Hey guys i have a question and i thought this was a good place to make it.
How many units of Gh per day start to worsen insulin resistance or start making you insulin resistant?
I have read that it is transient but at the same time other places say it is not, some say that as long as you keep it under 4 IUs per day you´ll be fine, others that not using it every day to avoid insulin resistance, so i just wanted to know your opinion on it, thanks a lot
Thing is i had some SPtropin vials that were about to expire and i decided to give it a try now that i am on metformin (for antiaging purposes) on top of my TRT protocol and i am only like 5 days in taking 2 IUs per day and ia m noticing my skin improving a lot, my hair, nails, also recovery from work outs, a lot of benefits, i tryed it in the past but i got some insulin resistant like symptoms based only on feeling since i did not do any bloods, now i even have my own Glucometer, My grand mother was a diabetic with very bad metabolic control, she ended up with both legs amputated, so i kinda fear the high blood sugar stuff, thanks again.
I ask here because i see this as a great source if i´m gonna continue using the GH that as of right now i´m very happy with how i am feeling
Hey guys i have a question and i thought this was a good place to make it.
How many units of Gh per day start to worsen insulin resistance or start making you insulin resistant?
I have read that it is transient but at the same time other places say it is not, some say that as long as you keep it under 4 IUs per day you´ll be fine, others that not using it every day to avoid insulin resistance, so i just wanted to know your opinion on it, thanks a lot
Thing is i had some SPtropin vials that were about to expire and i decided to give it a try now that i am on metformin (for antiaging purposes) on top of my TRT protocol and i am only like 5 days in taking 2 IUs per day and ia m noticing my skin improving a lot, my hair, nails, also recovery from work outs, a lot of benefits, i tryed it in the past but i got some insulin resistant like symptoms based only on feeling since i did not do any bloods, now i even have my own Glucometer, My grand mother was a diabetic with very bad metabolic control, she ended up with both legs amputated, so i kinda fear the high blood sugar stuff, thanks again.
I ask here because i see this as a great source if i´m gonna continue using the GH that as of right now i´m very happy with how i am feeling
The best thing you can do when taking GH is to take blood tests or fasting every day with a glucometer to measure your blood glucose levels. That would be the most sensible way to get everything under control.
Hey guys i have a question and i thought this was a good place to make it.
How many units of Gh per day start to worsen insulin resistance or start making you insulin resistant?
I have read that it is transient but at the same time other places say it is not, some say that as long as you keep it under 4 IUs per day you´ll be fine, others that not using it every day to avoid insulin resistance, so i just wanted to know your opinion on it, thanks a lot
Thing is i had some SPtropin vials that were about to expire and i decided to give it a try now that i am on metformin (for antiaging purposes) on top of my TRT protocol and i am only like 5 days in taking 2 IUs per day and ia m noticing my skin improving a lot, my hair, nails, also recovery from work outs, a lot of benefits, i tryed it in the past but i got some insulin resistant like symptoms based only on feeling since i did not do any bloods, now i even have my own Glucometer, My grand mother was a diabetic with very bad metabolic control, she ended up with both legs amputated, so i kinda fear the high blood sugar stuff, thanks again.
I ask here because i see this as a great source if i´m gonna continue using the GH that as of right now i´m very happy with how i am feeling
I highly recommend using a continuous glucose monitor like the Freestyle Libre or another brand available to you if you haven't one already as they allow you to quickly & frequently check your blood sugar levels without the annoyance of finger pricking, which really helps min/max insulin resistance & results when running HGH on a cut or bulk, with or without insulin, with/without GDA etc.
You can probably get this set up for less than 100€/month which should supply you with a wealth of data.

1-9 kits €125 /kit
10-19 kits €115 /kit
20+ kits €110 /kit


Test-e 250mg/ml........................€30
Test-p 100mg/ml .......................€30
Test- c 200mg/ml ......................€30
Sustanon 250mg/ml .................€30
Tren-e 200mg/ml .......................€35
Tren-a 100mg/ml .......................€30
Parabolan 76mg/ml ...................€40
Deca 250mg/ml .........................€30
NPP 100mg/ml ..........................€30
Boldenone 250mg/ml ................€30
Mast-e 200mg/ml .......................€35
Mast-p 100mg/ml .......................€30
DHB 75mg/ml ............................€30
Primo 100mg/ml .........................€40
Ripped mix 150mg/ml ................€40


T4 200mcg ..................................€30
Winstrol 10mg ............................€30
Anavar 10mg ...............................€35
Dianabol 10mg ............................€30
Anadrol 25mg ............................€35
Turinabol 10mg ...........................€30
Proviron 25mg ...........................€35
Arimidex 1mg ..............................€30
Aromasin 10mg ............................€35
Letrozole 2,5mg............................€30
Methyl-tren (50tabs) 1mg .........€30
Halotestin 5mg ............................€50
Viagra 50mg ................................€30
Cialis 20mg ..................................€30
Dapoxetine 20mg ........................€35
Noopept 30x20mg ......................€30
MK677 30x10mg .........................€25
Modafinil 30x100mg ...................€45
Black Burner 60 caps ..................€30
Stacker Pro 30x60mg ..................€35
Sleep Aid 30x20mg ......................€35


T3 100x25mcg............................€30
T4 30x200mcg ...........................€12
Clomid 24x50mg.........................€20
Nolvadex 30x20mg.....................€30
Cabergoline 20x1mg...................€45
Roaccutane 30x20mg ................€30
Aldactone 20x100mg .................€30
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu ...............€140
Raloxifene 28x60mg ..................€40
Metformine 30x1000mg ............€25
Insuline Novorapid 300iu ...........€25
Telmisartan 28x80mg ................€30
Test-e Norma Hellas 1ml ...........€10


HGH 100IU .............................€140
IGF-1 LR3 1mg ........................€140
GHRP-6 5mg ...........................€20
GHRP-2 5mg ...........................€20
CJC-1295 NO DAC 2mg .........€25
HGH Fragment 5mg ...............€25
TB-500 5mg ............................€25
Melanotan II 10mg..................€20
HCG/ pregnyl 5000iu.............€20
BPC-157 5mg (unlabeled) .....€20


Winny inject SP 10ml 50mg/ml ...€30
Bacteriostatic water (10ml)..........€7
Kamagra Jelly 7x100mg ..............€12
Clenbuterol 100x40mcg...............€30
Sibutramine 30x25mg .................€30
@Meditrope hello aren´t you taking any new orders ?? sent an email, getting no answer
Hello, we do take orders. Think we answered all emails by now. If not then please resend email.

Received first new stock today so tomorrow will ship to people who are first in waiting / order list.
Somewhere next week we expect to have all open orders shipped. And in 2 weeks expect to be fully restocked again.
Hi sir . Do you already have meditrope available in stock? I currently have the 100# batch and I have been with it for 2 weeks and I feel great, I wanted to buy more to stock up all summer. Thanks


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Hi sir . Do you already have meditrope available in stock? I currently have the 100# batch and I have been with it for 2 weeks and I feel great, I wanted to buy more to stock up all summer. Thanks
Brother i got mine on , mauve, black and golden . I gain 19kg in 8 weeks and condition not bad with 110kg


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Brother i got mine on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, mauve, black and golden . I gain 19kg in 8 weeks and condition not bad with 110kg
Damn man, I'm almost certain Tp WOULD NOT approve of you posting his email on another source's thread.

What are you thinking man?

Not cool.