Yes they work amazing @Meditrope maybe my blood test was so low 21ng and 186 IGF because my GGT is 930 and all liver are high. Probably my liver dont absorb or convert any hgh
You are dieing. Finally we are not gonna have to bleed from our eyes reading your useless shit all over the forum.
That is funny. I was thinking the same thing. I guess this guy doesn't care about killing himself.
Where are the guys telling him to up his orals dosages? I mean he should be fine, right? Just push the envelope, what's the worst that can happen.
What I don't get with this source is TP sells mauves for 95 usd (80 eur) while Meditrope EU sells the same for 155 usd (130 eur). Same product for 1.7x the price? It seems like a ripoff to me as I doubt they buy it wholesale for the same price as TP's end-user price. Or did I miss something?
What I don't get with this source is TP sells mauves for 95 usd (80 eur) while Meditrope EU sells the same for 155 usd (130 eur). Same product for 1.7x the price? It seems like a ripoff to me as I doubt they buy it wholesale for the same price as TP's end-user price. Or did I miss something?
Pay for better communication? LOL- dont know, I wouldnt care if TP never emailed me a single sentence as long as my shit showed up. I wouldnt pay extra for better communication.
Pay for better communication? LOL- dont know, I wouldnt care if TP never emailed me a single sentence as long as my shit showed up. I wouldnt pay extra for better communication.
For that 60$ difference /kit one can go to an hour of therapy lol ( ILiska has good communication and his Opti is the same price, made in a GMP facility.
Honestly, hadn't I see TP's prices I'd order from meditrope eu. I just don't see it justified to pay 60-70% markup for nothing. I wish meditrope pricing would be -20% off.
Hello guys,
We have some mauves avaiable again. People who have pending orders, please contact us asap because the kits run out very fast!

1-9 kits €125/kit
10-19 kits €115/kit
20+ kits €110/kit

Shipping cost €15

Also all MACTROPIN peptides and steroids avaiable + some pharmacy stuff.
Please email us for full list of products :)
For that 60$ difference /kit one can go to an hour of therapy lol ( ILiska has good communication and his Opti is the same price, made in a GMP facility.
Honestly, hadn't I see TP's prices I'd order from meditrope eu. I just don't see it justified to pay 60-70% markup for nothing. I wish meditrope pricing would be -20% off.

TP doesnt have EU domestic anymore, its from UK which makes it an "international" order too.
You can also buy optitropin for under $100 international. This source and the opti eu source just offer us a good service to buy from within the EU without all the new tax laws hassle and customs risk. Im personally happy to pay a little extra for that service. And it is still cheap price for hgh, less than 1euro per iu
TP doesnt have EU domestic anymore, its from UK which makes it an "international" order too.
You can also buy optitropin for under $100 international. This source and the opti eu source just offer us a good service to buy from within the EU without all the new tax laws hassle and customs risk. Im personally happy to pay a little extra for that service. And it is still cheap price for hgh, less than 1euro per iu
Opti send international below 100$ a kit?
Just wanted to give my experience with communication + shipping:
After contacting them I always got a super fast reply, shipping was insanely fast ( 2 days to GER). Parcel was super discrete, good job. Will order again definitely!
I have been using @Meditrope mauve tops and my blood hgh 3 hours after 10ius shoot and fasted of course give me 22ng but low IGF of 158
We all know top quality hgh is over 20ng , so 22 is good . But why IGF is low?
Because my liver is super toxic and cant be hable to process the hgh well and dont convert well to IGF .

To make sure this batches are top level i give to a friend that im coaching and is blood test gives 41ng with batch #92

So @Meditrope is top level
I have been using @Meditrope mauve tops and my blood hgh 3 hours after 10ius shoot and fasted of course give me 22ng but low IGF of 158
We all know top quality hgh is over 20ng , so 22 is good . But why IGF is low?
Because my liver is super toxic and cant be hable to process the hgh well and dont convert well to IGF .

To make sure this batches are top level i give to a friend that im coaching and is blood test gives 41ng with batch #92

So @Meditrope is top level

Have you considered that your igf1 levels need time to crawl up.
Would be more beneficial to test for igf1 levels after 3-4 weeks administration.
New batch meditrope mauves #95 avaiable. We start shipping this batch next week.

labtest result for mauves batch #95
IU Amount: 15.78iu
Purity: 94.85%
Dimer: 0.116%

Vial was sent anonymously and top + batchnumber removed (blind sample). (Janoshik Analytical)