Does anyone else find it extremely concerning that whenever there is a mass shooting event, or even any kind of gun related murder, that they dont really seem to want to investigate what particular drugs and substances the perpetrator may be on..?!?!?! Because that was the first fukking thing they used to do when someone pulled some crazy shit..!!!!!!!!!!!
Guns have been around forever. Really, the only changes are..:
(1) The content of Hollywood film...
(2) The content (and reality level) or current video game platforms and applications...
(3) The inappropriate (And illegal really) increased availability of the two above listed to adolescents and minors...
(4) The changes in substance and drug use as well as their increased availability to minors...
But Guns with high capacity magazines have always been available. As well as guns have always been in households. Conversely, there are so many of them in circulation in the US today that -yes- gun availability on the streets has increased as well.
We must also consider the destruction of the nuclear family which has been ensuing exponentially for the last 50 years, and the fact that this has left countless minors at home to be raised with no father figure in most cases. Lets face it, short of the mother being a complete crack-whore, she will get primary custody in most divorces STILL TODAY. Admittedly, it would seem like men are not biologically equipped to manage raising children without the help of female spouses. U.S society appears to be flipping on an inverse course to an apparent destruction to some degree. Relationships, divorce, social factors, and finance & MORAL Fidelity is a whole nother topic for another thread...
Still I want to focus on the net effect of Drugs, alcohol, and various substance on children and adults, AND HOW THAT IS AFFECTING ALL THIS GUN VIOLENCE....!?!?? And with great consideration to all the factors which I have listed above...
So I will repeat the primary mode of this inquiry. WHY IS IT THAT NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE FUKKED UP ON...?!?!? (And don't say they are just "crazy", because especially the mentally ill -be they diagnosed formally or not, are more likely to self medication with various substance /legal or not..).
Now personally, and you all know I am a big conspiracy guy, I would suggest that marijuana use is the primary culprit as CLEARLY, it is the biggest social change in drug availability, use, and proliferation. Let me take it to the extreme nuttiness and suggest the Pot opens the brain up to some kind of mind control from somewhere. A stimulus that in fact drives people to commit these insane acts with guns, OR WHATEVER. Because truly its a lot more than gun activity going on. We have everything from Mothers murdering their infant children, to fiancés pouring acid on their partner's faces, to random gun violence in the streets, to intentional planned mass shooting events. MASS HYSTERIA really...
I would not point a finger at any particular group or entity. This is not a conspiracy theory as simple as "it must be our govt wanting us dead" or some stupid shit like that. The truth is that if there were any chance of this occurring as a real happening, it could be coming from anywhere... When you consider that (as example) competing governments appear to be using some type of energy weapon that is singling out and frying other govt operatives brains whilst sitting in an office at their desk and all occurring undetected and seemingly untraceable, you have to admit - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Or is it just Dr. Evil from his underground lair and some kind of James Bond sequence above or outside world governmental level playing out. But something is going on..
