Mass Shootings, Gun Craziness, and Constitutional Challenge (Drug Related??)


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Does anyone else find it extremely concerning that whenever there is a mass shooting event, or even any kind of gun related murder, that they dont really seem to want to investigate what particular drugs and substances the perpetrator may be on..?!?!?! Because that was the first fukking thing they used to do when someone pulled some crazy shit..!!!!!!!!!!!

Guns have been around forever. Really, the only changes are..:
(1) The content of Hollywood film...
(2) The content (and reality level) or current video game platforms and applications...
(3) The inappropriate (And illegal really) increased availability of the two above listed to adolescents and minors...
(4) The changes in substance and drug use as well as their increased availability to minors...

But Guns with high capacity magazines have always been available. As well as guns have always been in households. Conversely, there are so many of them in circulation in the US today that -yes- gun availability on the streets has increased as well.

We must also consider the destruction of the nuclear family which has been ensuing exponentially for the last 50 years, and the fact that this has left countless minors at home to be raised with no father figure in most cases. Lets face it, short of the mother being a complete crack-whore, she will get primary custody in most divorces STILL TODAY. Admittedly, it would seem like men are not biologically equipped to manage raising children without the help of female spouses. U.S society appears to be flipping on an inverse course to an apparent destruction to some degree. Relationships, divorce, social factors, and finance & MORAL Fidelity is a whole nother topic for another thread...

Still I want to focus on the net effect of Drugs, alcohol, and various substance on children and adults, AND HOW THAT IS AFFECTING ALL THIS GUN VIOLENCE....!?!?? And with great consideration to all the factors which I have listed above...

So I will repeat the primary mode of this inquiry. WHY IS IT THAT NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE FUKKED UP ON...?!?!? (And don't say they are just "crazy", because especially the mentally ill -be they diagnosed formally or not, are more likely to self medication with various substance /legal or not..).

Now personally, and you all know I am a big conspiracy guy, I would suggest that marijuana use is the primary culprit as CLEARLY, it is the biggest social change in drug availability, use, and proliferation. Let me take it to the extreme nuttiness and suggest the Pot opens the brain up to some kind of mind control from somewhere. A stimulus that in fact drives people to commit these insane acts with guns, OR WHATEVER. Because truly its a lot more than gun activity going on. We have everything from Mothers murdering their infant children, to fiancés pouring acid on their partner's faces, to random gun violence in the streets, to intentional planned mass shooting events. MASS HYSTERIA really...

I would not point a finger at any particular group or entity. This is not a conspiracy theory as simple as "it must be our govt wanting us dead" or some stupid shit like that. The truth is that if there were any chance of this occurring as a real happening, it could be coming from anywhere... When you consider that (as example) competing governments appear to be using some type of energy weapon that is singling out and frying other govt operatives brains whilst sitting in an office at their desk and all occurring undetected and seemingly untraceable, you have to admit - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Or is it just Dr. Evil from his underground lair and some kind of James Bond sequence above or outside world governmental level playing out. But something is going on..

So perhaps a particular drug or substance opens the mind up to vulnerability to particular stimulus. Maybe even unintentional who knows. But then consider the potential application vectors. Light signaling from cell phone, laptop, and television screens. The human eye is basically a fiber optic receiver after all. Cellphones the most obvious candidate as this mode would directly target one individual as opposed to the entire family watching the TV. But if you note they opted for LCD over Plasma screens 10 years ago and simply eradicated plasma out of the competition and for no good reason as they had evolved competitively on all levels... Hmmm. - - -- OR perhaps 5G towers signaling your DNA sequence via a food, air, or drug additive as enabling adjuncts?? Were you one that had to know what your genetic background was? Or fall for that bullshit where your doc solicited your DNA sample so they could test "to see if your drugs are working properly" (so fucking ridiculous come on). Did you know China buys all of this information. Or so they say its "China"... -- - - - ORR perhaps the sun is coincidentally micro-flashing in certain sequences on certain days that drive people nutty.. ------ Orrr maybe the Moon lines up just right with all the other stars in the sky in ways that affect certain people and with the right concomitant additional conditions in play for that person?? ----- Orrr Maybe its a certain brain type that just goes fuking nutz... Perhaps Covid was just a prelude and ancillary additive to enable any of the above said hypothetical concepts...---- You KNOW my money is on an Evil E.T. species with bad intent sitting up in the sky cloaked and rolling out the master agenda... Have they decided to remove us from the planet again and in ways that not only leave mother nature, the innocent animals, and everything else unharmed.. GOD KNOWS we seem to deserve it as we display reckless selfish abandonment in everything we do ranging from war, to chemical, biological, and physical product pollution and contamination. I mean there is 3 tons of fuking radioactive fuel burning in the ocean over in Japan which has already been labeled "An Extinction Level Event" for HEAVEN'S SAKE.. In many ways we are nothing but a bunch of stupid chimps with lighters that cant even get a spacecraft off the ground in Florida without blowing it up like an overblown plutonium laced bottle rocket, thus scattering million year toxins all over the damn state..!!! Clearly someone is attempting to discredit us, be it ourselves, or outside interest cloaked. The list of possibilities is endless... Hell it could just be as simple as the fall of this second coming of ROME and the financial distress AND STRESS that it is causing. And all the poor souls ignored as they suffer while so many pro$per financially disproportionately more so now than ever.. The end of the middle class is ALWAYS the end of society.. Shit, could you even imagine life without something as simple as health insurance...! Consider I am conservative and "republican" for the most part. So this is not liberal bleed out mind your mannerzz plz...

