Mass Spec Thread

The people giving you shit are the ones that don't matter IM. The ones that don't purchase from the source you called out do. Or the ones that don't inject the garbage primo they have on hand. That's what this community is about. Millard catches a lot of flack from other boards for the unmoderated aspect of this board but I don't see him throwing in the towel and shutting down the underground anytime soon.

No reason for him to shut down this section. Prob the best section on the forum.. Keeps everyone in check.
There are a lot of wheels being greased in the AAS UGL ecosystem. Anyone who does product testing on a regular basis will eventually be subjected to personal attacks, smear campaigns and attacks on their credibility. The following quotes are from an older thread on the topic of product testing:
I think it is a great idea. It is a service that is much needed for the health and safety of AAS users.

It is quite expensive. I tried something along these lines several years ago:


I know firsthand how easy it is to piss off sources by testing products.

You wouldn't believe the ends to which sources will go to suppress/discredit anyone who tests their products and finds them lacking.

Just ask William Llewellyn and RonnyT about the reaction to their book "Underground Anabolics".

Threats, DDOS attacks, smear campaigns, etc.

Such a venture would need the full support of the AAS / bodybuilding community.

The black market forces can get ugly.

But then again, I may be up for the challenge :D

Well set up a paypal donation link. Even if we all give 100 bucks a year it will amount to decent money. It is our responsibility to donate if you set this up. Maybe you can charge a membership fee to see the results???

Of course we will also have to donate for anti-DDOS webhosting (you will get attacked and DDOS protection ain't cheap) but if you do this you will BLOW the roof off the industry. You watch how popular it will be and you will see sources shit themselves. You will have more supporters than haters.

I know this all too well. This happened to MESO just because we decided to sell Bill Llewellyn and Ronny Tober's Underground Anabolics book (which contained a lot of UGL lab test results)!

Also, in 2004, I had some BD products tested and they didn't all meet label. This is when BD was very popular and lots of people had vested interest in promoting BD. It was surprising how many (and who) tried to dismiss/discredit the lab test results.
There are a lot of wheels being greased in the AAS UGL ecosystem. Anyone who does product testing on a regular basis will eventually be subjected to personal attacks, smear campaigns and attacks on their credibility. The following quotes are from an older thread on the topic of product testing:
British Dragon was great at one time. As soon as Alin got a hold of them, they went to shit. He was the reason for the downfall and low quality products..
Millard catches a lot of flack from other boards for the unmoderated aspect of this board but I don't see him throwing in the towel and shutting down the underground anytime soon.

No reason for him to shut down this section. Prob the best section on the forum.. Keeps everyone in check.
MESO is fortunate. It has the numbers that make it possible to do this. The information will be free and people can judge for themselves.
MESO is fortunate. It has the numbers that make it possible to do this. The information will be free and people can judge for themselves.
Agreed. I was simply pointing out the quitting of something one believes in that benefits the community as a whole shouldn't be abandoned because a few people disagree.
Agreed. I was simply pointing out the quitting of something one believes in that benefits the community as a whole shouldn't be abandoned because a few people disagree.

I did what I promised i was going to do with the primo sample. I will be sending my own personal stash stuff off, just for peace of mind. Id be happy to share those results..bayer primo and bayer testoviron depot. Other then that, I am not interested..
Well shit this just ruined my day honestly. A few Jack asses have to ruin things for the majority. This is life in a damn nutshell. Pisses me off to no extent. Thanks to everyone that Pissed myth off. He is a damn good brother and I trust him. You idiots try and discredit someone for doing us a public service should be ashamed. Thank you myth for everything thus far. You have no idea how much you are needed
Agreed. I was simply pointing out the quitting of something one believes in that benefits the community as a whole shouldn't be abandoned because a few people disagree.

I agree, however, Myth took on the testing at great personal risk and anyone who does this forum wide testing would also. Don"t blame him. We need to find a way this can be accomplished and minimize the personal risk to an individual. I don't have any understanding as to how the testing could be accomplished, but from the rich resources we have here, I believe it could be done. Let's not give up on this and give the scammers the upper hand.
Myth all I takes for evil to win is for good men to do nothing (Sir Winston Churchill). I encourage to do limited testing for vets as you were before, but I totally respect your decision not to continue, your a great asset to the board and your doing something that should not be let go without a fight.
I am getting the same shit for posting Strango Primo 200 results. People are trying to discredit the testing, like you, me or the guy at eroids have ulterior motives. Bringing up the same points about legalities, etc. You try to help people out, and still get shit for it.

There is too much money to lose by scammers, so they will attack you. I used to post some GC/MS results long time ago I was attacked and even banned on some boards.

I have sent test results to NAPS pointing that they sold me bunk gear, I was not taken seriously.

So MythotiK thanks go the good work and very interesting.
I appreciate all the sincere comments directed towards myself and all the others who have done testing to protect ourselves, but like Millard has stated, the sources with their vast money will do everything possible to discredit anyone that proves them wrong...It's NO LIE, I was testing to help others so they would not get screwed by Dbags running BS schemes...I am as genuine as it gets, I'm no source, no rep, and have zero agenda, other than protecting the people I share a sport (lifestyle) with...I just can not let my life get destroyed over this, sounds selfish, but it's the truth...Love you guys (not in a gay way), well maybe a little :), and I would buy any of you a beer any day, no questions asked...I just have to step back and protect my family first and foremost....

Myth did a service for the community for sure and suffered verbal retribution for his efforts. I in no way condemn him for choosing his life and safety over providing the results for these tests. Back in the day if you exposed one of my narcotics scams publicly I would not have counted on the safety of your loved ones or yourself. He is bowing out and deserves a tip of the hat.

My issue is the folks here who seem to think ANYONE here is above suspicion or should not be questioned in any way. Does everyone not realize we are a bunch of internet handles with clever pictures? How the fuck do you justify blind trust or acceptance of a picture and a handle? EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE should be held to the highest degree of scrutiny- should be examined and then cross examined. This is a drug trade ladies and gentlemen- dress it up as a brotherhood and you fall prey to the very image scammers foster in order to have you think they are your buddies who would never rip you off.

C'mon people- I trust myth completely but the secomd I see results I want answers. Who what when where why? I trust myth- do I trust who ran the test? Do I trust who sent the sample? Do I trust anyone? Honestly- what does trust have to do with it?

Again I feel the need to reiterate that I in no way questiin the integrity of this man- but it is my fucking right as a consumer to QUESTION EVERY FUCKING THING I SEE. That is why meso is advanced- we ask- and are allowed to ask- questions. The.minute you stop asking you might as well turn around and grab your ankles- the end is near.
I appreciate all the sincere comments directed towards myself and all the others who have done testing to protect ourselves, but like Millard has stated, the sources with their vast money will do everything possible to discredit anyone that proves them wrong...It's NO LIE, I was testing to help others so they would not get screwed by Dbags running BS schemes...I am as genuine as it gets, I'm no source, no rep, and have zero agenda, other than protecting the people I share a sport (lifestyle) with...I just can not let my life get destroyed over this, sounds selfish, but it's the truth...Love you guys (not in a gay way), well maybe a little :), and I would buy any of you a beer any day, no questions asked...I just have to step back and protect my family first and foremost....

I thought the risk you were taking was pretty extreme myself. Like when labmax first became popular, people were asking to send me samples to test for them. I agreed a couple of times, then got super paranoid and stopped doing it. I can imagine the pressure was a lot higher with sources actively attacking you.