Its best to treat all batches as 12iu and consider the extra IU’s as a free gift for extra gains :)
We decided to go private for a while for the Meditrope orders. This to keep up with the great demand and fullfil the orders of our current loyal customers. We will let you guys know when we are going public again and reopen for new customer orders of Meditrope HGH.

We do stock MACTROPIN Products and their HGH.
We have good stock and avaiability of MACTROPIN HGH 100IU kits.

The batch we stocked is labtested by Jano at 11.25IU, Purity 94.2% and ZERO Dimer.

MACTROPIN HGH comes with a free 10ml bac water vial per kit.

1-9 kits €140 / kit
10+ kits €130 / kit
Ordered 10 kits and received all of them in a timely manner.
Batch 95#.

Asked @Meditrope to send one vial to Jano to be analysed at their expenses. Waiting for an answer :)
Lets see if he is indeed a source up to his words.
Meditrope has agreed to pay for the test, vial will be shipped early next week, I'll keep you posted.

For now communication has been great.
We decided to go private for a while for the Meditrope orders. This to keep up with the great demand and fullfil the orders of our current loyal customers. We will let you guys know when we are going public again and reopen for new customer orders of Meditrope HGH.

We do stock MACTROPIN Products and their HGH.
We have good stock and avaiability of MACTROPIN HGH 100IU kits.

The batch we stocked is labtested by Jano at 11.25IU, Purity 94.2% and ZERO Dimer.
View attachment 154213

MACTROPIN HGH comes with a free 10ml bac water vial per kit.

1-9 kits €140 / kit
10+ kits €130 / kit
Are you gonna accept order from client you already shipped at least once?
I like splitting my vials up into even doses that empties the whole vial. Last batch was 12 iu so i did 4 iu daily.

If these new ones are 15.5 that would be 5 iu ish daily.

Is the bump from 4 to 5 iu at once a bit too much?
I just can't find words how stupid that you use hgh because you don't want to split a vial. WTF.

Use an amount that is suitable for your goal, dont use that because you are stupid AF.
We decided to go private for a while for the Meditrope orders. This to keep up with the great demand and fullfil the orders of our current loyal customers. We will let you guys know when we are going public again and reopen for new customer orders of Meditrope HGH.

We do stock MACTROPIN Products and their HGH.
We have good stock and avaiability of MACTROPIN HGH 100IU kits.

The batch we stocked is labtested by Jano at 11.25IU, Purity 94.2% and ZERO Dimer.
View attachment 154213

MACTROPIN HGH comes with a free 10ml bac water vial per kit.

1-9 kits €140 / kit
10+ kits €130 / kit
Oh... price went up and dose down a bit ?
Anyway does going private means you stop posting here but will ship to the existing customers ?
We decided to go private for a while for the Meditrope orders. This to keep up with the great demand and fullfil the orders of our current loyal customers. We will let you guys know when we are going public again and reopen for new customer orders of Meditrope HGH.

We do stock MACTROPIN Products and their HGH.
We have good stock and avaiability of MACTROPIN HGH 100IU kits.

The batch we stocked is labtested by Jano at 11.25IU, Purity 94.2% and ZERO Dimer.
View attachment 154213

MACTROPIN HGH comes with a free 10ml bac water vial per kit.

1-9 kits €140 / kit
10+ kits €130 / kit

Are you gonna accept order from client you already shipped at least once?
Same question here
If you ordered before then you can pre-order now max 5kits and we expect to ship these orders in the week of 11 October (hopefully end of next week, but for sure in that week)

And we expect to re-open for new client orders and for 10-20kits orders at the end of October.
Great results for batch #95 of Mauve.

Blind sample sent by me and paid by the source, I bought anonymously the kit. @Meditrope wasn't aware of who I was.
Great results for batch #95 of Mauve.

Blind sample sent by me and paid by the source, I bought anonymously the kit. @Meditrope wasn't aware of who I was.
View attachment 154455
Just to be clear, the labtest has been paid by the source. The several kits bought anonymously have been paid by me. I have read again my last post and I thought it was needed to clarify on the matter to avoid any misunderstanding.
Glad to see the results are similar with the vial of batch #95 we sent in.

View attachment 154456
It was a pleasure dealing with you.
We will probably do business again in the future ;)

You standed up to your words. That's something very imporrant.

As for everyone, a source is good until the last batch. So I'm not endorsing meditrope, but as you can all see the test is very good. So make up your mind.

For what I can say, communication have been excellent and shipping time too.
Pending orders will be shipped this friday.
We are also accepting new client orders which can be shipped somewhere next week.

For orders please contact us at:

Please only email us using a protonmail account.

1-9 kits €125 /kit
10-19 kits €115 /kit
20+ kits €110 /kit

For full list of products (Mactropin and Pharma) please send us an email.
Atm we have enough stock to be confident enough to go public again. Maximum order size upped to 20kits per order.
Currently still selling batch #95...

Have a good weekend


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