MACTROPIN PROVIRON 25mg > 27.7MG (Janoshik Analytical)

MACTROPIN PRIMO 100MG/ML > 108MG/ML (Janoshik Analytical)

MACTROPIN PARABOLAN 76MG/ML > 72MG/ML (Janoshik Analytical)
Anyone here tried the Sleeping Aid from Mactropin ?
It´s supposed to be temazepam, I´d never used Temazepan before so hard to compare, but at 20mg it sure doesn´t do the job other sleeping pills I´ve taken before do.
Tried them twice and disappointed - as well as very sleepy...
Anyone here tried the Sleeping Aid from Mactropin ?
It´s supposed to be temazepam, I´d never used Temazepan before so hard to compare, but at 20mg it sure doesn´t do the job other sleeping pills I´ve taken before do.
Tried them twice and disappointed - as well as very sleepy...
20mg is enough for good sleeping if you have not a crazy tollerance
20mg is enough for good sleeping if you have not a crazy tollerance
That´s certainly what I read, have u used the ones from Mactropin ?
after only a few days of normal doses of Zolpidem (and similar I think) they tend not to work well for me, but with those it didn´t work well from the 1st day
That´s certainly what I read, have u used the ones from Mactropin ?
after only a few days of normal doses of Zolpidem (and similar I think) they tend not to work well for me, but with those it didn´t work well from the 1st day
No didn't try them but my friend did and he didn't like them
Anyone here tried the Sleeping Aid from Mactropin ?
It´s supposed to be temazepam, I´d never used Temazepan before so hard to compare, but at 20mg it sure doesn´t do the job other sleeping pills I´ve taken before do.
Tried them twice and disappointed - as well as very sleepy...
ive tried it and i also didnt was too happy with them.
1. some tabs where broken (seemed like they drew fluid and went to crap)
2. also appeared to be weak but did the job at 20mg for me. I did not have any comparison to pharma tema but ive used diazepam for a while and the web said 10mg dia is approx. 20mg tema but 10mg dia hit way harder for me

why you wondering? thats the answer you get if you ask what it is :p
Oh... didn´t realize it was a big deal, used to get those OTC in the drugstore in HK, happy here to see them offered by aas vendors

Nothing attracts heat to an AAS source like rec drugs do. Not to mention i don't want some dude on the internet making Valium tabs next to my Anavar tabs.
very nice contact. Emails were answered quickly. am satisfied. Shipping within Europe only a few days. Can just be recommended. The first iu's novorapid i have pinned today post workout...
Looks like we finally managed to have some decent stock directly avaiable :)
Still have some #100’s left and lots of #103’s

1-9 kits €125 /kit

10-19 kits €115 /kit

20+ kits €110 /kit

Test-e 250mg/ml........................€30
Test-p 100mg/ml .......................€30
Test- c 200mg/ml ......................€30
Sustanon 250mg/ml .................€30
Tren-e 200mg/ml .......................€35
Tren-a 100mg/ml .......................€30
Parabolan 76mg/ml ...................€40
Deca 250mg/ml .........................€30
NPP 100mg/ml ..........................€30
Boldenone 250mg/ml ................€30
Mast-e 200mg/ml .......................€35
Mast-p 100mg/ml .......................€30
DHB 75mg/ml ............................€30
Primo 100mg/ml .........................€40
Ripped mix 150mg/ml ................€40

T4 200mcg ..................................€30
Winstrol 10mg ............................€30
Anavar 10mg ...............................€35
Dianabol 10mg ............................€30
Oxymethelone 25mg ..................€35
Turinabol 10mg ...........................€30
Proviron 25mg ...........................€35
Arimidex 1mg ..............................€30
Aromasin 10mg ............................€35
Letrozole 2,5mg............................€3
Methyl-tren (50tabs) 1mg .........€30
Halotestin 5mg ............................€50
Viagra 50mg ................................€30
Cialis 20mg ..................................€30
Dapoxetine 20mg ........................€35
Noopept 30x20mg ......................€30
MK677 30x10mg .........................€25
Modafinil 30x100mg ...................€45
Black Burner 60x625mg ..............€30

T3 100x25mcg............................€30
T4 30x200mcg ...........................€12
Clomid 24x50mg.........................€20
Nolvadex 30x20mg.....................€30
Cabergoline 20x1mg...................€45
Roaccutane 30x20mg ................€30
Aldactone 20x100mg .................€30
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu ...............€140
Raloxifene 28x60mg ..................€40

IGF-1 LR3 1mg ........................€140
GHRP-6 5mg ...........................€20
GHRP-2 5mg ...........................€20
CJC-1295 NO DAC 2mg .........€25
HGH Fragment 5mg ...............€25
TB-500 5mg ............................€25
Melanotan II 10mg..................€20
HCG/ pregnyl 5000iu.............€20
BPC-157 5mg (unlabeled) .....€20

Winny inject SP 10ml 50mg/ml ...€30
Bacteriostatic water (10ml)..........€7
Kamagra Jelly 7x100mg ..............€12
Clenbuterol 100x40mcg...............€30
Sibutramine 30x25mg .................€30
Currently out of stock:

- Mactropin DHB (restocked in 4weeks)
- Cabaser pfizer (restocked in 2 weeks)