Hello Manu,
We sent the vial for testing with a random email address.
Actually in this case is doesn’t matter (for the results) who send it because for us its like a blind sample too. We just pick a random vial and send it. And actually even for TP its a blind test to test the manufacturer.

And now to shed some light on the purity:

Factory results Meditrope mauves #92:
14.07IU and purity 98.2%

Jano results Meditrope mauves #92:
14.34IU and purity 90.7%


Factory results Meditrope mauves #95
15.37IU and purity 98%

Jano results Meditrope mauves #95
15.78iu and purity 94.9%

So we are not sure which extra impurities Jano measures in batch 92 VS 95. Because according factory results purity of batch 92 was a little higher compared to batch 95. While you would assume to see a (much) lower purity % on batch 92.

That's a huge disparity but without the accompanying raw data it doesn't mean much for you to publish your internal testing numbers vs janoshik.
Meditrope stock sold out. Pending orders will be shipped out this week.

best regards
The new stock that you tested to 15iu out of stock already? When will you have new items in stock?
Think Some more kits of batch #95 on their way, but could also be new batch. New batch we will receive is batch #98 which got tested at 4.58mg (13.74IU)
Sampei would be a great brand ambassador to Meditrope!
I'll be the ambassador of no one. Ever.

But after so many complaints is nice that mediteope has decided to offer HGH testing at their expenses.

This could make their prices not so bad, it would be probably worth to buy from them have the batch tested and well if it's good enjoy the great HGH and if it's bad I'm sure they will find a way to make it work.

Sometime it doesn't take much to offer a great service and receive in the mean time a good influx of order and money due to professionalism.

In the time they have decided to change their idea about lab testing I have ordered up to 20 kits of HGH. It could have been their kits, not that they really care about 20 stupid kits but I guess I'm not the only one that decided to hold off on an order with them because what they offered wasn't that great compared to other options we had.

Now... HGH testing is an offer that not many provide and sure as hell not any of the meditrope seller does.
batch #95 mauves restocked.. can accept new client orders.. for now max 10 kits per order.
And they are gone..
Expect restock of mauves in 2 weeks max.
And in 1-2months hope to be able to accept 20+ Kits orders again.

best regards
Hello Manu,
We sent the vial for testing with a random email address.
Actually in this case is doesn’t matter (for the results) who send it because for us its like a blind sample too. We just pick a random vial and send it. And actually even for TP its a blind test to test the manufacturer.

And now to shed some light on the purity:

Factory results Meditrope mauves #92:
14.07IU and purity 98.2%

Jano results Meditrope mauves #92:
14.34IU and purity 90.7%


Factory results Meditrope mauves #95
15.37IU and purity 98%

Jano results Meditrope mauves #95
15.78iu and purity 94.9%

So we are not sure which extra impurities Jano measures in batch 92 VS 95. Because according factory results purity of batch 92 was a little higher compared to batch 95. While you would assume to see a (much) lower purity % on batch 92.

So what's the consensus, these bad boys is roughly between 15.4 to 15.8 iu?
Ordered 10 kits and received all of them in a timely manner.
Batch 95#.

Asked @Meditrope to send one vial to Jano to be analysed at their expenses. Waiting for an answer :)
Lets see if he is indeed a source up to his words.
I like splitting my vials up into even doses that empties the whole vial. Last batch was 12 iu so i did 4 iu daily.

If these new ones are 15.5 that would be 5 iu ish daily.

Is the bump from 4 to 5 iu at once a bit too much?


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