Back again, and I know in the preceding years not to far back, THE FIRST FUCKING THING THEY DID WHEN SOMEONE WHEN FUKING NUTS WAS CHECK THEM TO SEE WHAT KINDA SHIT THEY WERE ON... WHY IS THIS NOT HAPPENING TODAY. WHY ARE THEY NOT CORRELATING STATISTICS.. I again give you a hint - MARIJUANA is in play on some level.... Cause I can tell you alcohol has been around for ever and while making one bullitproof and 10 foot tall, the last thing it made was cowards and people that did things with ZERO rhyme or reason.

So with that I open the floor.... :)
If someone smokes weed and does something crazy, it’s because they are mentally Ill or psychopaths. Weed can exacerbate things that are already there. The average joe is not going to smoke weed and then shoot up a school. That’s not how weed works.
There was a time when they did point a finger at psyche drugs. Used to be a lot of reporting in that direction up until perhaps ten years ago.

There were numerous shooters that claimed they were on psyche meds and didn't even know what they were doing.

I've taking medications before that caused me to fly into a violent rage over nothing, just flip out, I threw those medications in the trash.

I think it's more about a dissociative personality problem where these people become delusional and depressed.

There's a lot of hopelessness and despair, kids today are exposed to too many things. When is the last time you saw someone that lives like the Amish shoot up a school. They live life at a slower pace, they work hard physically to get rid of excess energy, they probably don't live in their own heads too much.

If a young male is unable to exercise a power process where he can realize and accomplish goals, then he will becomes frustrated because he probably doesn't have the resources to pursue surrogate goals either, becoming a young man with all this energy and no place to put it.

Practically every major philosopher for the past 2000 years have pointed out that boredom is probably at the root of most evil. You take a high energy male and hand him a modern sedentary lifestyle staring at a screen, it can backfire.
If someone smokes weed and does something crazy, it’s because they are mentally Ill or psychopaths. Weed can exacerbate things that are already there. The average joe is not going to smoke weed and then shoot up a school. That’s not how weed works.
Make an attempt to READ my post before you reply. I know how weed works.. I just feel like you may have missed my intent. Maybe not. I agree with you for the most part. :)

What I was suggesting in relation to pot is that perhaps there could be new technology emerging that allows a level of mind control POSSIBLY.. Possibly. Weed is a very hypnotic state inducing drug. And its one thing to get scalded with friends and talk some serious shit. And its a whole nother animal to get yourself high on a daily basis as a mode of lifestyle and walk around like that 24/7.... Which is what many kids do today. And what most adult pot smokers do.

There is also the question of what marijuana does to a brain under the age of 21... even age 25.. As to the net effect of a still developing brain... I personally suspect this is the biggest risk. And in terms of legalization, as we learned with alcohol, once its out there the kids will find a way to acquire it much more readily than if they had to pursue it in a strict black market environment. In short, if its even medically available, the kids will get it.
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There was a time when they did point a finger at psyche drugs. Used to be a lot of reporting in that direction up until perhaps ten years ago.

There were numerous shooters that claimed they were on psyche meds and didn't even know what they were doing.

I've taking medications before that caused me to fly into a violent rage over nothing, just flip out, I threw those medications in the trash.