So perhaps a particular drug or substance opens the mind up to vulnerability to particular stimulus. Maybe even unintentional who knows. But then consider the potential application vectors. Light signaling from cell phone, laptop, and television screens. The human eye is basically a fiber optic receiver after all. Cellphones the most obvious candidate as this mode would directly target one individual as opposed to the entire family watching the TV. But if you note they opted for LCD over Plasma screens 10 years ago and simply eradicated plasma out of the competition and for no good reason as they had evolved competitively on all levels... Hmmm. - - -- OR perhaps 5G towers signaling your DNA sequence via a food, air, or drug additive as enabling adjuncts?? Were you one that had to know what your genetic background was? Or fall for that bullshit where your doc solicited your DNA sample so they could test "to see if your drugs are working properly" (so fucking ridiculous come on). Did you know China buys all of this information. Or so they say its "China"... -- - - - ORR perhaps the sun is coincidentally micro-flashing in certain sequences on certain days that drive people nutty.. ------ Orrr maybe the Moon lines up just right with all the other stars in the sky in ways that affect certain people and with the right concomitant additional conditions in play for that person?? ----- Orrr Maybe its a certain brain type that just goes fuking nutz... Perhaps Covid was just a prelude and ancillary additive to enable any of the above said hypothetical concepts...---- You KNOW my money is on an Evil E.T. species with bad intent sitting up in the sky cloaked and rolling out the master agenda... Have they decided to remove us from the planet again and in ways that not only leave mother nature, the innocent animals, and everything else unharmed.. GOD KNOWS we seem to deserve it as we display reckless selfish abandonment in everything we do ranging from war, to chemical, biological, and physical product pollution and contamination. I mean there is 3 tons of fuking radioactive fuel burning in the ocean over in Japan which has already been labeled "An Extinction Level Event" for HEAVEN'S SAKE.. In many ways we are nothing but a bunch of stupid chimps with lighters that cant even get a spacecraft off the ground in Florida without blowing it up like an overblown plutonium laced bottle rocket, thus scattering million year toxins all over the damn state..!!! Clearly someone is attempting to discredit us, be it ourselves, or outside interest cloaked. The list of possibilities is endless... Hell it could just be as simple as the fall of this second coming of ROME and the financial distress AND STRESS that it is causing. And all the poor souls ignored as they suffer while so many pro$per financially disproportionately more so now than ever.. The end of the middle class is ALWAYS the end of society.. Shit, could you even imagine life without something as simple as health insurance...! Consider I am conservative and "republican" for the most part. So this is not liberal bleed out mind your mannerzz plz...
Back again, and I know in the preceding years not to far back, THE FIRST FUCKING THING THEY DID WHEN SOMEONE WHEN FUKING NUTS WAS CHECK THEM TO SEE WHAT KINDA SHIT THEY WERE ON... WHY IS THIS NOT HAPPENING TODAY. WHY ARE THEY NOT CORRELATING STATISTICS.. I again give you a hint - MARIJUANA is in play on some level.... Cause I can tell you alcohol has been around for ever and while making one bullitproof and 10 foot tall, the last thing it made was cowards and people that did things with ZERO rhyme or reason.
So with that I open the floor....
Guns have been around forever. Really, the only changes are..:
(1) The content of Hollywood film...
(2) The content (and reality level) or current video game platforms and applications...
(3) The inappropriate (And illegal really) increased availability of the two above listed to adolescents and minors...
(4) The changes in substance and drug use as well as their increased availability to minors...
But Guns with high capacity magazines have always been available. As well as guns have always been in households. Conversely, there are so many of them in circulation in the US today that -yes- gun availability on the streets has increased as well.
We must also consider the destruction of the nuclear family which has been ensuing exponentially for the last 50 years, and the fact that this has left countless minors at home to be raised with no father figure in most cases. Lets face it, short of the mother being a complete crack-whore, she will get primary custody in most divorces STILL TODAY. Admittedly, it would seem like men are not biologically equipped to manage raising children without the help of female spouses. U.S society appears to be flipping on an inverse course to an apparent destruction to some degree. Relationships, divorce, social factors, and finance & MORAL Fidelity is a whole nother topic for another thread...
Still I want to focus on the net effect of Drugs, alcohol, and various substance on children and adults, AND HOW THAT IS AFFECTING ALL THIS GUN VIOLENCE....!?!?? And with great consideration to all the factors which I have listed above...
So I will repeat the primary mode of this inquiry. WHY IS IT THAT NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE FUKKED UP ON...?!?!? (And don't say they are just "crazy", because especially the mentally ill -be they diagnosed formally or not, are more likely to self medication with various substance /legal or not..).
Now personally, and you all know I am a big conspiracy guy, I would suggest that marijuana use is the primary culprit as CLEARLY, it is the biggest social change in drug availability, use, and proliferation. Let me take it to the extreme nuttiness and suggest the Pot opens the brain up to some kind of mind control from somewhere. A stimulus that in fact drives people to commit these insane acts with guns, OR WHATEVER. Because truly its a lot more than gun activity going on. We have everything from Mothers murdering their infant children, to fiancés pouring acid on their partner's faces, to random gun violence in the streets, to intentional planned mass shooting events. MASS HYSTERIA really...
