Masteron question and pct question


New Member
I wanna hop on but don’t want to lose my hair, how do you guys protect your hair, and is enclomiphene and hcg enough if I cycle hgh 2-4 iu test e 250-500 mg and ai
To protect your hair finasteride or dutasteride but with enclomifene you can also give a boost to the testo without screwing up the hormonal axis, I have an order on the way with masteron but I will not take high doses.
Finasteride and dutasteride won't do anything to protect your hair from masteron. Masteron is a DHT derivative and therefore a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor will not limit its androgenic effect in the scalp.

It will limit the conversion of testosterone to DHT in the scalp though which will mitigate hair loss if that's your issue.

Anecdotally masteron has never been a hair issue for me. Your milage may vary.

Onto the second point, you don't need HCG or enclomiphene. Just take your steroids then do a PCT if you're planning on coming off. HCG can be beneficial for maintaining fertility and ease of natural production rebound but it isn't necessary. Enclomiphene will likely do nothing since it's a SERM and you're already shutting down your HPTA by using steroids. That's my understanding of it at least.
Finasteride and dutasteride won't do anything to protect your hair from masteron. Masteron is a DHT derivative and therefore a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor will not limit its androgenic effect in the scalp.

It will limit the conversion of testosterone to DHT in the scalp though which will mitigate hair loss if that's your issue.

Anecdotally masteron has never been a hair issue for me. Your milage may vary.

Onto the second point, you don't need HCG or enclomiphene. Just take your steroids then do a PCT if you're planning on coming off. HCG can be beneficial for maintaining fertility and ease of natural production rebound but it isn't necessary. Enclomiphene will likely do nothing since it's a SERM and you're already shutting down your HPTA by using steroids. That's my understanding of it at least.
After rereading the original question I think I may have misinterpreted what you were asking. If you're using enclomiphene AS your pct that's fine. But if you're using it during cycle, which is what I thought you were saying, it's unnecessary and likely not effective.