I think it's more about a dissociative personality problem where these people become delusional and depressed.

There's a lot of hopelessness and despair, kids today are exposed to too many things. When is the last time you saw someone that lives like the Amish shoot up a school. They live life at a slower pace, they work hard physically to get rid of excess energy, they probably don't live in their own heads too much.

If a young male is unable to exercise a power process where he can realize and accomplish goals, then he will becomes frustrated because he probably doesn't have the resources to pursue surrogate goals either, becoming a young man with all this energy and no place to put it.

Practically every major philosopher for the past 2000 years have pointed out that boredom is probably at the root of most evil. You take a high energy male and hand him a modern sedentary lifestyle staring at a screen, it can backfire.
Thats a strong reply THX.!!
All good feedback...

AGAIN, I pose the QUESTION. Why are we not being told what particular meds these idiots were on?!?!?! AND IN THEIR SYSTEMS...! This is IMPORTANT.. As I mentioned.

More precisely, the probably ARE accounting for it and taking notes. Which means they are experimenting on us.. And further do not want to deviate from the planned future if they can possibly avoid it. OR WORSE, perhaps its all going to plan..


The bottom line is I bet not a one of these fukkers is sober. Be it medically prescribed anti-psychotics, booze, or pot. And as one respondent mentioned. We also need to track what meds they were raised on in conjuction with the medical history..

Something tells me they know all this and are withholding for now.

And for the record, people have been "Crazy" since the dawn of time. Its usually genetically driven. Granted there are new stimulus now. As well as the new meds and illegal drug proliferation...

It's the amphetamines they pump the kids full of. Fucks up their still developing brains.
Agreed. I have seen kids that were on amphetamines growing up and get off em by the time they are 18 and do ok. At least normal. And believe me these were the ones that would bounce in place watching Sesame Street. I've also seen people that take these meds and wind up as meth tweekers... None of it is normal and clearly they were ABNormal from the getgo..

I was and am a huge amphetamine fan. What I found after taking it from late 20's forward and stopping mid 40's, IS THAT NOW I CAN BARELY GET MOVING WITHOUT THEM. Whatever they did to my brain was permanent. I can also say there was a period of a few years that I thought the psychotic and intensive introspection and thought processing was a permanent RE-WIRING or my brain and that worried me. I recall comparing it to the end game of that movie LIMITLESS, which was basically telling an amphetamine tale. right down to the psychosis at the end... But all that went away after 5 years of abstinence and while I can say the education and changes in thought processing stuck, the negative parts went away... Its just hard to move without now from a physical perspective. Or take a shit for that matter..

So YES and AGREED. It does change their brains permanently I agree. I just do not have to personal perspective of what might have happened should I have possessed different genetic qualities...
It's not weed. It's ssris,anti phychotics and benzos.
Your post reminds me of the stupid woman that kept the chimpanzee in her apartment and had it on benzos (and God knows what) for Pete's sake. And then it tripped out one day and ripped her visiting female friend's face off. LITERALLY...

Well and still, how could weed be interacting with those medical substances. I knew a guy in college that completely zoned out to a retarded place whenever he smoked. Got so bad he was talking to the radio. I think he took Paxil as well.

ALSO, WHAT STRAIN of weed. There are so many different sub species of Indica and Sativa these days AND THEY HAVE TOTALLY DIFFERENT EFFECTS.. Not to mention special strains custom designed in high offices NO DOUBT... GMO plant products are not incepted by some pothead in a shed. It takes major corporations like Monsanto per say to contrive and produce a GMO form of vegetation... These are not HYBRIDS we are discussing. These are plants that can't even incept from a seed any more...

This reply I am making reminds me of the Cheech and Chong movie where the detective (Stacy Keach) transforms into a reptile as a result of smoking the weed... Gotta wonder on that one... Why exactly did they pick a lizzard/reptilian. This was in the 80's before Reptilian Alien conspiracy even existed. GOT... TO.... WONDER.....
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You know Ted Kaczynski acted out as the "Uni-bomber" in horrific ways to make his point. You might think he was insane if you examined his cabin, way of life, etc - after the caught him. NOTE that "insane" and "Crazy" are two completely different concepts technically. But if you read his manifesto ( I think there are even audio versions of it now), HE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD FROM EVERY ASPECT HE PREDICTED AND WAS FIGHTING AGAINST... Of course he went about his protect the wrong way. But how far do folks have to go to be heard.? And what matters are worth going batshit for?!?!?? You could almost call him a modern day prophet to some degree. Scary..

