you guys ship to u.s or only europe
Please email us about this.
We are soon expanding to international worldwide shipping, UK and USA domestic shipping. This for Meditrope Mauves only.
Stock problems in EU soon will be fixed too so we can accept many new clients for fast and safe EU domestic shipping :)
Ordered Friday got my order yesterday, 5 later shipped to DE, so I can truthfully say very fast shipping, prices seem normal from what I’ve saw, can’t attest to quality yet but from what I’ve read it seems quality is there. Will post again once I’ve got some time under my belt with products to confirm quality and have had labs ran.
Hello MESO,

We just received results of mauves #100
14.43IU 96% and ZERO dimer.
Think batch #98 is completely finished now and all new orders should receive this batch.
MACTROPIN ANAVAR 10MG result: 11.61MG per tab.
Hello MESO,

We just received results of mauves #100
14.43IU 96% and ZERO dimer.
Think batch #98 is completely finished now and all new orders should receive this batch.
very good result!
Hello MESO,

We just received results of mauves #100
14.43IU 96% and ZERO dimer.
Think batch #98 is completely finished now and all new orders should receive this batch.
I'm a happy cat lady now
i have always had more side effects with generics that had lower purity/higher dimer.
and ive tried a lot of brands.
Genotropin/optis/qitrope are very clean hghs, low water retention, low joint pain, energy high, not much sleep needed to feel fresh.
mauves are a medium case imo, higher wter retention and more joint pain + ive needed tons of sleep and was still lethargic..
my worst experience was done with pharmatropin, genopharm and another one where ive forgot the name.
TONS of water retention there. My feet looked like elephant feet. Also my joints (esp elbow) was so painful i woke up several times a night due to the pain
Of course HGH with less sides like water retention is Genotropin , Saizen , Omnitrope

But on UGL brands witch do you think are legit ? Meditrope from mauves to golden , Genopharm, ZHPC, Pharmacom ?

I use Golden meditrope and love it . Do you think Genopharm or ZHPC are better?
Of course HGH with less sides like water retention is Genotropin , Saizen , Omnitrope

But on UGL brands witch do you think are legit ? Meditrope from mauves to golden , Genopharm, ZHPC, Pharmacom ?

I use Golden meditrope and love it . Do you think Genopharm or ZHPC are better?
for me regarding generics ranking: (i only list generics ive tried)
Optis / Qitrope > Mauvetops > Hilma / Genopharm > Pharmacom >>>>>> Citropin

as an edit:
I didnt take the price difference into account. If doing so and using 15iu as mauvetops it would definitely move up in ranking. i am strictly speaking about effects/side effects there
Last edited:
So if mauves are top 3 for you the blacks and of course golden will be the best hgh UGL ?
If we see relation price quality Meditrope is the cheapest and also overdosed .

Opti never used , Qtropin nothing special for price ( i like alot is insubilic IGF ) , like alot pharmacom and genopharm not bad to
So if mauves are top 3 for you the blacks and of course golden will be the best hgh UGL ?
If we see relation price quality Meditrope is the cheapest and also overdosed .

Opti never used , Qtropin nothing special for price ( i like alot is insubilic IGF ) , like alot pharmacom and genopharm not bad to
Qitrope is a different HGH than Qtropin.
Blacks is the same quality wise as mauves. I wrote that i didnt take price into account doing that ranking.
golden tops - no idea what they are. Didnt find any info about them.
Order paid for early this week, and no tracking, replies to emails, etc., since.

Everything is probably fine, but it seemed responsible to let the thread know. I'll update when/if it's resolved.
Order paid for early this week, and no tracking, replies to emails, etc., since.

Everything is probably fine, but it seemed responsible to let the thread know. I'll update when/if it's resolved.
Of course, no sooner this post made than an update received via email.

So far so good then.
Be patient
In the past everything went good with these guys
I like their gear, the mauves are on point
Ordered in the past sometimes, everything was issues at all
Hello MESO,

We just received results of mauves #100
14.43IU 96% and ZERO dimer.
Think batch #98 is completely finished now and all new orders should receive this batch.
Hello Meditrope. Do you plan to bring the gold and black caps in the future? I think it would be nice to have more assortment of gh to choose from
Order paid for early this week, and no tracking, replies to emails, etc., since.

Everything is probably fine, but it seemed responsible to let the thread know. I'll update when/if it's resolved.
Yes i have same situation , they take time to answer email and delivery method is not so quick but is the safest way , i always receive all my orders .
Be patient
In the past everything went good with these guys
I like their gear, the mauves are on point
Ordered in the past sometimes, everything was issues at all
Yes like you said . they are not perfect answering emails quick but they send all orders and safe from customs