too much bodyfat with tren. Carb cycle and get lean as fuck while maintaining some strength and size. Solid too.

Bulk/shred/recomp can be done on a “low dose” of tren, but the food will determine more. Get the diet right and you won’t need much tren at all to make a noticeable difference
I haven't used tren in quite awhile now. But when I did I ran it a lot, pretty much every late spring to summer cut cycle for several years. I tried 75mg ed, 50mg ed, 40mg ed, and 25mg ed. I thought for me on a low calorie deficient diet 40mg ed or 260-280mg/wk of tren ace worked the best. In conjunction with 350mg of test prop/wk and 300mg of mast prop/wk and 40-50mg of anavar ed. Very effective cycle if diet and training are on point.
I am running 150mg so far going into week 5 of a tren e and test blast.
I have already recomped even though the scale hasn't moved in 3 weeks i have pictures to prove it. I am going to bump up to 300mg of tren e.
But that being said 150mg e lowest i have done and still see results and 300mg e is my bread and butter any higher sides get to much for me.
Keep updating the thread, guys. This is turning out to be very interesting.
Well I dont have much to report just yet. The aggression in the weight room is up some. But that could be the renewed focus since I'm on cycle and the extra energy from the sudden increase of carbs from 150g per day back to 350g.

One thing I can say is my aggression outside of the weight room has definitely increased. I found myself dwelling on a minor even that happened about 6 months ago with a individual at work and I found myself hitting angrier and angrier about how this person approached me that day verbally. I finally had my moment of clarity and snapped out of it. An hour later one of our welders (I'm a machinist)came and told me to fix something for him, something that I didnt make btw, now the key words here is "told me" not asked me and immediately my face got hot and I started seathing. I fixed the part for him and pulled him.aside when he came to get the parts I told him that I'm not in his beckon call and if he ever wants another favor from me his choice of words had better be different or my reaction will damn sure be different. And I found myself getting irritated often at little inconsequential situations.
Well I dont have much to report just yet. The aggression in the weight room is up some. But that could be the renewed focus since I'm on cycle and the extra energy from the sudden increase of carbs from 150g per day back to 350g.

One thing I can say is my aggression outside of the weight room has definitely increased. I found myself dwelling on a minor even that happened about 6 months ago with a individual at work and I found myself hitting angrier and angrier about how this person approached me that day verbally. I finally had my moment of clarity and snapped out of it. An hour later one of our welders (I'm a machinist)came and told me to fix something for him, something that I didnt make btw, now the key words here is "told me" not asked me and immediately my face got hot and I started seathing. I fixed the part for him and pulled him.aside when he came to get the parts I told him that I'm not in his beckon call and if he ever wants another favor from me his choice of words had better be different or my reaction will damn sure be different. And I found myself getting irritated often at little inconsequential situations.
I also find myself getting angrier for not proof reading this before I posted it lol
Well it's been over a week things are actually going pretty good.

The early blips in anger and irritability have come under control.

The sweating has started getting bad but no worse than the sweating I do on NPP. And there is still no night sweats just pouring sweat all day.

My libido is increasing daily but its manageable with pornhub lol

My appetite is through the roof, if I dont eat within an our after my last meal i start to get hunger pains.

The side that is most annoying is the aches and pains. I got them all over. Just a overall feeling of shittiness. Not on par with D-bol or other orals I've taken but definitely enough to be annoying. The lethargy is there but it comes and goes, one minute I'm dragging ass and the next I'm focused and moving around with intensity.

Insomnia is definitely kicking in pretty hard as it's getting harder and harder to sleep the night through.

My workout intensity has been climbing daily. And the muscles are beginning to harden up especially the forearms and tri's. Vascularity has been steadily increasing as well.

Last but not least is water intake. I have to drink water all day and I mean bottle after bottle to avoid getting dehydrated. If I slip on the water intake even slightly I get the worst headache but all I have to do is throw back a 16oz water and it immediately dissipates.

There you have it @MisterSuperGod. My experience to date with 75mg eod tren ace and 150mg a week of test cyp.