I would not point a finger at any particular group or entity. This is not a conspiracy theory as simple as "it must be our govt wanting us dead" or some stupid shit like that. The truth is that if there were any chance of this occurring as a real happening, it could be coming from anywhere... When you consider that (as example) competing governments appear to be using some type of energy weapon that is singling out and frying other govt operatives brains whilst sitting in an office at their desk and all occurring undetected and seemingly untraceable, you have to admit - ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. Or is it just Dr. Evil from his underground lair and some kind of James Bond sequence above or outside world governmental level playing out. But something is going on..
So perhaps a particular drug or substance opens the mind up to vulnerability to particular stimulus. Maybe even unintentional who knows. But then consider the potential application vectors. Light signaling from cell phone, laptop, and television screens. The human eye is basically a fiber optic receiver after all. Cellphones the most obvious candidate as this mode would directly target one individual as opposed to the entire family watching the TV. But if you note they opted for LCD over Plasma screens 10 years ago and simply eradicated plasma out of the competition and for no good reason as they had evolved competitively on all levels... Hmmm. - - -- OR perhaps 5G towers signaling your DNA sequence via a food, air, or drug additive as enabling adjuncts?? Were you one that had to know what your genetic background was? Or fall for that bullshit where your doc solicited your DNA sample so they could test "to see if your drugs are working properly" (so fucking ridiculous come on). Did you know China buys all of this information. Or so they say its "China"... -- - - - ORR perhaps the sun is coincidentally micro-flashing in certain sequences on certain days that drive people nutty.. ------ Orrr maybe the Moon lines up just right with all the other stars in the sky in ways that affect certain people and with the right concomitant additional conditions in play for that person?? ----- Orrr Maybe its a certain brain type that just goes fuking nutz... Perhaps Covid was just a prelude and ancillary additive to enable any of the above said hypothetical concepts...---- You KNOW my money is on an Evil E.T. species with bad intent sitting up in the sky cloaked and rolling out the master agenda... Have they decided to remove us from the planet again and in ways that not only leave mother nature, the innocent animals, and everything else unharmed.. GOD KNOWS we seem to deserve it as we display reckless selfish abandonment in everything we do ranging from war, to chemical, biological, and physical product pollution and contamination. I mean there is 3 tons of fuking radioactive fuel burning in the ocean over in Japan which has already been labeled "An Extinction Level Event" for HEAVEN'S SAKE.. In many ways we are nothing but a bunch of stupid chimps with lighters that cant even get a spacecraft off the ground in Florida without blowing it up like an overblown plutonium laced bottle rocket, thus scattering million year toxins all over the damn state..!!! Clearly someone is attempting to discredit us, be it ourselves, or outside interest cloaked. The list of possibilities is endless... Hell it could just be as simple as the fall of this second coming of ROME and the financial distress AND STRESS that it is causing. And all the poor souls ignored as they suffer while so many pro$per financially disproportionately more so now than ever.. The end of the middle class is ALWAYS the end of society.. Shit, could you even imagine life without something as simple as health insurance...! Consider I am conservative and "republican" for the most part. So this is not liberal bleed out mind your mannerzz plz...
Back again, and I know in the preceding years not to far back, THE FIRST FUCKING THING THEY DID WHEN SOMEONE WHEN FUKING NUTS WAS CHECK THEM TO SEE WHAT KINDA SHIT THEY WERE ON... WHY IS THIS NOT HAPPENING TODAY. WHY ARE THEY NOT CORRELATING STATISTICS.. I again give you a hint - MARIJUANA is in play on some level.... Cause I can tell you alcohol has been around for ever and while making one bullitproof and 10 foot tall, the last thing it made was cowards and people that did things with ZERO rhyme or reason.
So with that I open the floor....