New batch meditrope mauves #95 avaiable. We start shipping this batch next week.

labtest result for mauves batch #95
IU Amount: 15.78iu
Purity: 94.85%
Dimer: 0.116%

Vial was sent anonymously and top + batchnumber removed (blind sample). (Janoshik Analytical)
sent by whom?
you or customer?
The #95 and meditrope branding was still visible through the marker, but frankly, I guessed it to be a black top, rather than mauve, based on the dosage.

Apologies, didn't try to take a peek on it, but when I rotated the vial the reflected light made it visible on sight.
New batch meditrope mauves #95 avaiable. We start shipping this batch next week.

labtest result for mauves batch #95
IU Amount: 15.78iu
Purity: 94.85%
Dimer: 0.116%

Vial was sent anonymously and top + batchnumber removed (blind sample). (Janoshik Analytical)
Sent by whom lol you? It's ridicolous if it's sent by you. Do you offer refund for real anonymous HGH testing?

So now mauve is 15+ UI? Lol
New batch meditrope mauves #95 avaiable. We start shipping this batch next week.

labtest result for mauves batch #95
IU Amount: 15.78iu
Purity: 94.85%
Dimer: 0.116%

Vial was sent anonymously and top + batchnumber removed (blind sample). (Janoshik Analytical)

I have sait it before and im saying it again: WHY YOU AS A SOURCE DON'T TEST YOUR OWN PRODUCT?
I have sait it before and im saying it again: WHY YOU AS A SOURCE DON'T TEST YOUR OWN PRODUCT?
Where do you read that its not "Meditrope" who sent the vial?

I just read it as its send anonymous to prevent any scam...

But i have no idea. Its just how i read it :)
Guys, every source in here do labtest on their own products? Why dont you just buy some and send some in also to make sure its legit? I mean, how would you otherwise suggest him to make sure what he is selling is good? Please say?
Guys, every source in here do labtest on their own products? Why dont you just buy some and send some in also to make sure its legit? I mean, how would you otherwise suggest him to make sure what he is selling is good? Please say?
pay for testing as other sources do.
Guys, every source in here do labtest on their own products? Why dont you just buy some and send some in also to make sure its legit? I mean, how would you otherwise suggest him to make sure what he is selling is good? Please say?

I will ask you this: why i would buy something from a drug dealer who obviously doesn't even trust his own stuff because he will not test it and share the results? After all almost everybody is asking about test results/purity etc.
I will ask you this: why i would buy something from a drug dealer who obviously doesn't even trust his own stuff because he will not test it and share the results? After all almost everybody is asking about test results/purity etc.

Actually they share the results and meditrope is most tested brand of hgh worldwide? I like when they test their stuff but i can also understand its ALWAYS been good so the need for testing is a little bit less.
Actually they share the results and meditrope is most tested brand of hgh worldwide? I like when they test their stuff but i can also understand its ALWAYS been good so the need for testing is a little bit less.

you know what, i really liked meditrope/mauvetops in the past.
And, looking at this result only, i would order and try it again.
But what boggles me is the huge variance in those batches.
The mauvetops should be around 12iu.
they hover between 11,5 and i think 16,x was the highest.
Also, the huge variance in purity. We have now almost 5% better purity than one of the latest batches.
Where does this inconsistency come from?
Actually they share the results and meditrope is most tested brand of hgh worldwide? I like when they test their stuff but i can also understand its ALWAYS been good so the need for testing is a little bit less.
Dafuq you talking about, it's is good until the last batch tested. The need to continue testing is paramount to the safety and assurance of quality of the customers. Especially with all the variations in purity and quantity that we have seen
Please share even ONE test done by Meditrope?

Go search for it. Its ACTUALLY ONE page back.
And there are labtests for all the batches, atleast from batch 40 or something when i started using them. I use meditrope because they ar honest about their batches, you buy any other batch from a different brand: there are no batchnumbers attached to the vial. My guess is that other hgh brands have multiple batches on the same batchnumber
Go search for it. Its ACTUALLY ONE page back.
And there are labtests for all the batches, atleast from batch 40 or something when i started using them. I use meditrope because they ar honest about their batches, you buy any other batch from a different brand: there are no batchnumbers attached to the vial. My guess is that other hgh brands have multiple batches on the same batchnumber
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and you're embarassing yourself every time you post.

1. The test you're referring to from one page back was NOT done by Meditrope.

2. There are NOT labtests for all the recent batches. If i'm wrong, post proof. If not, stop talking out of your ass, you source nut-hugging little bitch.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and you're embarassing yourself every time you post.

1. The test you're referring to from one page back was NOT done by Meditrope.

2. There are NOT labtests for all the recent batches. If i'm wrong, post proof. If not, stop talking out of your ass, you source nut-hugging little bitch.
He has always done that, just ignore him. There is always a pair of source blowjobber here and there. Just disregard them.
sent by whom?
you or customer?

Hello Manu,
We sent the vial for testing with a random email address.
Actually in this case is doesn’t matter (for the results) who send it because for us its like a blind sample too. We just pick a random vial and send it. And actually even for TP its a blind test to test the manufacturer.

And now to shed some light on the purity:

Factory results Meditrope mauves #92:
14.07IU and purity 98.2%

Jano results Meditrope mauves #92:
14.34IU and purity 90.7%


Factory results Meditrope mauves #95
15.37IU and purity 98%

Jano results Meditrope mauves #95
15.78iu and purity 94.9%

So we are not sure which extra impurities Jano measures in batch 92 VS 95. Because according factory results purity of batch 92 was a little higher compared to batch 95. While you would assume to see a (much) lower purity % on batch 92.