So what is going on with these people. Are there common denominators and where/what? WHY are they not publishing simple information as to what their current and past drug regimens are?

AGAIN. Back in the days of sanity and ration, THE FIRST THING YOU LOOK AT IS WHAT THE FUCK IS A LUNATIC ON.... And odds are there is always a culprit of substance..
It's not weed. It's ssris,anti phychotics and benzos.
Beat me too it, these things are poison. The crazy thing is when you read fitness forums half the members use them. I don't want that crap in my system. People now days want to take a pill for anything (being sad, being fat, their BP his high because their fat, they eat like shit so their digestion is shit).
Plain and simple. The headlines used to, and should still, read as such....
"In today's news, toxicology reports on the shooter have come back and determined that the perpetrator was using X and Y drugs. And also had a history with Z medications...". But they don't anymore... So WHY is this...

Perhaps it is BIG PHARMA as the major offender and that would explain the hush down...

So we need to take this lunacy of blaming the guns, and visit the looking glass it would seem..
You know Ted Kaczynski acted out as the "Uni-bomber" in horrific ways to make his point. You might think he was insane if you examined his cabin, way of life, etc - after the caught him. NOTE that "insane" and "Crazy" are two completely different concepts technically. But if you read his manifesto ( I think there are even audio versions of it now), HE HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD FROM EVERY ASPECT HE PREDICTED AND WAS FIGHTING AGAINST... Of course he went about his protect the wrong way. But how far do folks have to go to be heard.? And what matters are worth going batshit for?!?!?? You could almost call him a modern day prophet to some degree. Scary..

So what is going on with these people. Are there common denominators and where/what? WHY are they not publishing simple information as to what their current and past drug regimens are?

AGAIN. Back in the days of sanity and ration, THE FIRST THING YOU LOOK AT IS WHAT THE FUCK IS A LUNATIC ON.... And odds are there is always a culprit of substance.

Ted is an anarcho primitivist. John Zerzan outlines that system of thinking better than anyone else.

What's going on.

These are people that simply can't take it anymore. They are no longer hypnotized, sleep walking through life. They wake up to reality and look around at the absurdity and madness of the world that seems to run on autopilot.

What does a human need to survive. Water, food, shelter, clothing, some tools. That's it, that's all it takes to survive as a human. Guys like Ted and many others (including myself) ask what the hell are we doing all this extra stuff for. Ted saw the world of working 10hrs a day doing something he hated like many of us hate, and he left it all behind, once you live that way isolated and free to think without limits for many years you completely uncouple from the reality most live, you are in a whole other world, and if that world is threatened you know deep down that there is absolutely no way possible you can assimilate back into the beehive.

If your peace of mind is threatened, you will find many men that would rather self destruct than subject themselves to the ritualized humiliation that is modern life.

These men know that death is better, self preservation is only worth anything if they can live on their own terms, instead of punching a clock everyday to perform as a clown.
Plain and simple. The headlines used to, and should still, read as such....
"In today's news, toxicology reports on the shooter have come back and determined that the perpetrator was using X and Y drugs. And also had a history with Z medications...". But they don't anymore... So WHY is this...

Perhaps it is BIG PHARMA as the major offender and that would explain the hush down...

So we need to take this lunacy of blaming the guns, and visit the looking glass it would seem..
Biased media paid for by big pharma, that's a forgone conclusion.

Your government and media is completely owned by big pharma. There's no way you're gonna bite the hand that feeds you if you want to pull in those fat checks.

If you're following mainstream media then you're not seeing the big picture. You gotta go off grid, into the land of conspiracy websites that often are more truth than fiction.
So we need to take this lunacy of blaming the guns, and visit the looking glass it would seem..
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

No one is questioning the sick society foisted on us.

For me it's simple.

Take two groups, have one live as a typical member of the all American rat race.

Take the other group and have them live completely isolated from all forms of technology. A slower pace of life.

Follow these two groups and see which ones are more likely to have people flip out and go berserk.

Go back to the time when some whites were taken hostage by Native Americans and when found 5 years later and didn't want to go back to the polite civilized life. It's not about a noble savage, it's just that they preferred a simple life, a more horizontal hierarchy. Not nearly as many exceptions placed on them past a little work and survival.