No one here disputes this. The problem is that the second it leaves a "legit" GH production facility it enters a long, long, looooooooong, supply chain of criminals who sell to the rest of us criminal consumers.
These resellers etc, have every incentive in the world to dilute these products as far as they think they can get away with. That is the common sense.
The unusual outcome requiring the highest proof burden is the crazy scenario where all of these criminals have hearts of gold and only pass along the purest unstepped on, unadulterated, un-outright-faked product because... doggone it, people like them.
How do you dilute a lypholized puck? At least with the grey tops, when you order international, they are shipped direct from the factory that produces them; so nobody has a chance to step on them. The way I order them through a domestic remailer, he is the only person to touch them before they get to my hands; and I know him well enough to trust him. However, I understand, establishing that type of relationship takes time and is hard to come by.